The 5th volume of episodes from the hit TV series What's New Scooby-Doo, with four action-packed sports adventures. The Unnatural serves up a full plate of ballpark pranks and ferocious fastballs from Ghost Cab Gray, who wants to stop the current homerun king from breaking his record. The gang tries to stop a giant sand worm from wreaking havoc on the Enduro Slam 5000 offroad race in The Fast and the Wormious. A weird ghost monster called the Titantic Twist turns Daphne and Velma into Wrestle Maniacs. For a grand-slam finale the hockey mystery Diamonds Are A Ghoul's Best Friend introduces the chilling Frozen Fiend. When the gang dons sticks and pads, will they perform a hat trick...or get frozen stiff?

Hellbent on taking over Earthrealm, Kano viciously attacks town after town with the aid of three cold-blooded Black Dragon mercenaries. Those who don’t submit are annihilated but one young man won’t bend the knee to Kano: Kenshi.

Įžūlusis Veidas Vilsonas – buvęs specialiųjų pajėgų kariškis. Sunkiai susirgęs jis ryžosi eksperimentiniam gydymui ir tapo klaikiai bjauriu išoriškai, tačiau stipriu fiziškai. Apsipratęs su kūno pokyčiais, jis neplanavo tapti pasaulio gelbėtoju. Tačiau piktybiški niekšeliai vaikinui simpatijos nekelia, todėl, progai pasitaikius, jis mielai „atstato teisingumą“. Pirmojoje dalyje išgyvenęs visus pavojus, šįkart Deadpoolas siekia išmokti gyventi su prarastu skonio pojūčiu. Todėl svajoja tapti karščiausiu užkandinių tinklo „Mayberry‘s“ barmenu. Ieškodamas savo kelio šiame pasaulyje, ir retkarčiais pasidairydamas, ar skersgatvyje nesimėto laiko mašina, liežuvio už dantų nelaikantis Veidas ir vėl įsivelia į šimtus pavojingų nesusipratimų – jo laukia kautynės su mirtį sėjančiomis nindzėmis, japonų kriminalinės organizacijos Jakudza grupuotėmis, seksualiai agresyviais keturkojais ir net kietašikniais metalistais.

One year after Dr. Tasha and Prince Alec met and fell in love, Tasha is on her way to spend the holidays in San Saverre and get a taste of royal life. When Alex surprises her with a royal engagement, she spends her first magical days there trying to stay grounded while managing the task of planning a royal wedding. But when Miranda starts scheming to break the two up, it will take a big sacrifice and a Christmas miracle to make sure they get the holiday royal wedding of their dreams.

Scooby-Doo and his pals win an all-expense paid vacation and embark on a trip of a lifetime to a tropical paradise. Their destination however, turns out to be Zombie Island. As soon as they arrive, they realize the place looks strangely familiar and is reminiscent of a trip they took years ago, in which they became wrapped up in a mystery involving zombies. The gang soon learns that their trip to paradise comes with a price when the zombies re-emerge and attack their hotel. Will Scooby-Doo and the Mystery Inc. gang finally solve the mystery behind Zombie Island?

Pirmosios „Fantastinių gyvūnų“ dalies pabaigoje Amerikos Magiškojo Kongreso burtininkai su Niuto Skamanderio (aktorius Eddie‘is Redmayne‘as) pagalba sulaikė pavojingą juodąjį burtininką Gelertą Grindelvaldą (Johnny‘is Depp‘as). Tačiau šiam pavyksta pasprukti. Siekdamas savo didžiojo tikslo įgyvendinimo – kad grynakraujai burtininkai taptų vieninteliais pasaulio ir visų gyvų būtybių valdovais – Grindelvaldas ima rinkti šalininkų armiją. Tai sužinojęs, Albas Dambldoras (Jude‘as Law) vėl kreipiasi pagalbos į talentingiausią ir galingiausią savo mokinį Niutą Skamanderį. Kartu su Dambldoro bendramoksliu, legendiniu alchemiku Nikolu Flameliu, Niutas ima kurti planą, kaip ne tik pasipriešinti, bet ir galutinai nugalėti piktąjį Grindelvaldą. Abiems pusėms kaupiant jėgas ir sąjungininkus, neišvengiamai artėja lemtingojo mūšio diena.

When his sister disappears after leaving their home in hopes of singing stardom, Luis tracks her down and discovers the grim reality of her whereabouts.

Netikėtų posūkių kupina romantinė drama apie galerijos savininkę Bruk ir jos vyrą Oveną, kurie susiduria su išskirtinėmis vilionėmis ir nenuspėjamomis pasekmėmis.

While fighting for a woman who sits on death row, a lawyer happens upon new information which brings into question the motives of a man associated with her client

Renowned producer, director and writer Judd Apatow makes his long-awaited return to stand-up comedy with this new special shot in Montreal.

Smalsūs vaikai suranda, kariuominei priklausančias statines, kurios anksčiau buvo skirtos atgaivinti mirusiesiems, ir viskas prasideda iš naujo.

Michael returns to Haddonfield for Jamie Lloyd – the orphaned daughter of Laurie Strode – and her babysitter Rachel. Can Dr. Loomis stop him before the unholy slaughter reaches his innocent young niece?

Dr. Beck, who has changed his name, saves a young teenage girl drowning in Mexico, whom he falls in love with. As always, there are some complications in his way, but he has plans to possibly get past them and get the girl of his dreams.

A recently married scholar goes on a quest for knowledge of other people's wives, based on his philosophical differences with the Sack Monk. He encounters the Flying Thief, who agrees to help him find women, but only if he attains a penis as big as a horse's. The scholar has a surgeon attach said unit, and he's off and running on his mission, only to find that there are obstacles to his new lifestyle, such as jealous husbands and treacherous females.

Joe Weber is an anthropologist who takes his son on a trip to the New England town of Salem's Lot unaware that it is populated by vampires. When the inhabitants reveal their secret, they ask Joe to write a bible for them.

It's summer camp as usual at Camp Manabe where the kids torment each other for fun while the underpaid camp staff provides as little supervision as possible. Greedy camp owner Frank and junior partner Ronnie do their best to keep everyone in line, but something sinister is about to put a slash in the roster. When campers and staff mysteriously begin disappearing and turning into gruesome corpses, paranoid Ronnie can't shake the memory of a series of grisly murders that took place at Camp Arawak. As the paranoia worsens, Ronnie's list of possible killers starts growing just like the body count. Only one thing is for certain, something is carving a bloody new trail at Sleepaway Camp where kids can be so mean and surviving this summer is gonna be a real killer!

Po to laiko, kai Meribet stebuklingai išsigelbėjo nuo bepročio maniako Viktoro Krouvlo. Ji sužino, kaip jis buvo susijęs su jos šeima. Sužinojusi visą tiesą, vėl nori sugrįžti prie pelkės, tik su visa armija ir atkeršyti.

One Monday morning Katya, Vika and Zhanna learn that there will be a school disco, their first disco, on the coming Saturday night. The girls feverishly start preparing for the event, which rapidly becomes the most important moment ever in their universe, and looks like the ideal way to escape their daily lives...

A suburban family drives their new gadget, The Alpha Home Assistant, to a killing rampage after mistreating and abusing it, leading to a full A.I. uprising…

A girl called Hannah goes back to her hometown (Gatlin) to find her mother but on the way she picks up a strange man who fore-shadows her life with a passage from the bible. When she gets there she wakes up Isaac from a coma he has been in for 19 years. Isaac is awake and wants to fulfil the final prophecy.