Since DJ Hyde took over the reigns of WSU, the show has severely declined in quality due to booking. WSU has reached its lowest point in the anniversary show with unnecessary overbooking in every corner and more bizarre choices than ever before. We find ourselves three months after this ignominy with Power, a show where starts a tournament to crown a new Spirit champion after Nevaeh abandoned the title on injury (it will probably be explained) and whose main event is Cherry Bomb against LuFisto for the title.

After Martha Jones parts company with the Doctor, his TARDIS collides with another, and he comes face to face with one of his previous incarnations.

Dona Hermínia is back, but now rich and famous since she is the host of her own successful TV show. However, the overprotective character will have to deal with her children's departures, as Marcelina and Juliano decide to move out. In counterpart, she will welcome, as a visitor, her sister Lúcia Helena, who's been living in New York.

Zgodba o ljubezni in preživetju v 23. stoletju, kakršnega si je zamisli režiser Luc Besson in v katerem človeštvo potuje med zvezde ter širi življenjsko energijo. A vsakih 5000 let, ko se za hip odpro vrata v paralelne razsežnosti, mračna sila napade vesolje. To skuša izkoristiti zlobni Zorg, in edini up človeštva je Leeloo, ki predstavlja peti element, življenjsko silo, pri tem pa ji, sprva po naključju in nehote, pomaga newyorški taksist Korben Dallas.

After witnessing the murder of his father as a child, Ibrahim is drawn into the criminal underworld of Egypt. While making a name for himself with his best friend Ashri, he finds his high school sweetheart Houria and manages to rekindle their love, but paths intertwine with Abdel Malik Zarzor, the city's crime lord, who is connected somehow to Houria.

After a party ends in traumatic fashion, the previously hedonistic JK begins to rethink his lifestyle and begins a quest for an honest yet quickly rewarding career to meet his family's needs.

In a claustrophobic neighborhood where gossip and violence police people's behavior, the lives of residents intertwine and collide as some try to maintain social norms while others try to break them.

Ko se bacek Jon odloči, da si bo vzel prost dan in se zabaval, se mu zgodi nekaj več, kot je pričakoval. Zmešnjava s kmetom, prikolica in zelo strm klanec vse pripeljejo v veliko mesto, Shaun in čreda pa morajo vse varno vrniti na domačo zeleno travo.

David Wozniak is a perpetual adolescent who discovers that, as a sperm donor, he has fathered 533 children. He is advised that more than 100 of his offspring are trying to force the fertility clinic to reveal the true identity of "Starbuck," the pseudonym he used when donating his sperm. To make matters worse, his girlfriend Valérie is pregnant with his child, but doesn't feel that he is mature enough to be a father.

A young ex-con seeking redemption is surprised by a bank foreclosure that forces him to plot against a ruthless crime boss.

Do, Re and Mi in this sequeal tells the tale of a group of gangsters who are planning to rob a bank. So they use this oppurtunity to con them out of it and capture them at the same time. Many comedic memorable moments are carried out through the movie.

A girl calls on her brother's imaginary friend to banish a mischievous boogeyman who has framed her for his pranks.

Stari prijatelji Sid, Manny in Diego se morajo podati na novo pustolovščino, ko celinski premiki spremenijo podobo sveta. Potujoči na velikanski ledeni gori se skušajo vrniti domov, toda morska prostranstva so polna nevarnih avantur, divjih piratov, pogubnih morskih siren in srhljivih morskih pošasti. Zvesti mamut Manny je odločen, da se kljub vsem težavam vrne k družini, čemerni tiger Diego se prvič zaljubi, čudaški lenivec Sid pa kot vedno skrbi za kaos in zabavo.

Tokrat brata Wayans začneta zgodbo s satirično parodijo The Exorcist, v kateri je James Woods v vlogi nekonvencionalnega duhovnika, očeta McFellyja, zaposlen pri reševanju Natasha Lyonne pred nezemeljskim duhom. Potem sta brata Wayans komično združila zgodbo, kam sta odšla, z junakinjo Cindy Campbell, zdaj dobro študentko. Nori profesor zaposli njo in njeno skupino sošolcev, željnih avantur in novih izkušenj, za vikend izlet pod izgovorom, da je izvedel znanstveni eksperiment. Ko se vikend aktivnosti odvijajo, neprestana presenečenja nadaljujejo z zabavo.

Based on a song by the same name. It was the Genre Popularizer for the Rillumarei film and live entertainment genre that drew from the musical couplet genre of light, cleverly written, often satirical songs. Many of these films were based on an existing song, or a song was specifically written to be the foundation of a film.

Still reeling from his breakup with college sweetheart Allison, Adam's world is thrown into further chaos when he’s surprisingly invited to attend her upcoming wedding. Returning home for the festivities, Adam must confront unresolved feelings while trying to convince himself and everyone else that he is truly happy for her.

Cevat is the son of a famous mafia leader. He falls in love with a super model and he decides to kidnap her. The famous mafia boss has his men do this for his son. They kidnap her and plan how they will bring her to Cevat safely. On their way, the worker will get in trouble and lose the car with the model in it. He will experience the worst 48 hours of his life when he has to find her in order to bring her to Cevat.