Dva agenta FBI-a koji istražuju ubojstvo aktivista za građanska prava tijekom 60-ih nastoje prekršiti zavjeru šutnje u malom južnjačkom gradu gdje segregacija dijeli crne i bijele. Mlađi agent obučen u FBI-evoj školi nailazi na običaje malog grada svog partnera, bivšeg šerifa.

Follows the journey of a 90-year-old atheist and the quirky characters that inhabit his off-the-map desert town. He finds himself at the precipice of life, thrust into a journey of self-exploration.

In the horror of 1944 Auschwitz, a prisoner forced to burn the corpses of his own people finds moral survival trying to save from the flames the body of a boy he takes for his son, seeking to give him a proper jewish burial.

Without warning a father comes to visit his daughter abroad. He believes that she lost her humor and therefore surprises her with a rampage of jokes.

Every night, in danger of being beheaded, Scheherazade tells King Shahryar unfinished tales to continue them the following night, hence defying his promise of murdering his new wives after their wedding night. Scheherazade tells king Shahryar her stories but these are not those in the book. These are stories based on whatever will be happening in Portugal during the production time of the film. As in the book, these stories will be tragic and comical, with rich and poor, powerless and powerful people, filled with surprising and extraordinary events. This film will be about the reality of a disgraced country, Portugal, under the effects of a global economic crisis.

Somewhere in the Balkans, 1995. A team of aid workers must solve an apparently simple problem in an almost completely pacified territory that has been devastated by a cruel war, but some of the local inhabitants, the retreating combatants, the UN forces, many cows and an absurd bureaucracy will not cease to put obstacles in their way.

As a renowned producer and close associate of Dan Rather, Mary Mapes believes she’s broken the biggest story of the 2004 election: revelations of a sitting U.S. President’s military service. But when allegations come pouring in, sources change their stories, document authenticity is questioned, and the casualties begin to mount.

When three women living on the edge of the American frontier are driven mad by harsh pioneer life, the task of saving them falls to the pious, independent-minded Mary Bee Cuddy. Transporting the women by covered wagon to Iowa, she soon realizes just how daunting the journey will be, and employs a low-life drifter, George Briggs, to join her. The unlikely pair and the three women head east, where a waiting minister and his wife have offered to take the women in. But the group first must traverse the harsh Nebraska Territories marked by stark beauty, psychological peril and constant threat.

Nakon ubojstva svojega gazde pas Hooch odlazi sa inspektorom Scottom (Tom Hanks), u nadi rasvjetljenja slučaja i otkrivanja ubojice. Na njihovome putu pronalaska ubojice Scott i Hooch nailaze na mnoge međusobne probleme i nesuglasice.

A journalist and his girlfriend get pulled in while they investigate a cult whose leader claims to be from the future.

Poor Benjamin gets stuck in a time-loop while on detention with his high-school crush.

Persona Non Grata in his homeland, protest singer Klaus Drittemann must leave East Berlin, his wife and child and emigrate to West Berlin, where the representatives of an American record company are eagerly waiting for him. They plan to exploit his defection from communism both ideologically and financially. But Klaus, as ill-at-ease in the West as he was in the East, is reluctant to be used as an expendable commodity. Leaving his contract unsigned (or signed in his manner), he leaves for Cambridge to meet his father, a concert player, who -just like him - left East Berlin thirty years ago as Klaus was a little boy. He is accompanied by a young French journalist, Emma, who knows where his father has been living since he disappeared for more than a decade. The young lady is cooperative but might hide things from him...

"Ponoć u travi " je kriminalistički triler zasnovan na istinitoj priči o kamiondžiji, brutalnom, serijskom ubojici, koji je harao po Teksasu 70-ih i 90-ih godina prošlog stoljeća, ali je radnja filma premještena na Floridu. FBI agenti Rebeka (Megan Foks) i Karl (Brus Vilis) tamo rade na razbijanju lanca trgovine ljudima prostitucijom, koja se dešava na graničnom autoputu. Sreću policajca Bajrona (Emil Herš) koji pokušava da riješi misteriju skorašnjih sedam ubojstava žena. Rebeka i Bajron kreću u lov na serijskog ubojicu, međutim Rebeka postaje plijen...

A shy caretaker believes that the father of her teenage charge is falling in love with her, unaware that she is actually the victim of the girl's prank.

Oštra i napeta vestern-drama Ubojita Jane prati hrabru Jane Hammond (Natalie Portman) dok traži pravdu za smrt svog supruga Billa (Noah Emmerich), ubijenog od strane nemilosrdne bande Bishopa (Ewan McGregor). U očajničkom pokušaju da zaštiti ono što je ostalo od njezine obitelji, Jane se obraća za pomoć svom bivšem zaručniku Danu Fosteru (Joel Edgerton), čime ponovno rasplamsava stari plamen i otvara vrata prošlosti koja ih oboje proganja.

Film je rađen po knjizi Stephena Kinga. Tess Thorne, poznata i cijenjena spisateljica krimića, vozi kući nakon potpisivanja knjiga. No za vrijeme vožnje na osamljenom potezu ceste u Novoj Engleskoj pukne joj guma. Lakne joj kad se zaustavi drugi vozač i ponudi pomoć, no Tess ubrzo otkriva da je njezin spasilac zapravo napadač, serijski ubica koji je napadne. Ostavljena kao mrtva u drenažnoj cijevi da trune s tijelima drugih žrtava, Tess bježi i sretno stigne kući. Dok se njen krhki razum počinje raspadati, odlučna je pronaći silovatelja i osvetiti se jer je osveta jedino što je drži na okupu.

A detective from Hong Kong teams up with an American gambler to battle against a notorious Chinese criminal.

Kiia and Lauri, speeding toward the hospital overnight. Kiia in pain, holding the wheel with one hand and another in his stomach - the birth has started ahead of schedule. Surprisingly, the vehicle collides with something. Kiia fright and brakes, the car swerves before coming to a stop. Lauri rises to the car to check the situation and says he did not see anything. Kiia give birth to a healthy child in the hospital and befriends Hannah with. Hanna's husband has been in the same region hit by a car and drove onto the driver fled from the scene.

A new girl in a quiet town, Tess tries to manage her psychosis while adjusting to her new life with her mom. After stumbling upon the shrine of Lucy, a hit and run victim, Tess finds herself overwhelmed by hallucinations of the dead girl and starts to question her sanity again. When the spirit possesses Tess’s mind and soul, mother and daughter are at a loss for where to turn next for salvation: religion or medicine? Both institutions have failed them to date but faith leads them to the house of Sarah, Lucy’s mother, who has been despondent since the accident. All together with time working against them, Sarah is desperate to believe that Lucy is still alive in Tess but neither parent wants to give up on their daughter. Now that she understands what is happening to her, ultimately Tess must decide whether she wants to keep fighting or succumb to her affliction.

A gang of women wreak vengeance upon the society that failed them.