A deep reflection on the moral evolution of humanity, individual progress, the fact that we are not alone and the possible consequences of a near future, combined with the predictions of the Brazilian medium Chico Xavier.

After drinking all night, Monty and his friend try to get home, but it turns out to be not easy. The next day, Monty tries to win the heart of a theater actress.

The young architect Severin Sereda receives a telegram with a message about his father’s serious illness. But he does not intend to go. Zhenya, his beloved girl, is outraged by such callousness, however, Severin explains that he gave the word to his deceased mother to never see his father who left her. Nevertheless, Zhenya manages to persuade Severin. He goes, but he doesn’t catch his father alive ...

The giant squid is a creature of legend and myth which, even in the 21st century, has never been seen alive. But now, an international team of scientists thinks it has finally found its lair, 1,000 metres down, off the coast of Japan. This is the culmination of decades of research. The team deploys underwater robots and state-of-the-art submersible vessels for a world first - to find and film the impossible.

Připravte se na mimozemské vzrušení, protože Pú, Tygr, Gábi a Pajda se vydávají za vzrušujícím celovečerním dobrodružstvím! Když do Králíkovy zahrady dopadne tajemný meteorit, jeho zelenina náhle dosáhne gigantických rozměrů. A když naši hrdinové tuhle superzeleninu snědí, získají neuvěřitelné supersíly! Superkoumáci – to je spousta nádherných písniček, překvapení a dobrých kamarádů, kteří se společnými salami snaží zvládnout každousituaci. Fantastická zábava pro každého.Dívej se a hrej si! Výběr epizod: Záhadný meteorit Koumáci jsou super Źádné superschopnosti? Žádný problém!

Cleo lives in Marseilles and works as a waitress in a waterfront dive. A stranger entices her into coming to Paris to take dancing lessons, but instead she is taken to a baron, who betrays her. In spite of this inauspicious start, Cleo becomes a successful and renowned actress, but her feelings about men have never recovered. She loathes them and uses them only for the money they offer her, which she then hands over to a penniless girl.

To meet the desires and needs of the parents, a marriage is arranged between 14-year-old Gjino and 20-year-old Marigo. Gjino reluctantly obeys, but Marigo, who loves another, tries various devious methods to free herself from this bizarre marriage agreement.

The Third Master is considered to be the greatest sword master of the day. His displays of skill and strength bring armies of challengers to his door, seeking the title for themselves. Not to be defeated, the Third Master fights evil, saves damsels in distress, and duels rival swordsmen to the death.

Uplynuly čtyři roky od okamžiku, kdy K a J – agenti tajné neoficiální organizace MIB dohlížející na utajené mimozemské imigranty na Zemi - dvrátili velkou intergalaktickou katastrofu. Tehdy čerstvě získaný agent J se v organizaci etabloval, zatímco jeho starší zkušený kolega K se vrátil k pohodlnému civilnímu životu a pracuje na poště. Během rutinního vyšetřování však J odhalí spiknutí řízené zlou kytothianskou stvůrou Serleenou, vystupující v podobě sexy modelky luxusního spodního prádla. Serleena však obsadí budovu organizace MIB a jako rukojmí si vezme jeho zaměstnance. J nezbývá než požádat o pomoc jediného muže, který mu s řešením situace může pomoci – zpohodlnělého K.

Rozjaření Hrášci z lusku učí Vidlíka číst. Pomáhá jim elektronický Učitel.

V prvním plánu jde o příběh party studentů gymnázia, kteří se věnují malování graffiti. Na pozadí se ale odkrývají problémy mladé generace, konflikt mezi konformitou a naprostou svobodou, odpovědností a životem okamžiku, konflikt mezi školou, která je odcizená realitě, a studenty, kteří chtějí dělat skutečné věci. Hlavními hrdiny je dvojice gymnazistů Petr a Pavla, jejich učitele Tomáše a jeho ženy Aleny. Divák se dostává ze zaběhlých školních paravidel do temného nočního reje, kde sprejeři žijí svůj vysněný život. Nespoutaná svoboda, ignorance všech pravidel, i hip-hopová muzika dokresluje dramatický, téměř dobrodružný příběh. Unavené, stereotypní město před námi ožívá nepoznanou atmosférou.

Gaston is a new guy at the Peticoin start-up. With his delusional inventions, he will change the lives of his colleagues. Cat, seagull, cow, and gaffophone will be at the center of the mishaps of this genius laidback handyman who wants only to do good, but has the gift of annoying Prunelle, his boss. Can those Gaston's gaffes galore prevent the buy-out of the Peticoin by Mr. de Mesmaeker?

Follows Nasir, a middle-aged street salesman, who belongs to the Islamic minority and who lives with his mother Fatima, his wife Taj and his cousin Iqbal in a densely populated ghetto. As his day unfolds we find him to be a nimble romantic, marshalling a love of love, song, children, friendship, and even God to rise into something resembling a life well lived. But the increasing communal bigotry has other plans.

On Friday 11 and Saturday, October 12th, 2013 Gerard Joling shines with its spectacular show Lekker in the Ziggo Dome, solo and together with special guest artists. Nice songs for a show packed with hits and musical highlights!!

Lost in a garbage dump and looking for some human attention, Little Rabbit tries to reach the city with his new mate Little Indian.

When a high school senior with a bright future ahead of him hits a local child with his car, he decides to cover it up, leaving him to face his mounting guilt.

Unplugged concert in the Roxy Theatre, Los Angeles, California (2007-10-16). 1) Sk8er Boi [00:04] 2) Girlfriend [03:33] 3) My Happy Ending [07:41] 4) Innocence [12:20] 5) Don't Tell Me [16:12] 6) Tomorrow [19:53] 7) Hot [23:31] 8) Losing Grip [27:02] 9) Complicated [30:36] 10) Adia [35:07] 11) Nobody's Home [39:34] 12) Knocking on Heavens Doo [43:18] 13) Keep Holding On [46:01]