After 8-year-old So-won narrowly survives a brutal sexual assault, her family labors to help her heal while coping with their own rage and grief.

An anime-obsessed young man fantasizes about his favorite voluptuous heroines, but his sex-addled dream quickly transforms into a nightmare which threatens to consume him.

High school girl Madoka may look pretty and cute, but there is another side to her. She can exact revenge, land a good punch or a kick and not care about limits. She opts to inflict pain, coerce and blackmail a virgin when she is sensually touched on the train. She begins making his life hell.

Dinamarca, 1766. Caroline Mathilde é casada com Christian VII, um rei louco e incapaz. Caroline, que o grosseiro rei ignora optando por uma vida escandalosa, habitua-se a uma vida tranquila numa Copenhaga repressiva. Quando o rei regressa de uma viagem pela Europa acompanhado de Struensee, o seu novo médico, a rainha Caroline descobre um inesperado aliado no seu reino. A atracção entre os dois desenvolve-se, inicialmente, por causa dos ideais que ambos partilham, mas transforma-se rapidamente num romance clandestino e apaixonado. Comprometido com os ideais iluministas proibidos na Dinamarca, Struensee convence o rei a dar uso ao seu poder até aí inexplorado para destituir a conservadora assembleia política e levar a cabo mudanças drásticas na sociedade dinamarquesa. Enquanto as cortes planeiam o regresso ao poder e a queda da rainha e de Struensee, são reveladas as consequências deste romance e a nação mudará para sempre.

Num futuro próximo, o Japão está à beira de um colapso económico. Milhões de pessoas encontram-se desempregadas, e não existe qualquer disciplina nas escolas. Como resposta à crise, o governo institui o programa Battle Royale para tentar controlar a crescente vaga de crimes juvenis. Depois de selecionada aleatoriamente uma turma de quarenta rapazes e raparigas com 15 anos, estes são raptados e enviados para uma ilha no meio do nada. Os estudantes são então obrigados a participar num jogo mortal sem regras, onde lhes é dada apenas uma arma, água e três dias para lutarem até à morte, até que um único sobrevivente saia vencedor. E se mais do que um estiver vivo depois do tempo limite, todos os concorrentes serão mortos.

Carlos, um garoto de 12 anos, perde seu pai e é deixado no orfanato Santa Luzia, em plena Guerra Civil Espanhola. Lá, aprende a conviver com adultos agressivos e crianças perturbadas pela atmosfera do lugar. O espírito de um ex-aluno clama por vingança e instiga Carlos a descobrir seu assassino.

A teenage girl tries to continue her normal social and school life, after her grandfather forces her into an arranged marriage with a man in his twenties.

Yoshika has had a crush on Ichimiya, whom she calls "the One" since she was in middle school. Now, a 24-year-old salarywoman, her all-consuming fixation has prevented her from even considering another candidate for boyfriend until an office colleague asks her out.

Inspired by a true story of a family who believed they were possessed by spirits, this film follows a woman who must protect her child from a curse. WARNING: This is a cursed video, it might contain certain risks to watch. For those who dares to follow, please solve the puzzle of my daughter's curse with me.

A woman in the midst of an unpleasant divorce moves to an eerie apartment building with her young daughter. The ceiling of their apartment has a dark and active leak.

Mi-ja, who has been taking care of a retired teacher, Ms. Park, invites several of her former students to her house 16 years after their graduation. Since the end of her teaching career, Park has been residing in the countryside, suffering from an illness while an ex-student, the kind and pretty Mi-ja cares for her.

Seo-jin is a widower still grieving his wife's death. Then he receives the news that his long-lost younger sister, Yoo-jin, who went missing 25 years ago, has turned up. Unlike the rest of his family, who welcome her into their arms, Seo-jin feels that Yoo-jin is a stranger.

After being appointed as the vice-principal of her alma mater, Eun-hee becomes plagued by hallucinations. Branded a troublemaker by the teachers, Ha-young hears strange sounds coming from the school's dilapidated restroom.

Evan (Lou Taylor Pucci) é um jovem americano que fugiu para a Europa para escapar ao seu passado. Enquanto caminha ao longo da costa italiana, tudo muda durante uma paragem numa vila italiana idílica, onde ele se encontra e imediatamente liga-se à encantadora e misteriosa Louise (Nadia Hilker). Um romance começa a florescer entre os dois – no entanto Evan percebe que Louise guarda um segredo monstruoso e primordial que coloca tanto o seu relacionamento como as suas vidas em perigo.

Two best friends embark on a life-changing adventure abroad as exchange students.

When each member of Pink Dolls falls into a horrible accident, Eun-ju realizes that their hit song "White" is cursed and attempts to reveal the secret.

When two trouble-making brothers scam their way into an idyllic summer camp, they find themselves leading a rag tag cabin of boys into breaking every rule in the book.

Passengers on a murder mystery train that crashes into a river must decide whether to risk waiting for help in the wreckage or take their chances in the murky depths below.

A shipment of a narcotic more dangerous than opium is about to be distributed across the country by a corrupt pharmaceutical company. In the face of foreign and domestic enemies, can Wong Fei-Hung stop the spread of this dangerous narcotic and save lives in time?

Bullied by his siblings and nagged by his parents, 11-year-old Preston is fed up with his family -- especially their frugality. But he gets his chance to teach them a lesson when a money-laundering criminal nearly bulldozes Preston with his car and gives the boy a blank check as compensation. Preston makes the check out for $1 million and goes on a spending spree he'll never forget. Maybe now, his family will take him seriously!