Kanji Watanabe is a middle-aged man who has worked in the same monotonous bureaucratic position for decades. Learning he has cancer, he starts to look for the meaning of his life.

During a family gathering, a celebration for their father's 60th birthday, the eldest son presents a speech that reveals some shocking secrets.

Turtingų italų grupelė jachta išplaukia į jūra, o pasiekę salą, nusprendžia ją apžiūrėti. Po kiek laiko pasigendama kartu keliavusios Anos. Jos draugė Klaudija baiminasi, kad jai kažkas atsitiko, ir nori likti saloje, kol ją ras. Anos sužadėtinis Sandro ilgai nedelsęs ima asistuoti Klaudijai. Nors Sandro ir patinka Klaudijai, ji negali pamiršti dingusios draugės. Tačiau meilės ilgesys atveda moterį į Sandro glėbį. „Nuotykis“, nors ir nepelnė pagrindinio Kanų kino festivalio prizo, buvo įvertintas festivalio žiuri ir sulaukė daugelio žymių žmonių, kino kritikų, žurnalistų, rašytojų pripažinimo ir parašų po žodžiais: „Vakar festivalyje matėme geriausią filmą gyvenime.“

An anthology of 5 different cab drivers in 5 American and European cities and their remarkable fares on the same eventful night.

In 1920s Chicago, Italian immigrant and notorious thug, Antonio 'Tony' Camonte, aka Scarface, shoots his way to the top of the mobs while trying to protect his sister from the criminal life.

On their way to an afternoon on the lake, husband and wife Andrzej and Krystyna nearly run over a young hitchhiker. Inviting the young man onto the boat with them, Andrzej begins to subtly torment him; the hitchhiker responds by making overtures toward Krystyna. When the hitchhiker is accidentally knocked overboard, the husband's panic results in unexpected consequences.

Dan Evans, a small time farmer, is hired to escort Ben Wade, a dangerous outlaw, to Yuma. As Evans and Wade wait for the 3:10 train to Yuma, Wade's gang is racing to free him.

Parisian everyman Antoine Doinel has married his sweetheart Christine Darbon, and the newlyweds have set up a cozy domestic life of selling flowers and giving violin lessons while Antoine fitfully works on his long-gestating novel. As Christine becomes pregnant with the couple's first child, Antoine finds himself enraptured with a young Japanese beauty. The complications change the course of their relationship forever.

In 1953, an innocent man named Christopher Emmanuel "Manny" Balestrero is arrested after being mistaken for an armed robber.

Journalists Ichiro Sakai and Junko cover the wreckage of a typhoon when an enormous egg is found and claimed by greedy entrepreneurs. Mothra's fairies arrive and are aided by the journalists in a plea for its return. As their requests are denied, Godzilla arises near Nagoya and the people of Infant Island must decide if they are willing to answer Japan's own pleas for help.

Mute Hee-Jin is working as a clerk in a fishing resort in the Korean wilderness; selling baits, food and occasionally her body to the fishing tourists. One day she falls in love with Hyun-Shik, who is on the run from the police, and rescues him with a fish hook when he tries to commit suicide.

A forged 500-franc note is passed from person to person and shop to shop, until it falls into the hands of a genuine innocent who doesn't see it for what it is—which will have devastating consequences on his life.

We do not know when and how we will die. Death Row inmates do. Werner Herzog embarks on a dialogue with Death Row inmates, asks questions about life and death and looks deep into these individuals, their stories, their crimes.

In a high school in the outskirts of Rome, it's the last day before the summer holidays. A literature teacher reminisces the past year and wonders what will become of the students he cared for as if they were his children.

A down and out young punk gets a job working with a seasoned repo man, but what awaits him in his new career is a series of outlandish adventures revolving around aliens, the CIA, and a most wanted '64 Chevy.

Following the suicide of an elderly Jewish man, investigative journalist Peter Miller sets out to hunt down an SS Captain and former concentration camp commander. In doing so he discovers that, despite allegations of war crimes, the former commander has become a man of importance in industry in post-war Germany, protected from prosecution by a powerful organisation of former SS members called Odessa.

Zoja, Amanda, Maikas, Denis, Benas ir Džeisonas nepažinojo vienas kito ir neturėjo nieko bendro. Nebent tai, kad visi buvo vienaip ar kitaip nepatenkinti savo gyvenimu ir vieną dieną paštu gavo paslaptingą juodą dėžutę-galvosūkį, kviečiantį į ultramodernų naują „Pabėgimo kambarį“, kurio visas užduotis išsprendęs žaidėjas-laimėtojas bus apdovanotas milijonu dolerių. Nurodytu laiku susirinkęs „Pabėgimo kambarį“ įrengusios įmonės atstovybėje, šešetukas tikisi sulaukti išsamesnių paaiškinimų apie šį itin dosnų pasiūlymą. Tačiau prie jų niekas neprisijungia, o netrukus kompanija suvokia, kad jokių paaiškinimų nebus: žaidimas jau prasidėjo. Žaidimas, kuriame kiekvienas klaidingas sprendimas, praleista užuomina ir nepastebėta detalė reiškia ne tik galbūt nelaimėtą milijoną, bet ir kažkurio iš žaidėjų mirtį.

Jimi, a computer game designer, finds that his latest product has been infected by a virus which has given consciousness to the main character of the game, Solo. Tormented by the memory of his fled girlfriend Lisa and begged by Solo to end its useless "life", Jimi begins a search for people who can help him both to discover what happened to Lisa and to delete his game before it is released.

Gaisrininkų viršininkas Beilsas mėgaujasi ramiu gyvenimu. Vienintelis dalykas, neduodantis ramybės, – gražuolė astronomė Roksana, kuri neseniai atsikraustė į miestelį. Dėl tos merginos galvą pameta ir naujasis gaisrininkas gražuolis Krisas. Deja, vaikinas nepasitiki savo jėgomis ir paprašo Beilso pagalbos. Vargšelis Krisas visai nežino, kad Beilsas ir pats kraustosi iš proto dėl žaviosios astronomės ir kad pasistengs Krisui žūtbūt sutrukdyti.

An Italian WWII documentary by a group of neorealists.