Kumar Agnihotri belongs to a wealthy family, consisting of his dad, Madan, and mom, Janki. He is in love with beautiful Mala Bajpai, and they hope to marry soon with the blessings of their respective parents. Kumar's other passion is boxing, which Janki loathes, and hopes that he will give this up soon. When the Agnihotris bring home a woman named Ganga, and introduce her to Kumar as Janki's childhood friend, Kumar finds out that Ganga is his biological mother, and his father, Ajay Kumar, was the National Champion in boxing, who was killed by three men for refusing to lose a fight. While Janki is afraid that she is going her son to Ganga, Kumar has decided to avenge his biological's father's death by any means, little realizing that he may face the same fate his father did years ago.

Three sisters start out singing in their church choir in Harlem in the late 1950s and become a successful girl group in the 1960s.

In the year UC 0071, three years after escaping the Zabi faction on an Ocean Cargo ship, Artesia and Casval are living happily in Andalusia, Spain, Earth under the identities of Sayla Mass and Éduoard Mass, respectively; masquerading as the children of Don Teabolo Mass, a long time friend of their father Zeon Zum Deikun.

A group of mismatched friends spend a weekend together in Maine.

Upon arriving at the Digital World after the "reboot", the Digidestined are hunted by a new villain. Meanwhile, Sora is troubled by her partner Digimon's indifference towards her.

The film tells a story speaks of "Yusuf ", a plumbing Man, who is exposed to many pranks by his friends.

A girl is at school. Suddenly it's as if she can't breathe. As she runs down the stairs we follow her into her mind. It takes us deep into dark woods.

In celebration of Asian Heritage Month, HBO presents a collection of perspectives from a diverse group of Asian Americans.

Three friends are arrested after committing an accident with their car. After finishing their sentence, they become partners with the owner of a decoration workshop. But he deceives them and spends the money in gambling. They force him to sign a waiver of his workshop but he wants to get it back.

Crystal Wyatt vidéken nő fel, imádja apját és a farmot. Nővére esküvőjén ismerkedik meg élete nagy szerelmével, Spencer Hill-el. Bár évekig nem találkoznak, mégis szívébe zárja a férfit. Ám apja halála és a sorozatos tragédiák miatt minden megváltozik, el kell hagynia a farmot. San Fransiscóba megy, hogy talpra álljon, és Larry bárjában talál is munkát. Kezdetben felszolgál, később énekel esténként nagy-nagy sikerrel. Új barátokat szerez, de szíve Spenceré marad. Egy véletlen folytán találkoznak ismét. Szerelmük fellobban, de már késő, mert Spencer nősül, a menyasszonya igen befolyásos család egyetlen leánya, okos, művelt, és szép lány. Crystal-nak rá kell döbbennie, hogy más utat kell választania, és igent mond egy hollywoodi felkérésnek.

Fantozzi is now retired but continues to go to the office where it is held up as a fine example of employees intending to do career.

Ruth Butler, a clerk in an emporium, marries Jimmy Rutledge and thereby greatly displeases his mother, the owner of the emporium, because of Ruth's lowly origins. Renaud Graham, one of Mrs. Rutledge's friends, becomes interested in Ruth, forces his way into her apartment, and attempts to make violent love to her. Jimmy walks in on their embrace and, suspecting the worst, leaves Ruth. In the family way, Ruth finds refuge in a boardinghouse where she meets Al Bryant, an aspiring writer. Ruth tells Al her life story, and he makes it into a bestselling novel and then into a play. Jimmy sees the play and comes to his senses, winning Ruth's forgiveness.

One by one, with a sweet but inexorable rate, Ugo's colleagues, go to a better life. When Ugo is attending at one of the innumerable funerals, he and the priest remain involved in an accident. The doctor says that Ugo as only one week left to live

Once known for his intellectual prowess, a retired professor (Anupam Kher) begins experiencing memory gaps and periods of forgetfulness. But while he tries to laugh it off, it soon becomes clear that the symptoms are a sign of a more serious illness, prompting his grown daughter (Urmila Matondkar) to move in as his caretaker. Meanwhile, as his mind regresses, he recalls a traumatic childhood memory involving the death of Mahatma Gandhi.

High school student Kasumi Ogino is a member of the school choir and after years of praise for her singing voice thinks she is the absolute bee’s knees. When the object of her desires, classmate and photographer Junichi Makimura, asks Kasumi is he can photograph her singing she accepts, thinking this means she is beautiful as well. However the end result is a comical shot of Kasumi with her mouth wide open, which Makimura likes to a hungry salmon! Distraught by the ensuing humiliation, Kasumi quits the choir, until she is encouraged to return by an unlikely counsel - the brutish leader of thuggish rival all male choir, Hiroshi Gondo.

Barbara is a filmmaker who has been working in the prison environment for a few years now. She is preparing a film written and directed by long-term inmates in a prison in the projects around Paris. Twice a week, Barbara goes to the prison where she shoots interviews with the inmates which will serve as a basis for the writing of their screenplay.

Max Andreev thought the best place to start a new life would be at the other end of the world. What he didn't know, is that you can't outrun your past.