Burn the Stage: the Movie is the first movie from BTS, going behind-the-scenes of the BTS WINGS TOUR to reveal the full story of the band’s meteoric rise to fame. This unmissable film provides an intimate look at what happens when the most successful global boy band of all time breaks down barriers and invades the mainstream music scene. Exclusive tour footage and brand-new one-on-one interviews with BTS members give fans an unprecedented glimpse into their lives and an opportunity for everyone to celebrate together worldwide.

Shot at the Olympic Stadium in Seoul during the BTS World Tour ‘Love Yourself’ to celebrate the seven members of the global boyband and their unprecedented international phenomenon.

Артур Флек, неуспешни је стандaп комичар, који дању ради као кловн. Осећа се одбаченим од стране друштва, а своју неприлагођеност окружењу открива сваки пут када се манијакално смеје у најмање прикладним тренуцима. Његовом душевном стању не помажу ни озбиљни психички проблеми од којих пати. Артур се стара о својој мајци, али се види да му видно недостаје очинска фигура, па је принуђен да је тражи међу људима као што су телевизијски водитељ Мареј Френклин и милијардер Томас Вејн. У свом психичком расулу, њему се чини да је насиље једино решење…

Alexander McQueen's rags-to-riches story is a modern-day fairy tale, laced with the gothic. Mirroring the savage beauty, boldness and vivacity of his design, this documentary is an intimate revelation of McQueen's own world, both tortured and inspired, which celebrates a radical and mesmerizing genius of profound influence.

Филм представља страствену љубавну причу између двоје људи који се због различитог порекла и темперамента, на први поглед чине неспојиви, али су ипак судбински предодређени једно за друго. Све се дешава у време хладног рата педесетих година прошлог века у Пољској, Берлину, Југославији и Паризу, и описује немогућу љубав у немогућа времена.

Т’Чала, након смрти свог оца, краља Ваканде, враћа се кући у изоловану и технолошки напредну афричку нацију да наследи престо и постане краљ. Али, поновним појављивањем моћног, старог непријатеља, Т’Чалина улога краља – и Црног пантера – доведена је у питање када уђе у застрашујући сукоб који доведе у опасност судбину Ваканде и остатка света. Суочен са издајом и опасношћу, млади краљ мора да окупи савезнике и свом снагом Црног пантера крене на непријатеље да би заштитио свој народ и њихов начин живота.

In Italy, a dying woman tells her granddaughter that she hid her treasure many years ago in Russia, in the city of Leningrad. Other people (who were around when she died) also learn about it. Thus several people arrive in Leningrad trying to find the treasure, each one for himself/herself. What's worse - the only information they have is that the treasure is under a lion - and it's in Leningrad, a city known by its numerous statues of lions. The story gets even more interesting when the soviet militia (police) learns about the whole thing and send an undercover agent...

David, who gets by doing odd jobs, meets Léna, who has just moved up to Paris, and falls in love. But soon after, his life is brutally interrupted by the sudden death of his sister. Beyond the shock, and the pain, David now finds himself alone with his young niece Amanda to care for.

Група тинејџера упада у кућу слепог човека мислећи да ће се извући са савршеним злочином. Они греше.

Five years after an unexplained malfunction causes the death of 15 tour-goers and staff on the opening night of a Halloween haunted house tour, a documentary crew travels back to the scene of the tragedy to find out what really happened.

Jenn has washed ashore a small tropical island and it doesn’t take her long to realize she’s completely alone. She must spend her days not only surviving the elements, but must also fend off the malevolent force that comes out each night.

8-year-old Elli and her mother, Marlène, live in a small town by the French Riviera where they act out to relieve boredom and hide from social services. When Marlène caves in to yet another night of excess, she chooses to leave Elli behind for a man she just met. The young child must confront her mother's demons in order to get her back.

One clear summer day in a Baltimore suburb, a baby goes missing from her front porch. Two young girls serve seven years for the crime and are released into a town that hasn't fully forgiven or forgotten. Soon, another child is missing, and two detectives are called in to investigate the mystery in a community where everyone seems to have a secret.

Sandra, a young woman forced to leave the south of France to flee a violent husband. Without attachment, she returned to Boulogne-sur-Mer, the city of her childhood which she left almost 15 years ago. She finds her mother there and a world she left behind. Without money, she is hired in a fish cannery where she befriends two workers. But one day, one of her colleagues tackles her insistently, she defends herself and kills him accidentally.

20 years after three teenagers disappeared in the wake of mysterious lights appearing above Phoenix, Arizona, unseen footage from that night has been discovered, chronicling the final hours of their fateful expedition.

Every parent's worst nightmare is just the beginning for Rachel's ordeal as in the aftermath of a tragic accident, she and her husband Anthony decide to move to the other side of the world to focus on their surviving twin son Elliot. What begins as a time of healing and isolation in the Finnish countryside turns into a desperate battle for the very soul of their son as an entity claiming to be his dead twin brother takes over Elliot — setting Rachel on a diabolical journey to unravel the horrible truth about her twin son.

Stranded at the side of the road after a tire blowout, a group of friends become targets for an enigmatic sniper.

A young woman held in captivity discovers the realities of truth and lies in the outside world.

On the night of November 13th, 1974, Ronald DeFeo Jr. took a high powered rifle and murdered his entire family as they slept. At his trial, DeFeo claimed that 'voices' in the house commanded him to kill. This is their story.

Two estranged sisters are forced to rob a bank in order to save their brother. But this is no ordinary bank.