Deseti i jedanaesti Doktor zajedno na ekranu zajedno sa reinkarnacijom na koju su zaboravili - Ratnog Doktora! Epizoda prikazuje posljedni dan Vremenskog rata (Time War) u kojem ratni Doktor (John Hurt) odlučuje ubiti i Daleke i svoju vlastitu rasu Gospodara Vremena kako bi zaustavio destruktivan sukob. Istovremeno pratimo događaje u sadašnjosti u kojoj paravojna organizacija UNIT želi uništiti London kako bi spriječili invaziju vanzemaljaca i priču koja se odvija u 1562., u elizabetijanskoj Engleskoj.

The world's boldest buccaneers set sail for the great Pirate Festival, where the Straw Hats join a mad-dash race to find Gol D. Roger's treasure. There's just one little problem: An old member of Roger's crew has a sinister score to settle.

In Chinatown, law and order is turned upside down when a trio of feral Chinese gangsters arrive, start terrorizing civilians, and usurping territory. The beleaguered local gangsters team up with the police, lead by the badass loose cannon Ma Seok-do, to bring them down. Based on a true story.

It's the 1940s, and the notorious Axe Gang terrorizes Shanghai. Small-time criminals Sing and Bone hope to join, but they only manage to make lots of very dangerous enemies. Fortunately for them, kung fu masters and hidden strength can be found in unlikely places. Now they just have to take on the entire Axe Gang.

Sewashi and Doraemon find themselves way back in time and meet Nobita. It is up to Doraemon to take care of Nobita or else he will not return to the present.

Sent into a drunken tailspin when his entire unit is killed by a gang of thrill-seeking punks, disgraced Hong Kong police inspector Wing needs help from his new rookie partner, with a troubled past of his own, to climb out of the bottle and track down the gang and its ruthless leader.

Newly transferred to the bustling port city of Marseille to assist with a crackdown on organized crime, energetic young magistrate Pierre Michel is given a rapid-fire tutorial on the ins and outs of an out-of-control drug trade. Pierre's wildly ambitious mission is to take on the French Connection, a highly organized operation that controls the city's underground heroin economy and is overseen by the notorious —and reputedly untouchable— Gaetan Zampa. Fearless, determined and willing to go the distance, Pierre plunges into an underworld world of insane danger and ruthless criminals.

Detective Sergeant Ma Jun, known for dispensing his own brand of justice during arrests, teams up with an undercover cop, Wilson, to try and bring down three merciless Vietnamese brothers running a smuggling ring in the months before mainland China's takeover of Hong Kong. Jun pursues the gang tirelessly, sometimes ignoring police protocols. A showdown is inevitable!

Lažljivi rančer uspijeva da prevari vlasnike farme na kojoj živi Toto i ubijedi ih da se klade u borbi horozova. Na taj način će Toto moći da trenira kako bi pobijedio strašnog horoza Bankivoida, šampiona nad šampionima, znajući da će odlepršati od sudbine na farmi i njenih stanovnika Toto će morati da odraste u hrabarog i borbenog horoza.

The remarkable true story of the early life of Ip Man, the formidable kung fu genius who would become Bruce Lee's mentor; beginning at the start of his journey from his initial training through to the ultimate battle to become supreme master of the art of Wing Chun.

Keen to bring honor to his clan, young villager Dong Yilong embarks on a perilous journey to compete in a tournament that selects warriors for battle.

In 18th century France, the Chevalier de Fronsac and his Native American friend Mani are sent by the King to the Gevaudan province to investigate the killings of hundreds by a mysterious beast.

When Lenny and his wife, Amanda, adopt a baby, Lenny realizes that his son is a genius and becomes obsessed with finding the boy's biological mother in hopes that she will be brilliant too. But when he learns that Max's mother is Linda Ash, a kindhearted prostitute and porn star, Lenny is determined to reform her immoral lifestyle. A Greek chorus chimes in to relate the plot to Greek mythology in this quirky comedy.

A warrior-assassin is forced to hide in a small town in the American Badlands after refusing a mission.

Kurt Russell u ulozi je elitnog, indoktriniranog vojnika Todda kojem su uklonjeni svi osjećaji. On je borac koji poznaje samo jedno pravilo: ubij ili ćeš biti ubijen. Kada ga porazi pripadnik buduće generacije boraca Caine, on biva s otpadom odvezen na zabačeni planet. Pronalaze ga miroljubivi stanovnici i pomažu mu u oporavku. Naučen samo na nasilje, Todd je isprva na oprezu i svatko mu je sumnjiv, no gostoljubivost članova naselja u koje su ga doveli, Macea (Sean Pertwee) i Sandre (Connie Nielsen), konačno počne otapati njegovu hladnoću. Njegova sreća, nažalost, ne potraje dugo jer kada se nemilosrdni Caine ponovno pojavi, Todd mora jednom zauvijek okončati sukob.

In Seattle, detective Quentin Conners is unfairly suspended and his partner Jason York leaves the police force after a tragic shooting on Pearl Street Bridge, when the hostage and the criminal die. During a bank heist with a hostage situation, Conners is assigned in charge of the operation with the rookie Shane Dekker as his partner. The thieves, lead by Lorenz, apparently do not steal a penny from the bank. While chasing the gangsters, the police team disclose that they planted a virus in the system, stealing one billion dollars from the different accounts, using the principle of the Chaos Theory. Further, they find that Lorenz is killing his accomplices.

A story of lost love, young love, a legendary sword and one last opportunity at redemption.

Desperate for a good story, a sex-addicted journalist throws himself into the world of high-class escorts when he starts following a Stanford-educated prostitute.

Super murjaci Mac, Thorny, Foster, Rabbit i Farva stižu u Kanadu gdje bi trebali osnovati policijsku postaju u regiji koja bi se trebala odvojiti od Kanade i pridružiti se Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Naravno, ta situacija neće proći tako glatko i ovi otkačeni policajci morat će dati sve od sebe kako bi održali red i osigurali mirnu tranziciju.

Dvanaest godina nakon originala, Kevin McCallister prošao je novu kuru pomlađivanja. Novi nestašni klinac postao je Mike Weinberg, a njegov neprijatelj komični French Stewart, zvijezda serije "Treći kamenčić od Sunca". Roditelji malog Kevina (Mike Weinberg) rastali su se, a dječakov život s majkom neprestano zagorčava nasilno ponašanje starijeg brata. Savršena prilika za odmor ukaže se Kevinu kad ga otac pozove za Božić u stan svoje djevojke Natalie (Joanna Going). Dječak objeručke prihvati poziv i doživi veliko iznenađenje kad shvati da je Natalien dom čudo moderne tehnologije u kojem se televizorom, paljenjem i gašenjem svjetala, ali i mnogim drugim stvarima može upravljati glasom. Tehnologija će se pokazati vrlo korisnom kad u stan provali dvoje kriminalaca – Vera (Missi Pyle) i Kevinov stari znanac, Marv (French Stewart).