The Rock returns home to be The World’s Most Electrifying Host of WrestleMania XXVII from Atlanta, GA. The Great One will lay the SmackDown on all of the pomp and festivities that makes WrestleMania the world’s greatest, annual pop culture extravaganza. John Cena looks to dethrone the self-proclaimed “most must see WWE champion in history” the Miz. Undertaker’s legendary 18-0 WrestleMania winning streak has never been in greater peril when Triple H challenges the Phenom. Alberto Del Rio looks to fulfill his destiny and take Edge’s World Heavyweight Championship. A bitter and personal rivalry comes to a head when Randy Orton battles CM Punk.. All this and more when the Superstars of WWE invade the Georgia Dome for WrestleMania XXVII.

Ķīnas vicepremjeru likvidē algots slepkava, kura vārds tūdaļ nokļūst atklātībā: Džeisons Borns. CIP ir neizpratnē. Patiesībā tāda Borna nemaz nav, jo tas ir šī kantora aģenta Deivida Veba darba segvārds. Tātad sanāk, ka kāds ir piesavinājies viņa segvārdu "Džeisons Borns", lai izdarītu noziegumu, izprovocējot ar to diplomātisko krīzi ASV un Ķīnas starpā. Deividam neatliek nekas cits, kā pašam atklāt šo mīklaino lietu.

Kļuvis par varoni, panda Po nu kopā ar saviem draugiem Tīģerieni, Dzērvi, Čūsku, Pērtiķi un Dievlūdzēju aizsargā dzimto ieleju un tās iemītniekus. Taču Po mierīgajai dzīvei tiek pielikts punkts, kad uzrodas ļaundaris, kurš, liekot lietā noslēpumainu spēku, grib pakļaut Ķīnu. Pandai kopā ar draugiem būs jādodas cauri visai Ķīnai, lai uzveiktu pretinieku.

Kopš neatminamiem laikiem, nostāsti par grandiozām kaujām un teiksmainas leģendas dzīvo noslēpumainajos Skotijas kalnos. Princese Merida - karaļa Fērgusa un karalienes Elinoras meita atsakās sekot senajām tradīcijām, līdz ar to metot izaicinājumu varenajiem skotu klaniem un to vadoņiem. Princeses nepārdomātā rīcība draud radīt karaļvalstī haosu un tāpēc Merida dodas ceļā pēc padoma pie burves. Taču, lai palīdzētu princesei, burve uzliek viņai lāstu un drīz vien jaunajai Meridai nāksies likt lietā visu savu drošsirdību, lai atbrīvotos no ļaunā lāsta un uzveiktu kalnu ielejās mītošo briesmīgo zvēru.

Kazakh journalist Borat Sagdiyev travels to America to make a documentary. As he zigzags across the nation, Borat meets real people in real situations with hysterical consequences. His backwards behavior generates strong reactions around him exposing prejudices and hypocrisies in American culture.

Based on the true story of a successful couple, Maggie and Aaron who are preparing for the arrival of their first child.

Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera, Steve-O, Wee Man and the rest of their fearless and foolhardy friends take part in another round of outrageous pranks and stunts. In addition to standing in the path of a charging bull, launching themselves into the air and crashing through various objects, the guys perform in segments such as "Sweatsuit Cocktail," "Beehive Tetherball" and "Lamborghini Tooth Pull."

Following an assassination attempt on Senator Padmé Amidala, Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi investigate a mysterious plot that could change the galaxy forever.

Aģenti Džejs un Kejs ir atgriezušies... laikā. Pēdējo 15 gados, esot organizācijas `Vīri melnā` aģents, Džejs ir sastapies ar daudzām jancīgām un neizprotamām lietām, taču nekas, pat ne citplanētieši nav spējuši viņu samulsināt vairāk kā viņa nerunīgais pārinieks, kurš nu izspēlē neparedzētu stiķi. Kad uz spēles likta Keja dzīve un planētas eksistence, Džejam nākas ceļot uz pagātni, lai savestu kārtībā dažas lietas. Viņš atklāj noslēpumus, par kuriem Kejs nekad nav stāstījis, noslēpumus, kuri nu atklās paši sevi.

The seemingly invincible Spider-Man goes up against an all-new crop of villains—including the shape-shifting Sandman. While Spider-Man’s superpowers are altered by an alien organism, his alter ego, Peter Parker, deals with nemesis Eddie Brock and also gets caught up in a love triangle.

After discovering her boyfriend is married, Carly soon meets the wife he's been cheating on. And when yet another affair is discovered, all three women team up to plot mutual revenge on the three-timing SOB.

Kay and Jay reunite to provide our best, last and only line of defense against a sinister seductress who levels the toughest challenge yet to the MIB's untarnished mission statement – protecting Earth from the scum of the universe. It's been four years since the alien-seeking agents averted an intergalactic disaster of epic proportions. Now it's a race against the clock as Jay must convince Kay – who not only has absolutely no memory of his time spent with the MIB, but is also the only living person left with the expertise to save the galaxy – to reunite with the MIB before the earth submits to ultimate destruction.

Policijas inspektors Emiliens un viņa draugs taksists Daniels ir atgriezušies, un šoreiz dzen pēdas jāpāņu Jakuza grupējumam.

Jaunlaulātie Bella Svonna un Edvards Kaleins dodas pavadīt kaislīgu un bezrūpīgu medusmēnesi Riodežaneiro, bet rezultātā sākas dažādu neparedzētu notikumu virkne. Bella atklāj, ka ir mātes cerībās un viņai nākas izvēlēties starp savu un gaidāmā bērna dzīvību, kas grauj viņu no iekšpuses, kā rezultātā Bella katru dienu kļūst arvien vārgāka un bezspēcīgāka. Kad Bellas dzīvība ir tikpat kā izgaisusi, Edvards piepilda viņas vēlmi kļūt nemirstīgai.

Steve Martin and Bonnie Hunt return as heads of the Baker family who, while on vacation, find themselves in competition with a rival family of eight children, headed by Eugene Levy,

In a world ravaged by a virus infection, turning its victims into the Undead, Alice continues on her journey to find survivors and lead them to safety. Her deadly battle with the Umbrella Corporation reaches new heights, but Alice gets some unexpected help from an old friend. A new lead that promises a safe haven from the Undead takes them to Los Angeles, but when they arrive the city is overrun by thousands of Undead - and Alice and her comrades are about to step into a deadly trap.

Plastic surgeon Michel Saint-Josse is on his way to Spain where he hopes to spend a stress-free holiday in a luxury hotel with his teenage daughter Vanessa. When his car breaks down near a camping, Michel accepts the offer of help from an extrovert gigolo camper named Patrick Chirac. Whilst their car is being repaired, Michel and Vanessa agree to stay in Patrick’s well proportioned tent, not knowing that, thanks to a series of mishaps, it will be their home for several days...

A chef who yearns for an international reputation helps his son try to win back his ex by arranging to cater her St. Moritz wedding to another man.

Kim Marsden inherits a cattle station near Alice Springs after the death of her father. Kim becomes convinced her father was murdered. She sends for a legendary local bushman called the Sundowner, who was one of her father's best friends.

TV Special converting a Disney fan's house into their dream home.