Armed with venomous spines, invisible to its prey, a pack hunter who terrorizes other fishes - watch the stunning adventures of lionfish. Get to know the fish's prowess to dominate the oceans, to the extent that its invasion endangers local marine life!

STOP + Cop = "Stop" or "Slow down" ? Make the right choice. An interactice movie by Ken Arsyn.

A seven-year-old child narrates the struggles of her nanny, Sumyati, who must navigate prejudice and cruel treatment from the family she works for.

One morning, Lily and Ben wake up side by side in bodies that are not theirs. And Magalie, a little girl in the body of a tall, bearded, awaits them in the guest room. This is the beginning of an incredible adventure, sometimes initiatory, where the bodies and identities will be reversed at the option of a simple hug.

A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.

Paolo and Mia, an introverted clerk and a unconventional pregnant woman, go on a journey looking for the father of Mia’s unborn daughter.

Naples, 18th century. Salvatore "Totò" Sapore, an unemployed minstrel, always manages to cheer up the hungry with his songs about good food, always upsetting Vesuvia, a magma witch who lives inside the Vesuvius.

Mickey seeks shelter from a storm in a house that turns out to be haunted. The skeletons command him to play the organ; they dance and play along.

Celebrities re-create an original episode each from "All in the Family" and "The Jeffersons."

As always, Sickan has come up with a new plan. This time he wants to rob the IKEA furniture store. During their nightly break-in Sickan discovers that the store is used as a secret smuggling central for sending American computers to the Soviet Union. The computers are picked up by Soviet submarines sneaking into the Swedish archipelago. Naturally, it is their arch enemy Wall-Enberg who is behind all of this.

A Kevin Shoop short movie based on the musical album, "Metropolis pt. 2, Scenes From A Memory" by Dream Theater.

When aspiring knight Gareth goes in search of a fallen comet rumored to contain gold, he is shocked to instead find the dragon Drago. After Drago saves Gareth's life the two become intricately bonded, and must work together to defeat an evil sorcerer and stop his reign of terror. Along the way, Gareth learns the true meaning of being a knight in this fantasy action-adventure for the ages.

A popular and beautiful politician plans to expose the evil-doings of a multinational corporation. Hoping to silence her, the corporation's top executives decide to hire the most incompetent detective they can find to act as her bodyguard.

Dramatized documentary about the days of Norwegian pirates starting around the year 1807 when Norway went into extreme poverty.

Marvin Montrose je bolestan 24-godišnji čovjek koji boluje od težeg oblika astme. Ne napušta stan živeći pod svojevrsnim plastičnim štitom. Saznaje da su se u njegovoj zgradi pojavila mutirajuća Judas Breed čudovišta koja ponovno počinju širiti strah. Riječ je o čudovišnim insektima koji se hrane ljudima i koji su već jednom poharali New York. Marvin se još više povlači u svoj svijet iz kojeg je jedini prozor u stvarni svijet zaista prozor na njegovoj spavaćoj sobi. No kako se čudovišta približavaju Marvin je prisiljen napustiti svoje "stakleno zvono". Uz pomoć sestre Risy i najboljeg prijatelja Carmen morat će uništiti čudovišta kako bi se spasili.

Akiko is the heiress of a lumber business family that spans many generations. She married Hiroshi, a company man, and was leading a plain and happy life. But dark clouds overcast Akiko’s happy life when Hiroshi starts an affair with Michiyo, an underclassman from the school Akiko attended. Then Shinji, who used to work in the family lumber business, enters her life the turmoil of men-women relationships becomes tempestuous.