Set in colonial French Indochina during the 1930s to 1950s, this is the story of Éliane Devries, a French plantation owner, and of her adopted Vietnamese daughter, Camille, set against the backdrop of the rising Vietnamese nationalist movement.

In a utopian society created at the end of the third world war, a female warrior who has been plucked from the badlands begins to see cracks in this new facade. And what does this community have planned for the rest of humankind?

After the police find Derek’s daughter brutally murdered on the beach, he vows to make the culprit suffer for his actions, even if that person is ‘part of the family.’ With careful research into the history of torture, Derek prepares himself and his basement for a week of brutal tactics that will make his daughter’s killer feel the pain that he has inflicted upon so many others. In a time when stranger danger is ever present, a single father learns that it’s the ones you trust most who have to be watched the closest.

Members of the Palisades Defense Corp. sales group arrive in Europe for a team-building exercise. A fallen tree blocks the route, and they must hike to their destination. However, a psychotic killer lurks in the woods, and he has a horrible fate in mind for each of the co-workers.

Suspecting that people are transforming into malevolent shape-shifters, Wyatt flees to New York City to seek out his estranged childhood friend Christian.

ARRANGED centers on the friendship between an Orthodox Jewish woman and a Muslim woman who meet as first-year teachers at a public school in Brooklyn. Over the course of the year they learn they share much in common - not least of which is that they are both going through the process of arranged marriages.

Doc, who has just moved to Cannery Row, realizes that the only entertainment is the brothel. There he meets the spunky Suzy and they fall in love, giving them both a renewed chance at life.

Louie Kritski is a heartless landlord who has been so negligent in keeping up his ghetto apartment that he is threatened with jail time. The judge gives him another option -- he must live in his rat-infested hell hole until he brings it up to liveable standards.

Ava is recovering from demonic possession. With no memory of the past month, she must attend a Spirit Possessions Anonymous support group to figure out what happened. Ava's life was hijacked by a demon, now it's time to get it back.

A group of teenagers that work at the mall all get together for a late night party in one of the stores. When the mall goes on lock down before they can get out, the robot security system activates after a malfunction and goes on a killing spree. One by one the three bots try to rid the mall of the “intruders.” The only weapons the kids can use are the supplies in other stores, or if they can make it till morning when the mall opens back up.

Tricia's husband Daniel has been missing for seven years. Her younger sister Callie comes to live with her as the pressure mounts to finally declare him 'dead in absentia.' As Tricia sifts through the wreckage and tries to move on with her life, Callie finds herself drawn to an ominous tunnel near the house. As she begins to link it to other mysterious disappearances, it becomes clear that Daniel's presumed death might be anything but 'natural.' The ancient force at work in the tunnel might have set its sights on Callie and Tricia—and Daniel might be suffering a fate far worse than death in its grasp.

A couple on a trip through the Irish countryside find themselves hunted by a creature who only attacks at night.

An evil is unleashed in a small town when a logging company sets up shop in the neighboring woods. Isolated and threatened, a mysterious force hidden within the trees outside the small town of Maiden Woods, strikes fear in the townspeople as Sheriff Paul Shields attempts to overcome the demons of his past while protecting those that he loves.

Eight people experience sleep paralysis, a condition which leaves them unable to move, speak or react.

Paralyzed after a terrible accident, Dana struggles to regain her life and family when she encounters a malevolent ghost in her hospital room.

Uuteen kotiin muuttaneen perheen teini-ikäinen poika tutustuu naapurintyttöön. Nuorten kiihkeä intohimo avaa portin toiseen todellisuuteen.

On his way to be executed, the vehicle containing notorious serial killer Jack Frost collides with a hazardous chemical truck, turning him into a snow covered mutant and unleashing him on the unsuspecting town of Snomonton.

Joukko opiskelijoita lähtee kalastusalus Harbingerilla tutkimaan maitovalaita ja ilmastonmuutoksen aiheuttamia muutoksia Barentsinmerelle Alaskaan. Matkalle he löytävät vuosikymmeniä sitten kadonneen Neuvostoliittolaisen kuumodulin, joka kantaa sisällään tappavaa salaisuutta.

Julian Michaels (Bruce Willis) on suunnitellut täydellisimmän lomanviettopaikan - Vice:n, jossa kaikki on mahdollista ja asiakkaat voivat elää ja toteuttaa heidän villeimpiään fantasioitaan. Keinomaailmaa täydentävät asukkaat, jotka näyttävät, ajattelevat ja tuntevat kuten ihmisetkin. Kun eräs keinoihmisistä (Ambyr Childers) tulee tietoiseksi itsestään ja pakenee Vice:stä, hän huomaa olevansa keskellä Julianin palkkatappajien ja poliisin - joka haluaa keinolla millä hyvänsä sulkea Vice:n - välistä taistelua.

Five school friends seek adventure on Halloween night in an abandoned, haunted mine, only to find to their horror that the ghostly rumors may be true as they fight for survival.