"Jennifer Lopez: All I Have" was the first concert residency by American entertainer Jennifer Lopez. Performed at Zappos Theater (formerly The AXIS Theater) located in the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, the residency began on January 20, 2016 and concluded on September 29, 2018. The show has received critical acclaim for its production and Lopez's showmanship. The residency grossed $101.9 million after 120 shows, making it the sixth highest-grossing Las Vegas residency of all time, and the top residency by a Latin artist.

A hitman is tasked to take out ex-mobsters when he suddenly hears a voice that questions his morality.

Philip Glass’ opera “Akhnaten”, premiered in Stuttgart in 1984, forms the third part of the portrait opera trilogy about personalities who have influenced the course of human history. The conclusion of the trilogy deals with the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten, who attempted to establish a kind of monotheistic cult around the god Aton during his reign in the 14th century BC, but failed due to the resistance of the priesthood. The production presented here was undoubtedly one of the very great successes of the 2019/20 season at New York’s Metropolitan Opera, due not only to the outstanding cast of singers (led by countertenor Anthony Roth Costanzo) but also to Phelim McDermott’s imaginative staging, which captivates with sometimes breathtaking imagery.

A family's palatial lifestyle and estate are stolen from them in an attempt to frame them for a crime they did not commit.

A young girl is striving for stardom. In order to get a lead role in a new production, she agrees to stand-in for a famous star whose rich patron died in her arms one night. The real-life drama gradually comes to mirror the story of the play being performed by her.

Two unsuspecting thieves break into the wrong house and must face a sinister home owner.

Valdis Nulle is a young and ambitious captain of fishing ship 'Dzintars'. He has his views on fishing methods but the sea makes its own rules. Kolkhoz authorities are forced to include dubious characters in his crew, for example, former captain Bauze and silent alcoholic Juhans. The young captain lacks experience in working with so many fishermen on board. Unexpectedly, pretty engineer Sabīne is ordered to test a new construction fishing net on Nulle's ship and 'production conflict' between her and the captain arises...

Slipknot at Cidade do Rock, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on September 25, 2011. Setlist: (sic) / Eyeless / Wait and Bleed / The Blister Exists / Liberate / Before I Forget / Pulse of the Maggots / Disasterpiece / Psychosocial / The Heretic Anthem / Duality / Spit It Out / People = Shit / Surfacing

Tension mounts between a quadraplegic man and his wife as she prepares a bath for him.

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

Hlavní postava dramatického příběhu se jmenuje Crystal Wyatt a když jí bylo šestnáct let, přišla nejprve o milovaného otce a potom vlastně o celou rodinu, když ji matka vyhnala z rodného domu. Od té chvíle už její život nikdy nebyl stejný jako dříve. Odešla z domova bez peněz, a tak svůj nový život začala doslova s prázdnou kapsou. V San Franciscu začala pracovat jako zpěvačka v nočním klubu, a po čase se tam setkala se svou velkou dětskou láskou, atraktivním mladým mužem Spencerem Hillem. Ten je však bohužel "zadaný". Vyznají si vzájemně lásku, ale uvědomují si, že jejich cesty se rozcházejí a oni po nich nemohou jít společně. Po letech tvrdé práce a vytrvalosti se Crystal podařilo zúročit svůj neuvěřitelný talent a získat slávu i velké jmění. Jenže láska miliónů fanoušků, kteří ji zbožňují, nikdy nemůže nahradit lásku Spencera Hilla, po které Crystal tak zoufale touží.

Star is a young graffiti writer, the best in his city, Paris. His reputation attracts him as much into art galleries than in the police precincts. Accused of vandalism, he faces jail. Despite the threat, he decides to go to Rome with his crew in search of the meaning of his art.

Jeden ze známých principů říká: „Myšlenka nemožnosti pohromy často vede právě ke katastrofě." Jeho platnost se potvrdí v případě experimentů s novým typem udržitelné energie, které se vymknou kontrole a v podobě nepřirozeně silné bouře začnou ohrožovat nejen pobřeží Spojených států, ale i celou Severní Ameriku. Tuto oblast sužuje série hurikánů a kdo se před nimi neukryje do bezpečí, ten to má spočítané. Středoškolský učitel přírodních věd Nathan Sims (Casper Van Dien) se ocitne přímo v centru událostí. Musí dostat svou ženu a syna do bezpečí dříve, než se hurikány spojí a vytvoří tzv. „hyperkán", bouři dost silnou na to, aby z mapy vymazala celé Spojené státy.

The styles are varied in this wonderful show, but the quality always high, with renditions of familiar classics along with a few original songs, with some numbers that are truly thrilling, among them the opening song, a bluegrass flavored "It's a Time for Joy" with Karen Peck and New River, the Gaither Vocal Band with David Phelps doing an exquisite tenor solo on "The Christmas Song" (and Mark Lowry doing Johnny Mathis !), "Children Go Where I Send Thee" with The Bishops giving us harmonies from heaven, the country rockin' sound of "Go Tell" with The Martins, and best of all, "Mary, Did You Know ?" (music and lyrics by Mark Lowry and Buddy Green), sung by the Gaither Vocal Band featuring an emotionally stirring solo by Mark Lowry. The words, melody, and interpretation of this song fills my eyes with tears when I hear it...the disc is worth it for this number alone. -Alejandra Vernon

Cromwell is a town whose history is intertwined with that of a local legend; The Pumpkin Man. Most people don't believe the tales, but when Catherine Quinn discovers the missing piece of the legend, she and her friends will come face to face with the Demon of Fall... Kürbis.

When Marty's car is stolen, he sets out on a mission to find it; however, he soon realizes that the person who stole it is much more dangerous than he thinks.