About the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War.

Concerned parents hire a private detective to tail their son because they think he might be gay.

Ashkenazi, Mizrachi, ultra-Orthodox, Israeli Arabs... The different groups that make up Israeli society seem irreconcilable. Who are they? Can their complicated history explain the current situation in the country?

Alois, Wendelin, Schani and Franz operate an auto repair shop in Vienna. One evening, Alois fishes the suicidal Hannerl out of the Danube and takes her to live with him. The timid and taciturn woman soon disappears however, and with her, a large amount of cash out of the shop's cash register. A disappointed Alois wishes to forget about her, but his three friends look for Hannerl and the money. As it turns out, she's married to the smuggler Kerrylis, who forces her to take part in his business; that's why she tried to kill herself. When Kerrylis is found dead, Alois is suspected of being the murderer.

Pátá a závěrečná část filmové série opět rozpracovává drobnou část knihy „Nezkrotná Angelika“. Angelika byla unesena pirátem d'Escrainvillem, který ji vzápětí prodal překupníkovi otrokyň pro harém marockého sultána. Tak se hraběnka de Peyrac setkává s Osmanem Ferrajim, moudrým eunuchem, který má v plánu stvořit z ní třetí ženu sultána Mulaye Ismaila, a tedy vládkyni Maroka. Joffrey de Peyrac předstírá, že je jedním z galejníků, aby se tak dostal do marockého Meknesu, spojil se s vlivnými přáteli a pokusil se svoji ženu zachránit. Mezi tím Angelika odolává požadavkům Osmana Ferrajiho a mocného sultána. Touto vytrvalostí si získá sympatie Normanďana Colina Paturela, který je již patnáct let králem otroků v Meknesu. Když se několik otroků pokusí o útěk, Angeliku přijmou mezi sebe.

Before Michael Mak’s Sex And Zen became a cult favourite in the ’90s, there was Ho Fan’s Yu Pui Tsuen (The Carnal Prayer Mat, 1987). But without sex bomb Amy Yip, coarse humour or lesbian love affairs, Yu Pui Tsuen had to rely on the nudity and sex from his cast of relative unknowns to save the day. When a young man dreams that he drowns after a night of carnal passion, he asks a buddhist monk to translate the experience for him. The monk replies that the dream is a warning not to indulge the pleasures of the flesh to excess, but the man ignores his advice, marrying a virgin and making love to her constantly. However, after several torrid affairs, the man begins to realise the sagacity of the monk's warning.

An archival investigation into the imperial image-making of the RAF ‘Z Unit’, which determined the destruction of human, animal and cultural life across Somaliland, as well as Africa and Asia.

Annisa, a cheerful 15 year old girl, is open and has a tomboyish style. Entering his early years at Tunas Bangsa High School, he met Ivan and eventually became friends with Jelita, a 15-year-old girl who wore a headscarf, beautiful but shy and quiet.

When a young woman fills in for her friend on a babysitting job, she begins to suspect things are not as they seem. She's right.

The norms of hospital practices are turned upside-down in this complex drama about how many rights are denied patients who do not conform. At the beginning of the story, a man is found lying on the side of the road and is brought in to the police station as a probable vagrant, but he has no memory and seems to have lost his powers of speech. Perplexed and defeated by their unsuccessful attempts to make him talk, the police send the man over to the hospital for examination by psychiatrists. After some time, it becomes apparent that he understands everything going on around him and is simply refusing to talk. This sets off a series of antagonistic actions on the part of the hospital staff, suspicious about his "purpose" in remaining silent. Although some explanation is discovered as to why he is this way, the supposedly sane doctors and staff come off looking like they may need treatment themselves.

A Chinese detective breaks up a drug smuggling ring and tries to find the "Daffodil Killer". The drug smugglers had devised the ingenious method of smuggling heroin from Hong Kong in the stems of daffodils.

On the Dr. Quinn Show The Joker is breaking up with his longtime enemy, Batman. An animated short on the home entertainment release of The Lego Batman Movie.

Snaha navázat na slavnou éru italských kanibalských filmů. V úvodu filmu vás čeká seznámení s titulními hrdiny - Kevin, půvabné modelky a jejich fotograf, profesor Ibañez s dcerou a válečný veterán Joe se svou manželkou. Tahle skupinka později nastoupí do malého letadla, které havaruje kdesi v pralese. Skupina která pád přežije se tak ocitá uprostřed pustiny a musí najít cestu k záchraně dřív, než si je najdou místní domorodci... Joe se začíná hádat s Kevinem, fotografa Josého pokoušou piraně. Na scénu přicházejí kanibalové a následuje krátká honička. Obě holky jsou uneseny do vesnice, svléknuty a připraveny na obětování kanibalskému bohu. Jedinný Kevin zůstane na svobodě a bude mít plné ruce práce, aby obě dívky zachránil... V závěru filmu ještě následuje zápletka s pašeráky drahokamů, takže Kevin si hned tak neodpočine.

A mother takes her minivan through an automatic car wash, drives home, scoops up the mail, pulls into the garage and kills herself. She leaves behind a husband (Dad), a daughter away at college (Riley), a set of teenage twins (Caitrin and Eli), and a dog (Leadbelly). Among the whitewashed fences, mailboxes, and manicured lawns, a despondent family deals with the drudgery of grief and their growing detachment to each other-- all through the eyes of their depressed dog, Leadbelly.

Takes place in 1665 in New France at a time when a part of Canada was colonialized by France. Joseph Côté escapes from a prison in order to avoid death by hanging. Moreover, while some colonial soldiers are chasing him, Joseph takes the identity of a Jesuit and hides in the seigneury of Beaufort where most men are waiting for "daughters of the king." (French women who were sent to Canada in order to find a husband.) At night, Joseph finds out that there are werewolves that terrorize the village. Besides, things get complicated when he falls in love with Marie Labotte, a "daughter of the king" that no one wants to marry. All in all, by simply trying to protect his life and Marie's, Joseph will end up fighting against the werewolves.

The boys boycott the girls when they insist that the boys wear tuxedos to a big dance.

A young man named Sebastian Murphy has spent a decade moving around the country with his mother after her company went bankrupt. Now that she has found a stable job the are living in Wexford Town for six months. Sebastian has become close with Sean Gerrad who has brought him into a new group of friends but nobody knows that Sebastian has a secret. He is a fantastic musician and he is hopelessly in love with Lara but too afraid to do anything about it.