We are in the year 2043 and our existence is immersed in a sea of apathy. A reflexion about our evolution as humans.

Nikos Kazantzakisin samannimiseen romaaniin perustuva Kristuksen viimeinen kiusaus on mestariteos, joka on yksi kaikkien aikojen ”pakko nähdä” -elokuvista. Se on voimakas, intohimoinen ja ajatuksia herättävä draama, joka seuraa Jeesuksen Kristuksen matkaa, kun hän hyväksyy jumalallisuutensa ja lopullisen kohtalonsa.

For Norman and Ethel Thayer, this summer on golden pond is filled with conflict and resolution. When their daughter Chelsea arrives, the family is forced to renew the bonds of love and overcome the generational friction that has existed for years.

Payton becomes the caretaker of Gregory Devereaux, a wealthy man facing his final months. As they become close, Gregory's past sins force Payton to decide between his dreams and a pregnancy that could squander them all.

Two dumb soda jerks dream of writing radio mysteries. When they try to pitch an idea at a radio station, they end up in the middle of a real murder when the station owner is killed during a broadcast.

Sean ja Lisa Millerin elämässä on ollut muutama rankka kuukausi keskenmenon ja työttömyyden takia. Mutta sitten parin asiat alkavat sujua. Sean saa unelmatyön mainostoimistosta. Mutta Seanin assistentti Jen, jota Sean kutsuu ”työvaimokseen”, alkaa osoittaa tunteita häntä kohtaan. Pian selviää, että Jen on valmis äärimmäisiin keinoihin: hän haluaa rikkoa Seanin avioliiton ja vaatii tätä itselleen.

When Tom's harassment gets out of hand, Jerry writes to his Cousin Muscles, a tough inner city mouse, and asks for his help.

Kun rikospoliisi Harry Callahan pysäyttää viinakaupan panttivankitilanteen omaan siekailemattomaan tyyliinsä, hänet palautetaan takaisin toimistotöihin. Mutta komennus ei kestä kauan. Kun terroristit ryöväävät asevaraston ja esittävät veriset lunnasvaatimuksensa, San Franciscon johtohahmot etsivät käsiinsä Callahanin - murskaajan. Clint Eastwood on kolmatta kertaa Callahanin roolissa, ja saa tällä kertaa uuden työparin: Tyne Dalyn esittämän Kate Moore -nimisen väkivaltayksikön poliisin. Naisella on kaksi tehtävää: jäljittää terroristit ja voittaa Harryn luottamus puolelleen. Ronskilla huumorilla, ankaralla toiminnalla ja vahvalla Eastwoodin ja Dalyn muodostamalla tehokaksikolla ryyditetty jännittävä tarina viiltää uuden voittoviillon Harryn .44 Magnumin kahvaan.

A young boy Selva chasing his football sports dreams suffers a major setback, grows into an angry young man who is drawn into conflicts by evil forces involving him and his family, which he must navigate and reform

"MATRIX is a flicker film which utilizes 81 still photographs of my wife's head. It is a film dependent upon variation of intense light changes by calculated combinations of black and white frame alternations with exposure changes. Throughout, the light intensity rises and falls as the head rotates in varying directions within a 360 degree frontal area." — James Cagle

Four friends head off to Bombay and get involved in the mother and father of all gang wars.

This film finds Angélique in a North African Muslim kingdom where she is now part of the Sultan's harem. The first part of the film consist of her angrily refusing to be bedded as well as their trying to literally beat some sense into her. It all seems to go on too long and I was surprised that the Sultan simply didn't have her killed. Late in the film, she finally decides to escape with the help of two Christian prisoners.

When a sudden shortage of water threatens all life in the great valley, The gang of young dinosaur must cooperate with a group of bullies to make a risky journey outside the valley and find the cause.

An unsupervised junior soccer team loses its ace player to the leader of a rival gang. Since only an entire team can win, they must have her back to be able to win the game against the national team. The existence of The Wild Soccer Bunch is at stake ...

Call-center workers receive a phone call from God.

Through a haze of smoke, coke, and booze; possible futures, pasts, and presents coalesce chaos inside the mind of a man drifting directionless through life. When your future calls, what will you have to say?

James Brown was the jewel in the crown, but the throne of Cincinnati’s King Records always belonged to its irascible founder, Syd Nathan. This is the 70th anniversary of the legendary record label and studio. It closed shop nearly 40 years ago, in a now long-neglected warehouse on the neighborhood border of Evanston and Walnut Hills, but its impact still reverberates across today’s music.

The SD Gundams are at it again: first with a race among all of the prior SD Gundam characters, then the SD Zeons run a space travel agency in the second episode.