The story about the life of a dollar bill, and the many lives it passes along the way.

A year and a half after "Le Lit e la vierge", Zouzou and Pierre Clémenti are in another bed, this time in front of a window, with Sacré-Coeur in the background. Filmed in two days, in July 1970, with a stolen film from the ORTF, this film, a tribute to these two vedettes of the French underground, is of immense beauty. The title is inspired by the silhouette of Pierre Clémenti, evocative, for Lagrange, of the male physicist during the Renaissance. Grandson of Léo Lagrange and nephew of the chief operator Ghislain Cloquet, Yvan Lagrange is two years younger than Philippe Garrel. "Renaissance", his first film, shows to what extent his generation was influenced by Garrel.

One man's search for his kidnapped daughter causes his reality to unravel.

The first rule is that there are no rules. For the bare-knuckle combatants competing in Musangwe fights, anything goes - you can even put a curse on him. The sport, which dates back centuries, has become a South African institution. Any male from the age of nine to ninety can compete. We follow a group of fighters as they slug it out in the ring. Who will be this year's champion?

Moe, a fun-loving theater artist working on a one woman show, finds out that he is dying from an AIDS related illness. Naturally, his response is to invite his closest friends over for a “going away for good” party as one last big celebration of his life. His plans go awry when his best friend, and his ex, decide to crash the party, despite 15 years without communication between them. Alternating between the painful reality of his current situation and scenes featuring his alter ego, a torch-singing drag queen who wants to take him for “the ride of his life,” MOE is an often light-hearted film that also packs a serious emotional punch.

Leila Porter comes to dislike her husband James, a glue king who is always eating onions and looking sloppy. But after she divorces him and marries two-timing playboy Schuyler Van Sutphen the now-reformed James looks pretty good.

Bullied by his father to grow up, a teen fights between the love of his step-mother over his father's life.

Adaptación cinematográfica de la novela homónima de Blasco Ibáñez, publicada en 1916. Julio Madariaga, el patriarca de una acomodada familia argentina, verá como el ascenso del nazismo en Europa divide a las dos ramas de su familia. Una de ellas, de origen francés, encabezada por Julio Desnoyers (Glenn Ford), se enfrentará a la rama alemana, los Von Hartrott, cuya militancia nazi les permitirá ocupar puestos de importancia en la Werhmacht. Finalmente, el estallido de la Segunda Guerra Mundial hará que ambas familias participen en la contienda en bandos opuestos e incluso lleguen a convertirse en rivales por causa de sus ideas políticas.

Un generoso médico lleva a Bélgica a un joven marroquí, a quien educa como si fuera su hijo. Cuando el joven se enamora y decide fundar una familia, su esposa se encuentra encerrada en un clima afectivo irrespirable que tendrá un desarrollo insidioso. Con la llegada de los hijos, la pareja se hace cada vez más dependiente del médico. El altruismo sin límites del doctor se convierte en poder.

El exorcismo de Roland Doe refiere los acontecimientos en torno a la supuesta posesión demoníaca y exorcismo de un niño estadounidense ocurridos a finales de la década de 1940. Roland Doe ​ es el seudónimo del niño exorcizado por la Iglesia católica.

Namsai has been cursed by a witch since childhood. At night her hair turns into snakes and she must feed on humans. One day in an ancient book, she discovers a way to remove her curse so she embarks on an expedition with her friends.

Un grupo de altos funcionarios nazis tienen la intención de erradicar a los traidores y a los militares que pueden estar conspirando para derrocar a Hitler. Reclutan y entrenan a muchas prostitutas hermosas, cuya misión es descubrir las conspiraciones contra el Führer, utilizando todos los medios que sean necesarios. (FILMAFFINITY)

Nino es un joven inteligente y ambicioso, que hace del fútbol su profesión y se siente invulnerable. Sus días transcurren entre entrenamientos, vida nocturna y frecuentes cambios de pareja.

Un psicópata, además de matar animales, se dedica a atacar a jóvenes parejas en una zona alejada de la ciudad. Un día secuestra a una chica y la esconde en su apartamento. El padre de la muchacha, que es inspector de policía, emprende una frenética búsqueda siguiendo métodos no muy ortodoxos

"Seven Women", Thome's third film in the trilogy "Formen der Liebe" (Forms of Love) is a type of modern fairy tale. Hans Hummel (Johannes Herrschmann) abandons a South Sea paradise and returns to his old homeland to trace his deceased father's path in life. His father has not only bequeathed him a large house and valuable documents, but also a type of treasure map in the form of a computer with the corresponding program. While he is involved in this treasure hunt game, he meets up with seven women - the family in the neighbouring house, who support him both in a business as well as in a personal sense. But instead of delighting in his new found wealth, he trades money, gold and millions for happiness - just like in a fairy tale.

Gillian Kaites, tras presenciar la violenta muerte de su novio en una operacion policial, decide abandonar la ciudad, dirigiendose a cualquier otro estado donde olvidar. En el camino es detenida por una patrulla de policia para declarar como testigo presencial de un accidente de carretera y dirigida a una infesta prision donde cada dia mueren cientos de mujeres en circustancias poco claras....

Supers & Associates hires a new team member.

Splash! Jackass loon in high-dive skate horror! Bang! Man injures leg in stupid sand dune lead! Bang! £50,000 truck totalled by pie-eyed pranksters!

A hilarious and heartfelt look "behind the scenes" as a group of college kids spend their summer making a movie for their town's Film Festival. Cameras chronicle the tumultuous ups and downs (mostly downs) as an egotistical student Director rounds up his friends (and some bystanders) to help make his masterpiece: a movie that blends together all the greatest films ever made.