Tulevik, valitsused ja majandus kogu maailmas on kokku varisenud, toitu napib, NASAt ei ole enam - süüdistada saab vaid 20. sajandit. Salapärane rebend aegruumis avaneb ning NASA - või mis iganes sellest järele on jäänud - ülesandeks saab uurida ja pakkuda inimkonnale uut lootust.

Tony Lip, a bouncer in 1962, is hired to drive pianist Don Shirley on a tour through the Deep South in the days when African Americans, forced to find alternate accommodations and services due to segregation laws below the Mason-Dixon Line, relied on a guide called The Negro Motorist Green Book.

Ühiskonnast kõrvale heidetud Arthur Fleck luusib mööda Gothami tänavaid, et tunda inimeste lähedust. Päeval klounina raha teenides, lootes nii olla osake ühiskonnast, võõrdub mees ühiskonnast veelgi. Hüljatu ja kiusatuna, hakkab Arthuri sees kasvama viha. Algab aeglane muutus, mille käigus saab heidikust geniaalne kurikael, keda inimesed saavad tundma Jokkerina.

Kui kaugele olete valmis minema, et oma last kaitsta? Keller Dover (Hugh Jackman) on silmitsi iga lapsevanema jubedaima õudusunenäoga. Ta 6-aastane tütar Anna ja tütre sõbranna Joy on kadunud ning kui minutitest saavad tunnid, võtab võimust paanika. Ainus juhtlõng on lagunenud vagunelamu, mis varem nende tänaval seisis. Uurija Loki (Jake Gyllenhaal) vahistab vagunelamu juhi Alex Jonesi (Paul Dano), aga asitõendite puudumisel tuleb ainus kahtlusalune vabaks lasta. Dover teab, et ta lapse elu on kaalul, ja otsustab, et peab ise tegutsema. Meeleheitel isa on kõigeks valmis, et tüdrukuid leida, aga selle käigus on tal oht teelt eksida. See tõstatabki küsimuse, kus on piir õigluse tagaajamise ja omakohtu vahel.

The story of J. Robert Oppenheimer's role in the development of the atomic bomb during World War II.

Tõestisündinud lool põhinev film, mis jutustab 70-ndate alguse kasiinoärist. Sam Rothstein on mängur, kelle käes kõik justkui kullaks muutub. Itaallastest kasiinoomanikud otsustavad tema panna ühte allakäinud mängupõrgut juhatama. Julgestuseks antakse karmikäelisele Sam'ile väike ning temperamentne Nicky Santoro. Koos Santoroga, aga, tulevad kaasa ka probleemid, mis ei valmista rõõmu ei juhatusele ega ka Sam'ile.

Peter Quill, still reeling from the loss of Gamora, must rally his team around him to defend the universe along with protecting one of their own. A mission that, if not completed successfully, could quite possibly lead to the end of the Guardians as we know them.

Akira Kurosawa's lauded feudal epic presents the tale of a petty thief who is recruited to impersonate Shingen, an aging warlord, in order to avoid attacks by competing clans. When Shingen dies, his generals reluctantly agree to have the impostor take over as the powerful ruler. He soon begins to appreciate life as Shingen, but his commitment to the role is tested when he must lead his troops into battle against the forces of a rival warlord.

Mehitatud missioon Marsil läheb ootamatult luhta ning sealne meeskond peab tormi tõttu viivitamatult lahkuma nimetatud planeedilt, jättes paratamatult maha ühe astronautidest, Mark Watney, keda nüüd peetakse olevat surnud. Ent teistelegi teadmata elab Mark selle surmava tormi üle. Olles nüüd miljonite kilomeetrite kaugusel Maast ja omades vaid 31 päeva toiduvaru, peab ta nüüd hakkama võõral planeedil ja täiesti üksi toime tulema elus püsimisega ning samal ajal teavitama Maad oma elusolekust. Kui eelnimetatud info lõpuks Maani jõuab, hakkavad NASA ja teised rahvusvahelised teadlased koheselt mõtlema, kuidas tuua "marslane" turvaliselt koju. Ent süümepiinade tõttu Marki meeskonnakaaslastel kannatust nii palju ei jagu ja hakkavad samal ajal koheselt salaja haduma plaani minna ise sellele peaaegu et võimatule päästemissioonile ja tuua enda meeskonnakaaslane tagasi oma koduplaneedile.

Kui Maale saabuvad salapärased kosmoselaevad, asub meeskond eesotsas lingvistikaeksperdi Louise Banksiga, asja uurima. Inimkond seisab globaalse sõja lävel ning Banks ja tema meeskond jooksevad ajaga võidu, et vastuseid leida. Selleks tuleb naisel võtta risk, mis võib ohtu seada nii tema elu kui ka kogu inimkonna.

Ethan Hunt and his IMF team embark on their most dangerous mission yet: To track down a terrifying new weapon that threatens all of humanity before it falls into the wrong hands. With control of the future and the world's fate at stake and dark forces from Ethan's past closing in, a deadly race around the globe begins. Confronted by a mysterious, all-powerful enemy, Ethan must consider that nothing can matter more than his mission—not even the lives of those he cares about most.

Andy moves to New York to work in the fashion industry. Her boss is extremely demanding, cruel and won't let her succeed if she doesn't fit into the high class elegant look of their magazine.

Though Kevin has evidenced 23 personalities to his trusted psychiatrist, Dr. Fletcher, there remains one still submerged who is set to materialize and dominate all the others. Compelled to abduct three teenage girls led by the willful, observant Casey, Kevin reaches a war for survival among all of those contained within him — as well as everyone around him — as the walls between his compartments shatter apart.

Special Forces commander Captain Tadamori returns to Kyoto after successfully defeating the uprising of pirates in the western sea of Japan. But because the high courtiers dislike career soldiers gaining power and influence, they ignore the will of ex-Emperor Toba and refuse to reward the captain. Reward recommender Lord Tokinobu is punished, and the captain sends his son Kiyomori to the Lord's residence, where he falls in love with Tokiko, the Lord's daughter. Meanwhile, Kiyomori finds out that he is possibly the ex-Emperor's son... Written by L.H. Wong

A three-year-old boy disappears during his mother's high school reunion. Nine years later, by chance, he turns up in the town in which the family has just relocated.

Vihmasel pärastlõunal võidab mr. Bean kohaliku kiriku loteriil endale videokaamera ja nädalase puhkuse Lõuna-Prantsusmaal, kusjuures reisi lõpp-punktiks on filmifestivali tähe all elav Cannes. Paraku aga järgneb üks äpardus teisele ning õige pea leiab Bean end piletite ja rahata keset Prantsusmaad, üritades kõikvõimalikke vahendeid kasutades jõuda lähemale Cannesi liivarandadele. Tagatipuks on Prantsuse politsei korraldanud põhjaliku operatsiooni tema tabamiseks!

Beatrice Prior and Tobias Eaton venture into the world outside of the fence and are taken into protective custody by a mysterious agency known as the Bureau of Genetic Welfare.

When a brutal carjacking yields a videocamera, a teenage boy decides to document his life and the lives of his fellow gangbangers.

In the dark heart of a sprawling, anonymous city, two assassins carry out a sinister mission, a teacher battles a fatal illness, and an enigmatic janitor and a curious waitress lead dangerous double lives. Murderous consequences unravel in the dead of night, as their lives intertwine at the hands of a mysterious criminal mastermind who is hell-bent on revenge.

John McKenna is a spiritual being who is able to transform into bear, wolf or eagle. He lives in the forests of Tanglewood and has dedicated his life to protect them. One day a gang of evil lumberjacks led by Travis Thorne arrive Tanglewood to chop the forest down. McKenna cannot let this happen, and together with his new friends - Lords of the Tanglewood, a band of children who love to play in the forest - he battles against Thorne and his evil gang.