From the bustling streets of Jerusalem to the raging Sea of Galilee, join Peter, Nicodemus, Mary Magdalene, and a multitude of others as they journey alongside the most famous person ever to walk the earth. Witness the most miraculous events in history as Jesus sets sail with fishermen, challenges the Pharisees, befriends the outcasts, and heals the hurting. The lives he touches will never be the same. Filmed in front of a live audience, Sight & Sound's spectacular original production has been experienced by over one million people live on stage.

Swiss girl Adelheid 'Heidi' is orphaned young. Aunt Detie brings her to grandpa Alp and his wife, who live isolated in the Alps since his murder charge. Heidi soon takes to the wild country, especially accompanying young goatherd Peter. Grandpa refuses to send her to school in the city, but aunt Detie returns and forces him to give in. She's sent to a posh lady in Frankfurt, where she'll be a companion for crippled daughter Clara after school hours.

Per her mother's last wish, an 8 year old girl sets out to reunite her father with his college best friend who was in love with him.

The master of a dorayaki pastry store hires a 76-year-old woman whose talents attract customers from all over. But she's hiding a troubling secret. Life's joys are found in the little details, and no matter what may be weighing you down, everyone loves a good pastry.

A striking political activist and refugee from Paraguay escapes to Paris and falls in love with a rich law student changing their lives forever. The beauty of their love is challenged by a fervent devotion to fighting for a cause. "Two Autumns in Paris" has won more than 130 awards and was the most awarded Venezuelan film of 2020. A historic examination of class, refugees, and political rebellion that subtly speaks in parallel to the world today. Its turbulent romance set with the background of the 'City of Love'.

Užduotis – atrasti narkotikų prekybos tinklą. Skiriami du policininkai. Martinas Rigsas – dalyvavo Vietnamo kare, buvo specialiai treniruojamas ir tapo "žudymo mašina”, gavo "Mirtino ginklo” vardą. Linkęs maksimaliai rizikuoti, neturi mirties baimės.Rodžeris Marto – penkiasdešimtmetis žmogžudysčių skyriaus detektyvas su solidžia reputacija ir nepriekaištinga karjera, iki pensijos jam liko keleri metai. Kitoje barikadų pusėje - nusikalstamame pasaulyje pasižymėję samdomi žudikai, prižiūrintys narkotikų verslą.

Atsitiktinė pažintis Manhatane įtraukia daug žadantį rašytoją Brajaną į aistringą meilės romaną su žavia prancūze. Ar tai sėkmė? Ji ištekėjusi ir su mylimuoju gali susitikinėti tik tarp penktos ir septintos valandų. Brajanui neužtenka vos 2 val. susitikimų per dieną su savo svajonių moterimi. Jam tenka išmokti sunkių pamokų apie gyvenimą ir meilę.

Džono Brenano šeimyninį gyvenimą galima pavadinti idealiu: namuose jo kas vakarą laukia mylinti ir mylima moteris Lara ir jų mažoji atžala Lukas. Tačiau vieną dieną idilišką šeimos gyvenimą nutraukia į duris pasibeldusi policija: teisėsaugos pareigūnai apkaltina Larą žmogžudyste ir suima. Visa šeima ištikta šoko, o Lara tegali išspausti, jog ji nekalta.Prasideda Laros teismo procesas. Tris metus Džonas stengiasi palaikyti žmonos dvasią, vienas auginti sūnų ir toliau lyg niekur nieko dėstyti koledže. Visą likusį laiką Džonas pašvenčia tam, kad surinktų įrodymus, jog Lara nekalta. Deja, nė viena nauja paaiškėjusi detalė nepadeda: visos apeliacijos atmetamos.

"Ainbo - Amazonės dvasia" - tai "Moanos" ir "Frozen" alsuojanti dvasia. Kvapą gniaužiantis jaunos herojės ir jos dvasios vedlių nuotykis. Tai mielas ir linksmas šarvuotis "Dilas" ir kvailas peraugęs tapyras "Vaka". Visi kartu imasi gelbėti savo namus įspūdinguose Amazonės atogrąžų miškuose.

12-year-old David is accidentally knocked out in the forest near his home, but when he awakens eight years have passed. His family is overjoyed to have him back, but is just as perplexed as he is that he hasn't aged. When a NASA scientist discovers a UFO nearby, David gets the chance to unravel the mystery and recover the life he lost.

Trečiojo Reicho pulkininkas Klausas fon Štaufenbergas (jį vaidina Tomas Cruise‘as) nėra tas, kuriuo dedasi. Užsitarnavęs pagarbą ir laipsnį Hitlerio vadovaujamoje kariuomenėje, pulkininkas iš tikrųjų trokšta nuversti diktatorių, kol pastarasis nesunaikino jo mylimos Vokietijos ir visos Europos. Laikas nenumaldomai bėga, fiureris žengia į priekį, trypdamas žmogiškumo ir sąžinės apraiškas. Pulkininkas nusprendžia veikti. Kartu su nelengvai atrastų, tačiau jau ištikimais tapusių bendraminčių būreliu ir apsiginklavęs paties Hitlerio atsargoje laikoma strategija – planu, pavadintu „Valkirija“, Klausas fon Štaufenbergas imasi įgyvendinti savo tikslą – sunaikinti nacių vyriausybę iš vidaus.

Jonathan Switcher, an unemployed artist, finds a job as an assistant window dresser for a department store. When Jonathan happens upon a beautiful mannequin he previously designed, she springs to life and introduces herself as Emmy, an Egyptian under an ancient spell. Despite interference from the store's devious manager, Jonathan and his mannequin fall in love while creating eye-catching window displays to keep the struggling store in business.

One man's struggle to contain the curse he hides within... and his last-ditch attempt to free himself with the love of family. But when it looks as if he is losing his battle, and endangering all he holds most dear, the family dog, Thor, is the last hope for his family's survival... and the end to his Werewolf curse.

A young woman from a Catholic school and a young man from a nearby prison camp fall in love and run away together to escape the law, the church and their parents.

A woman tries to help her teenage daughter when she becomes the victim of online bullying.

When three high-school friends invent a time-machine, they decide to use it to go back in time and prevent other youngsters from making humiliating mistakes.

Sheena's parents are killed while on Safari. She is raised by the mystical witch woman of an African tribe. When her foster mother is framed for the murder of a political leader, Sheena and a newsman, Vic Casey, are forced to flee while pursued by the mercenaries hired by the real killer, who hopes to assume power. Sheena's ability to talk to the animals and knowledge of jungle lore give them a chance against the high tech weapons of the mercenaries.

Five former cub scouts have a reunion and go camping on the mountain they never conquered. High jinks ensue due to their childhood enemies and a group of escaped convicts who mistake them for an FBI unit.

Arthur loses his fortune for staying with Linda, right as the two were preparing to adopt a child. As their marriage suffers, Arthur plans for a way to get his money back, but first he must sober up and get a real job.

A struggling American writer and a fellow American expatriate begin a sordid affair among the chaos and discord of 1940 Paris, France on the brink of World War II.