The stand-alone pilot OVA which was shown as part of the "Jump Super Anime Tour" of 1998. Shortly before the TV series, a summary is presented of the story of Gon who wants to become a hunter and the friends he makes in the process.

Jätkub eepiline “Ristiisa” triloogia Corleonede perekonna võimuvõitlusest läbi kahe põlvkonna. Teises osas põimuvad kaks lugu, mis kajastavad nii esimesele filmile eelnevaid kui ka järgnevaid sündmusi. Üks kujutab Sitsiiliast pärit don Vito tõusu New Yorgi maffiaperekonna peaks. Teine osa keskendub sellele, kuidas Vito poeg, Michael, perekonna äri 50nendatel juhib ning lisaks Las Vegases ja Kuubas kanda üritab kinnitada.

Frodo ja Sam'i teekond Mordorisse on lõpule jõudmas, kuid Frodo hakkab kahtlema, kas ta ikka suudab Sõrmuse hävitada. Sauroni väed on kogunenud Musta Värava alla ja on valmis andma viimast lööki Gondorile. Gandalf kogub vägesid Minas Tirith'i kaitseks. Rohani kuningas Theoden ratsutab oma ratsaväega Gondorile appi, kuid pole sugugi kindel, kas ta jõuab õigeks ajaks. Aragorn peab leidma endas jõu, et võtta vastu Gondori troon ja juhtida sõda Sauroni vastu, sest see on ainus võimalus Sauroni Silma eemalhoidmiseks Frodost.

Impeeriumi eest põgenedes peidavad mässajad end Hothi kindlusesse. Püüdes Millenniumi Pistrikul põgeneda, saab Darth Vader printsess Leia, Han Solo ning robotid R2-D2 ja C-3PO siiski kätte. Samal ajal järgib Luke Skywalker vaimuna naasnud Obi-Wan Kenobi soovitusi ja läheb iidse Jedi rüütli Yoda juurde õppima. Kuuldes oma sõprade hädast, jätab Luke õpingud pooleli ja asub neid päästma.

Dr. Emmett Brown(Christopher Lloyd) leiutab autost ajamasina, millega ta saaks reisida tulevikku, kuid ööl, mil ta seda imepärast leiutist katsetab lastakse Dr. Brown maha, temaga kaasas olnud 17-aastane Marty McFly(Michael J. Fox) põgeneb ajamasinaga Emmetti tapjate eest ja satub aastasse 1955, kus ta segab kogemata ära tema vanemate esmakordse kokkusaamise ning juhtub ka selline keeruline asi, et Marty ema armub temasse. Nüüd on ajalugu sassi löödud ning tal tuleb abistada George McFly'd(Crispin Glover), et ta saaks kokku Lorraine Bainesiga(Lea Thompson), sest muidu ei sünni Marty't. Muidugi pole asi lihtne ning ega tagasi 80-ndatesse tagasi pöörduda, sest ajamasina tööks on vaja väga võimast jõudu ja Marty peab abipalvega pöörduma noore Dr. Emmett Browni poole. Marty ülesanded pole kerged, sest kaalul on tema enda elu.

In the middle of October 1998, Tomoe Enjou is attacked by bullies from his old school and saved by Shiki Ryougi. He asks her to hide him at her place and admits that he killed someone. Several days after the incident there are still no broadcasts about the murder as if it didn't happen.

After a tied 1st place in a local stunt race, two drivers start a contest to decide who of them will own the prize, a dune buggy. But when a mobster destroys the car, they are determined to get it back.

A weary gunfighter attempts to settle down with a homestead family, but a smouldering settler and rancher conflict forces him to act.

The Joker is back with a vengeance, and Neo-Gotham's Dark Knight, Terry McGinnis, needs answers as he stands alone to face the old Gotham's most infamous Clown Prince of Crime.

Alan gets a map to some war treasure which the Japanese army left behind on a small Pacific island at the end of World War II. But some gangsters try to steal the map from him and so he hides on Charlie's boat which just leaves the harbor. He manipulates the ship's compass so that Charlie is not aware that he is sailing to the treasure island. But when they step on the island, they discover that it is not as abandoned as they believed: there are some natives - and a Japanese soldier still defending the treasure

A submarine expedition to salvage the remains of Mechagodzilla is thwarted by a massive dinosaur named Titanosaurus. An Interpol investigation leads biologist Ichinose to uncover the work of Dr. Mafune and his mysterious daughter Katsura. Aligned with the Black Hole Aliens, Katsura's life becomes entwined with the resurrected machine.

Having recently witnessed the horrific results of a top secret project to bring the dead back to life, a distraught teenager performs the operation on his girlfriend after she's killed in a motorcycle accident.

Jigsaw has disappeared. Along with his new apprentice Amanda, the puppet-master behind the cruel, intricate games that have terrified a community and baffled police has once again eluded capture and vanished. While city detective scrambles to locate him, Doctor Lynn Denlon and Jeff Reinhart are unaware that they are about to become the latest pawns on his vicious chessboard.

A Broadway actress uses her sex appeal to ruin a marriage only to dump her lover for a richer prospect.

Following Jigsaw's grisly demise, Detective Mark Hoffman is commended as a hero, but Agent Strahm is suspicious, and delves into Hoffman's past. Meanwhile, another group of people are put through a series of gruesome tests.

Ühendriikide kosmosesüstikut kandev lennuk Boeing 747 kukub teel Suurbritanniasse merre. Õnnetuspaika jõudnud päästemeeskond leiab eest risustunud lennumasina, kuid transporditud süstik on jäljetult kadunud. Briti salaluure agent James Bond (Roger Moore) saadetakse kosmosesõiduki kadumise tõttu selle tootja Hugo Drax-i (Michael Lonsdale) juurde vabandust paluma, kuid seal külas olles üritatakse mitu korda Bondi eluküünalt kustutada. See teeb Drax-i 007-e silmis peamiseks kahtlusaluseks. Tema tegemisi uurides avastab Bond, et Drax kavatseb kõik maailma elanikud hukata, viibides ise valitud seltskonnaga kosmoses.

Tommy Jarvis, tormented by the fear that maybe Jason isn't really dead, unwittingly resurrects the mass murderer for another bloody rampage.

Flash Back 2012 is Minmay's farewell concert. Featuring some of her best songs, the music is performed over various scenes and events taken from the first Macross television series as well as Macross: Do You Remember Love film. Also included is a newly animated closing sequence showing the launch of Misa's colony vessel, the Megaroad-01, into space.

As a deadly battle rages over Jigsaw's brutal legacy, a group of Jigsaw survivors gathers to seek the support of self-help guru and fellow survivor Bobby Dagen, a man whose own dark secrets unleash a new wave of terror.

Mr. Devereaux is a powerful man. A man who handles billions of dollars every day. A man who controls the economic fate of nations. A man driven by a frenzied and unbridled sexual hunger. A man who dreamed of saving the world and who cannot save himself. A terrified man. A lost man.