Bridger is a young outsider who's always wanted more. He and his mother flee an abusive home, eventually finding a small town in the middle of nowhere. Once there, Bridger finds true acceptance with another misfit.

In this captivating Depression-era melodrama, impetuous veterinary student Jacob Jankowski joins a celebrated circus as an animal caretaker but faces a wrenching dilemma when he's transfixed by angelic married performer Marlena.

Марло је мајка троје деце која управо очекује четврто. Видевши да она једва излази на крај са свим обавезама које јој мајчинство намеће, њен брат одлучује да јој помогне и у ту сврху ангажује дадиљу која ће имати задатак да се стара о деци искључиво ноћу и на тај начин обезбеди родитељима мало мира у вечерњим часовима. Иако првобитно скептична, Марло убрзо открива предности новог аранжмана и почиње да гради блиски однос са дадиљом Тали.

A man brutally murders a married couple and leaves the word “ikari” (“rage”) written with their blood. The killer undergoes plastic surgery and flees. At three different locations in Japan, a male stranger appears. People suspect that the stranger might be the murderer.

Елиз је глумица која има све мање посла, а њен супруг и продуцент Бил захтева развод и половину њеног богатства. Бренда је помогла свом супругу Мортону да отвори врло успешан ланац продавница. С обзиром на то да је он постао познат јер се појављује у рекламама, почеле су да га занимају жене које су много млађе и мршавије од његове супруге. Ени је дозволила свом супругу Арону да је искоришћава и чини јој се да је на великом губитку јер је он одлучио да је остави. После једног крајње искреног разговора, три пријатељице одлучују да је време да се позабаве својим проблемима и смишљају начин да се освете бившим мужевима, али и да их оставе без новца који ће потрошити на најбољи могући начин...

Antoine, a history teacher in his early 50s, learns that he has become very hard of hearing. Unable to own up to his handicap, he resigns himself to living in his bubble, even though his entourage finds his behavior increasingly odd. His encounter with Claire, widow and mother of a young girl who has stopped speaking, will lead him to open up to the world. 

Некада давно, постојала су три суседна краљевства, са прелепим дворцима, у којима су владали краљеви и краљице, принчеви и принцезе. Један краљ бејаше блудник и развратник, други очаран чудним животињама, а краљица опседнута жељом да добије дете. Чаробњаци и виле, неустрашива чудовишта, старе праље, акробате и куртизане, су протогонисти ове интерпретације прославјене приче Ђанбатисте Базилеа.

A depressed housewife who learns her husband was killed in a car accident the day previously, awakens the next morning to find him alive and well at home, and then awakens the day after to a world in which he is still dead.

From Paris in the 1960s to London in the first decade of the third millennium, Madeleine and her daughter Véra flit from one amorous adventure to the next, living for the moment and taking all the opportunities that life offers. But not every love affair is without its consequences, its upsets and its disappointments. As time goes by and gnaws away at one’s deepest feelings, love becomes a harder game to play.

An accidental meeting between a man being pressured to propose to his girlfriend and a runaway bride.

After learning of her husband's infidelities, a housewife invites an itinerant lesbian to move in with them. None of their lives will ever be the same again.

In a port city, the lives of a few isolated people, used to violence, are strongly influenced by the love they feel for each other. Choices, envy, love and tenderness are the driving forces that help these characters to be themselves and give meaning to their lives. A tribute to poetry, theatre and art.

Dispatched to a small Italian town to await further orders, assassin Jack embarks on a double life that may be more relaxing than is good for him.

The relationship between two mismatched people who try to move past their baggage to make their love work.

During the elimination of the Belgian/French border in the 90s, a Belgian customs officer is forced to team up with one of his French counterparts.

Fioravante decides to become a professional Don Juan as a way of making money to help his cash-strapped friend, Murray. With Murray acting as his "manager", the duo quickly finds themselves caught up in the crosscurrents of love and money.

Шефица Индустријског гиганта заврши у затвору због недозвољене унутрашње трговине. Када се коначно појави, она себе жели да прикаже као најновију америчку жену која је пријатна и љубазна, али нису сви спремни да опросте и забораве…

In a country where women are in charge, a man goes to unusual lengths to make his dream of marrying the daughter of a military leader come true.

A former french President, Nicolas, decides to persuade another one, François, to campaign together in order to return to the front stage of politics.

When Patrick Moote's girlfriend rejects his marriage proposal at a UCLA basketball game on the jumbotron, it unfortunately goes viral and hits TV networks worldwide. Days after the heartbreaking debacle, she privately reveals why she can’t be with him forever: Patrick’s small penis size. "Unhung Hero" follows the real life journey of Patrick as he boldly sets out to expose this extremely personal chapter of his life confronting ex-girlfriends, doctors, anthropologists and even adult film stars. From Witch-Doctors in Papua New Guinea to sex museums in Korea, Patrick has a lot of turf to cover on his globe trotting adventure to finally answer the age old question: Does size matter?