Jules Winnfield (Samuel L. Jackson) in Vincent Vega (John Travolta) sta gangsterska morilca po naročilu, ki naj bi po ukazu mafijskega šefa Marsellusa Wallaca (Ving Rhames) prevzela ukradeno aktovko. Poleg tega je Wallace naročil Vincentu, naj nekaj dni pozneje, ko bo sam zunaj mesta, odpelje njegovo ženo Mio (Uma Thurman) na večerjo in zabavo. Butch Coolidge (Bruce Willis) je ostareli boksar, ki ga je Wallace podkupil, da bi načrtno izgubil dvoboj. Honey Bunny ter Pumpkin (Amanda Plummer in Tim Roth) sta mlad zaljubljeni par nepomembnih nepridipravov, ki skupaj ropa v lokalih. Življenja vseh čudaških likov se prepletejo v divje zabavno, nelinearno kriminalno zgodbo o naključjih in pomenljivih podrobnostih.

Najnovejši film kultnega Christopherja Nolana z Matthewom McConaugheyjem v vlogi vodje skupine Nasinih raziskovalcev, ki se podajo na najpomembnejšo odpravo v zgodovini človeštva. V času, ko se zaradi onesnaženja in prevladujočih peščenih viharjev, ki uničujejo floro in favno, naš čas na Zemlji bliža koncu, se skupina Nasinih raziskovalcev poda na najpomembnejšo odpravo v zgodovini človeštva: v največji tajnosti potujejo onkraj meja dojemljivega, da bi z raziskovanjem neznanih planetov dognali, ali ima človeštvo prihodnost kje onkraj našega ozvezdja.

Nemo, avanturističnega mladega klovna, je nepričakovano odpeljal iz svojega doma v Veliki Barrier Reef v akvarij zobozdravniške ordinacije. Od zaskrbljenega očeta Marlina in prijazne, a pozabljive ribe Dory bo odpeljal Nemo doma - srečanje z vegetarijanskimi morskimi psi, surferskimi dutnjami, hipnotičnimi meduzami, lačnimi galebi in drugo.

Chris and his girlfriend Rose go upstate to visit her parents for the weekend. At first, Chris reads the family's overly accommodating behavior as nervous attempts to deal with their daughter's interracial relationship, but as the weekend progresses, a series of increasingly disturbing discoveries lead him to a truth that he never could have imagined.

San Francisco Bay, January 18, 1960. Frank Lee Morris is transferred to Alcatraz, a maximum security prison located on a rocky island. Although no one has ever managed to escape from there, Frank and other inmates begin to carefully prepare an escape plan.

Two lost souls visiting Tokyo -- the young, neglected wife of a photographer and a washed-up movie star shooting a TV commercial -- find an odd solace and pensive freedom to be real in each other's company, away from their lives in America.

When vengeful General Francis X. Hummel seizes control of Alcatraz Island and threatens to launch missiles loaded with deadly chemical weapons into San Francisco, only a young FBI chemical weapons expert and notorious Federal prisoner have the skills to penetrate the impregnable island fortress and take him down.

Matthew, ambiciozni mladenič iz srednje šole, ki si v prihodnosti želi biti politik, se zaljubi v dekle svojih sanj: lepo sosedovo sosedo. Oba začneta idilično romanco, a presenetljivo odkritje preizkuša njun odnos: ona je znana porno igralka.

Arriving from all over the Eastern Bloc, the men who loiter around the Gare du Nord train station in Paris are scraping by however they can, forming gangs for support and protection, ever fearful of being caught by the police and deported. When the middle-aged, bourgeois Daniel approaches a boyishly handsome Ukrainian who calls himself Marek for a date, he learns the young man is willing to do anything for some cash.

A businesswoman finds herself locked with a unhinged security guard in a parking garage after getting stuck working late on Christmas Eve.

When their car breaks down, a couple on the run headed southbound for a fresh start in the Sunshine State break into a nearby house looking for a new set of wheels. What they find instead is a dark secret, and a sweet-as-pie pair of homeowners who will do anything to keep it from getting out.

Lucie, Ben and William search an old woman's home for a hidden treasure and they encounter a series of supernatural events that change them forever.

A college campus is plagued by a vicious serial killer murdering students in ways that correspond to various urban legends.

After Marnie Watson kills her abusive husband in self-defense, she is condemned to house arrest... only to discover that the house is possessed by the enraged and violent spirit of her dead husband.

A local guide is asked to lead a group of influencers along the river of a remote valley. As they get deeper into the wilderness, their venture takes a frightening turn.

Several people start receiving voice-mails from their future selves -- messages which include the date, time, and some of the details of their deaths.

Three friends pledge a fraternity that's deadly serious about its secret rituals, turning their rush into a race for survival.

After a night of wild partying and missing their train, the group of students is invited to board another which happens to be heading their way. Once on board, members of the team begin to go missing, and their would-be saviors claim to have no idea what could have happened to them... When they discover the truth, it is too late to escape and they must fight for their lives against their captors to put an end to their ride to hell.

Based on the true story of double killings occurring in Rochester, NY during the 80’s and the troubled police officer determined to solve them, with or without the help of her department

In the sleepy suburbs of Miami, seemingly normal Egyptian immigrant Fuad Ramses runs a successful catering business. He also murders young women and plans to use their body parts to revive the goddess Ishtar. The insane Ramses hypnotizes a socialite in order to land a job catering a party for her debutante daughter, Suzette Fremont, and turns the event into an evening of gruesome deaths, bloody dismemberment and ritual sacrifice.