Splash into action with seafaring sleuths Scooby-Doo and the Mystery, Inc. gang as they collide with a mystery ship and try to uncover clues from a vanished crew in Hassle in the Castle! Shaggy and Scooby-Doo are then captured by Redbeard the Pirate in Go Away Ghost Ship. Zoinks! If the case isn’t solved soon, somebody’s going to walk the plank! And when Scooby and friends get lost in a swamp, they meet up with the Harlem Globetrotters and Redbeard the Pirate – again! – for a swashbuckling adventure worth a treasure chest full of Scooby Snax!

John tells the story of a young male, a psychiatric hospital patient who witnesses the death of another Black male patient at the hands of white staff. Blurring the boundaries between fact and fiction, this work draws from real life cases of mentally ill Black men who have died as a result of excessive force of the State.

Ermus Daglek, retired Empathtek engineer, commandeers a defunct factory where he creates androids based on persons from his past and recreates a dinner party where he lost the love of his life - until they malfunction and escape.

高级警司/黑帮卧底刘建明(刘德华 饰)在警察卧底/帮派干部陈永仁(梁朝伟 饰)被杀10个月后接受警队内部调查,被架空职权,加上家庭的变故,他的精神状态每况愈下,但他坚信局面很快就会扭转。年轻警司杨锦荣(黎明 饰)在同事看来是怪人一个,他正凭着过人的业绩迈向警队最高层。为了搞清楚杨锦荣的真实身份,刘建明开始对其调查。刘建明渐渐发现韩琛旧日的生意拍档沈澄(陈道明 饰)与杨锦荣有着千丝万缕的关系,为了置杨锦荣于死地,也为了不让自己的身份曝光,渴望做个好人已久的刘建明开始千辛万苦地找寻一个又一个证据,可是他总在最接近真相时功亏一篑…

Friends battle former U.S. presidents when they come back from the dead as zombies on the Fourth of July.

  二十年代初期,响往共产主义的美国名记者约翰·雷德千方百计跑到十月革命之后的苏俄体验生活,追求理想的政治国度,并写出了轰动世界的报导文学《震动世界的十天》。然而,他最后对共产主义彻底失望,重回自由世界。   电影摘要:   第一幕:雷德和露易丝·布莱恩特在波特兰相遇。   第二幕:20世纪10年代在格林威治村的知识分子生活。雷德和露易丝被尤金·奥尼尔和艾玛·高曼等思想家吸引。   第三幕:雷德和露易丝接受俄国革命的影响。   第四幕:雷德试图在美国建立共产党。   第五幕:雷德来到俄国接受布尔什维克的帮助宣传社会主义。1920年雷德去世,年仅32岁。   五个部分充满了乱糟糟的争吵,换句话说,这很难让你对这段历史激起足够的兴趣。在第一部分,观众必须容忍长时间谄媚性的诱导。在这之后,则是雷德和露易丝一段奇怪的爱情:当他们彼此凝视,伴随着革命的高潮和八十年庸俗的音乐,这对恋人的爱情似乎也达到了顶点。第二部分似乎值得一看,事实上,如果影片在这个间断之前结束的话,会比现在这个版本好的多,因为工人运动造成的气氛足以充实这部电影。也许沃伦·比蒂想得太多了,而且多是西方社会对苏联幻觉式的认知,所以才造就了这只嘈杂的万花筒。  


San Francisco homicide detective Maggie Price and former, world-class chef Henry Ross are on the case once again. The crime-solving odd couple investigates the murder of Henry’s friend, a well-known local chef found dead in his kitchen. As they begin to unravel an old family secret, Maggie has to stay one step ahead of a mysterious man in the shadows who appears to be stalking her, while her blossoming relationship with Henry is threatened by the arrival of an ex-love from Maggie’s past.

Father Maurice, a priest living in a residential college for priests in Rome, is called out one day to "exorcise" the devil from someone. The devil turns out to be in the form of a fun-loving man called Giuditta. What Father Maurice doesn't know is that this type of devil will turn his life around.

Live stage recording of the stand-up comedy show, with sketches and videos of old skits from 'Mai dire Gol'.


故事讲述托比(Clint Black 饰)的农场意外失火,于是他带着一匹黑色的小母马弗利卡来到樱桃溪农场任马厩经理。农场主的女儿凯利(Kacey Roh 饰)过早的失去父亲,弗利卡的到来使她激动不已,她将所有感情都寄托在弗利卡身上,她们一块上学回家一起生活。在随后的日子里,凯利和弗利卡共同成长渐渐走出了失去父亲的阴影。在一年一度的赛马季上凯利和她的伙伴们赢得了比赛,找回了失去的勇气……

At summer camp, young Bibi and her friends are pitted against the boys in a treasure hunt. But what's a witch to do when she loses her powers?

Upon waking up in a strange forest, a young man questions whether or not the environment around him is real or a figment of his imagination.


As always, Sickan has come up with a new plan. This time he wants to rob the IKEA furniture store. During their nightly break-in Sickan discovers that the store is used as a secret smuggling central for sending American computers to the Soviet Union. The computers are picked up by Soviet submarines sneaking into the Swedish archipelago. Naturally, it is their arch enemy Wall-Enberg who is behind all of this.

Deck the halls with Donkey’s laughter in this all-new holiday collection. Donkey presents his very own carolling stage show featuring his Far Far Away pals in this merry, musical treat with all the trimmings! Join in the fun as they bring their own Shrektacular spirit to festive holiday songs, a fun Donkey Decoration scramble, and a hilarious virtual Yule Log that’s so funny… it’s on fire.


1945年,第二次世界大战接近尾声,轴心国已成强弩之末,败局已定。许多战争中被俘虏的日本士兵经过改造后,陆续踏上回国的旅途,这其中便包括罗圈腿中村下等兵(潘长江 饰)。然而,即使在这垂死关头,帝国主义的贪婪仍旧没有收敛。轮椅太君(胡晓光 饰)伤愈出院,亲自负责指挥战舰阿多丸运送伤兵回国的重任,但是阿多丸还有一个秘密任务,那就是将从中国劫掠来的文物偷运出境。这个秘密被小刘(刘小微 饰)的父亲——一个文物老专家所得知,他掌握着所有文物的清单,也因此遭到日寇的追杀。临死之际,老教授将藏有清单的可乐瓶交给担任联络员的郭大叔(郭达 饰)。侦知到日本人的阴谋,八路军以及重庆方面的势力都行动起来。而在这一过程中,更大的阴谋也悄悄浮出水面……

After going on a killing spree in 1984, the legend of the Pumpkin Man returns once again to slay more victims 30 years later.