Jauns vīrietis bez ilūzijām cīnās pret savu bezmiegu, kas, iespējams, ir viņa garlaicības un pelēkās ikdienas dzīves sekas. Lidojumā ar lidmašīnu viņš tiekas ar Taileru Durdenu, harizmātisku ziepju pārdevēju, kuram ir ļoti īpaša filozofija: perfekcionisms ir vāju cilvēku darbs; tā vietā sevis iznīcināšana ir vienīgā lieta, kas padara dzīvi patiešām dzīvošanas vērtu. Abi nolemj izveidot slepenu cīņas klubu, kur varētu atbrīvoties no neapmierinātības un dusmām, kas būs pārliecinoši panākumi.

When disillusioned Swedish knight Antonius Block returns home from the Crusades to find his country in the grips of the Black Death, he challenges Death to a chess match for his life. Tormented by the belief that God does not exist, Block sets off on a journey, meeting up with traveling players Jof and his wife, Mia, and becoming determined to evade Death long enough to commit one redemptive act while he still lives.

Viesnīca "Diženā Budapešta" stāsta par Eiropā slavenās viesnīcas leģendārā viesmīļa Gustava H un portjē Zero Mustafa piedzīvojumiem.

A dying man in his forties recalls his childhood, his mother, the war and personal moments that tell of and juxtapose pivotal moments in Soviet history with daily life.

The story of an impossible love between a woman named Fred and a transgender woman named Laurence who reveals her inner desire to become her true self.

Benam Tomasam bija perfekta dzīve. Līdz kādu dienu viņš izraisīja negadījumu, kurā mira septiņi cilvēki. Nu viņš ir krustcelēs, meklējot veidus, kā atlīdzināt savu pāridarījumu. Viņš atklāj, ka viņam ir spējas mainīt notikumus septiņiem cilvēkiem, kam nepieciešams dot otru iespēju. Tomēr, kad viens no šiem cilvēkiem iesēžas viņa sirdī, viņam jāizvēlas vai viņš vēlas atklāt savu noslēpumu - pat ja tas nozīmē atteikties no sava plāna.

Bugs is in drag as the Valkyrie Brunhilde, who is pursued by Elmer playing the demigod Siegfried.

Two men answer the call of the ocean in this romantic fantasy-adventure. Jacques and Enzo are a pair of friends who have been close since childhood, and who share a passion for the dangerous sport of free diving. Professional diver Jacques opted to follow in the footsteps of his father, who died at sea when Jacques was a boy; to the bewilderment of scientists, Jacques harbors a remarkable ability to adjust his heart rate and breathing pattern in the water, so that his vital signs more closely resemble that of dolphins than men. As Enzo persuades a reluctant Jacques to compete against him in a free diving contest -- determining who can dive deeper and longer without scuba gear -- Jacques meets Johana, a beautiful insurance investigator from America, and he finds that he must choose between his love for her and his love of the sea.

Nicolas Cage is Charlie Kaufman, a confused L.A. screenwriter overwhelmed by feelings of inadequacy, sexual frustration, self-loathing, and by the screenwriting ambitions of his freeloading twin brother Donald. While struggling to adapt "The Orchid Thief," by Susan Orlean, Kaufman's life spins from pathetic to bizarre. The lives of Kaufman, Orlean's book, become strangely intertwined as each one's search for passion collides with the others'.

In early 20th-century Montana, Col. William Ludlow lives on a ranch in the wilderness with his sons, Alfred, Tristan, and Samuel. Eventually, the unconventional but close-knit family are bound by loyalty, tested by war, and torn apart by love, as told over the course of several decades in this epic saga.

A group of five young friends face a nightmare of torment at the hands of a depraved Texas clan.

Viņš raksta visus jaukos vārdus, kurus mēs dāvājam mīļotajiem, tuviniekiem un draugiem. Viņa ir tas cilvēks, kura ik dienas priecē simtiem cilvēku. Viņš sacer parakstus uz kartiņām - reizēm smieklīgi, citkārt aizkustinoši. Kādu dienu jaunietis iemīlas savā kolēģē. Turpmāko 500 dienu laikā viņš uzzina, cik grūti ir sazināties ar savu patieso mīlestību un cik grūti ir kontrolēt notiekošu staro abiem jauniešiem.

A beautiful girl, Snow White, takes refuge in the forest in the house of seven dwarfs to hide from her stepmother, the wicked Queen. The Queen is jealous because she wants to be known as "the fairest in the land," and Snow White's beauty surpasses her own.

The film begins with a flashback from the titular character, Antoine. We are introduced to his fixation with female hairdressers which began at a young age. The film uses flashbacks throughout and there are frequent parallels drawn with the past. We are unsure what Antoine has done with his life, however, we know he has fulfilled his childhood ambition, to marry a hairdresser.

In 1964, a brash, new pro boxer, fresh from his Olympic gold medal victory, explodes onto the scene: Cassius Clay. Bold and outspoken, he cuts an entirely new image for African Americans in sport with his proud public self-confidence and his unapologetic belief that he is the greatest boxer of all time. Yet at the top of his game, both Ali's personal and professional lives face the ultimate test.

When investigative reporter Irwin "Fletch" Fletcher goes undercover to write a piece on the drug trade at a local beach, he's approached by wealthy businessman Alan Stanwyk, who offers him $50,000 to murder him. With sarcastic wit and a knack for disguises, Fletch sets out to uncover Stanwyk's story.

When a disc containing memoirs of a former CIA analyst falls into the hands of gym employees, Linda and Chad, they see a chance to make enough money for Linda to have life-changing cosmetic surgery. Predictably, events whirl out of control for the duo, and those in their orbit.

As a seasoned homicide detective, Thomas Craven has seen the bleakest side of humanity. But nothing prepares him for the toughest investigation of his life: the search for his only daughter Emma's killer. Now, he is on a personal mission to uncover the disturbing secrets surrounding her murder, including corporate corruption, government collusion and Emma's own mysterious life.

After a young, middle-class couple moves into what seems like a typical suburban house, they become increasingly disturbed by a presence that may or may not be demonic but is certainly the most active in the middle of the night.

The mega corporation Omni Consumer Products is still bent on creating their pet project, Delta City, to replace the rotting city of Detroit. Unfortunately, the inhabitants of the area have no intention of abandoning their homes simply for desires of the company. To this end, OCP have decided to force them to leave by employing a ruthless mercenary army to attack and harass them. An underground resistance begins and in this fight, RoboCop must decide where his loyalties lie.