Seattle, WA EMP brings viewers inside the ground-breaking story of one man, his music and the world that embraced him with the two-hour documentary special "Jimi Hendrix Voodoo Child,"

Atstovaudama Asefai, moteriai, kuri pabėgo iš savo šalies po to, kai ją persekiojo Talibanas už bandymą įsteigti mergaičių mokyklą, Džudė padėjo pakeisti prieglobsčio įstatymą Jungtinėse Valstijose.

After a prosecution lawyer is framed and convicted for murder, he tries to catch the real murderer from jail with the help of a con artist.

A wounded criminal and his dying partner take refuge at an old beachfront fortress. The owner of the fortress and his young wife, initially unwilling hosts, quickly experience their relationship with the criminal shift in a humorous and bizarre fashion.

Seven friends summon a monster when they are tricked into eating burgers made of human flesh.

The life and career of shock-jock superstar Howard Stern is recounted from his humble beginnings to his view from the top. Possessing a desire to be an on-air personality since childhood, Stern meanders through the radio world, always with his supportive wife, Alison, by his side. Landing a gig in Washington, D.C., Stern meets Robin Quivers, who will become his long-time partner in crime. When the two move to New York, they face the wrath of NBC executives.

Veiksmas persikelia į Pirmojo pasaulinio karo pabaigą, 1918-uosius metus. Jaunas ir dar visai naivus leitenantas Reilis atvyksta į priešakines fronto linijas ir prisijungia prie savo vaikystės autoriteto ir šeimos draugo, kapitono Steinhaupo dalinio, net neįtardamas, kaip stipriai pastarasis pasikeitė per šio žiauraus karo, nusinešusio milijonus gyvybių, metus. Kapitono vadovaujamas dalinys ruošiasi atremti priešininkų vokiečių, gerokai viršyjančių karinių pajėgų skaičiumi anglus, šturmą.

Aging sidekick Lefty Brown has ridden with Eddie Johnson his entire life. But when a rustler kills Eddie, Lefty is forced from his partner’s shadow and must confront the ugly realities of frontier justice.

Jauna gydytoja Ženi Davan (akt. Adèle Haenel) vadovauja klinikai Ljež priemiestyje. Vėlų vakarą pasigirsta skambutis į duris. Ženi sulaiko pakilusį kolegą (akt. Olivier Bonnaud) – darbo valandos jau pasibaigusios. Kitą rytą ją pasiekia žinia, kad vakar mirė pagalbos ieškanti moteris. Gydytojos gyvenimą aptemdo kaltės šešėlis. Ji ryžtasi išsiaiškinti, kas buvo nenustatytos tapatybės moteris ir kas atsakingas už jos mirtį.

Sully is desperate to give his unborn son the chance he never had. Jasper wants to escape the mobsters that have infiltrated his life and business. Parmie, a local mob boss, dreams of crushing the competition. All three men live in Staten Island, and once their lives intersect, nothing will ever be the same.

When her family goes bankrupt, privileged city girl Jen Stone travels to the country to try and fix up a struggling pumpkin farm that her father bought as an investment to get her money back. Not everyone is on board with her changes, least of all Brett, the farm's handsome manager. By working with what she knows best, she discovers the magic of pumpkin skincare and turns the struggling farm around while also falling in love.

Taip, tai nebuvo Jaltos konferencija. Tačiau daugeliui svarbiausias XX a. susitikimas atrodo būtent šis – kai 1970-ųjų gruodžio 21 dieną Elvis atvyko į Baltuosius rūmus, kad susitiktų su prezidentu Richardu Nixonu. Šis susitikimas yra įamžintas vienoje keisčiausių ir šmaikščiausių pastarojo šimtmečio nuotraukų, kuri, ją saugančio Nacionalinio archyvo duomenimis, yra ir pati populiariausia. Ši juosta – tai žvilgsnis už šios nuotraukos, į dviejų svarbių šalies figūrų susitikimą, kurios net ir po savo mirties kelia daug klausimų, neaiškumų ir sulaukia milžiniško susidomėjimo.

Oscar-winner Michael Moore dives right into hostile territory with his daring and hilarious one-man show, deep in the heart of TrumpLand in the weeks before the 2016 election.

Love for the same woman causes conflict between an over-achieving blind athlete and the brother who made him that way.

Įstatymo sergėtojai Teris (akt. Alexander Skarsgård) ir Bobas (akt. Michael Peña) labiau už įstatymą gerbia savo pačių gerovę. Vilkai avių kailyje – toks apibūdinimas geriausiai tiktų porelei korumpuotų policininkų. Naujajame Meksike niekad nebuvo ramu, bet kai miesto ramybę saugo jie – chaoso dar daugiau. Vyrukai ciniški ir nedori – apgaudinėja žmones, juos apiplėšinėja, šantažuoja nusikaltėlius ir daro viską, dėl ko patys turėtų atsidurti už grotų. Bet vieną dieną, nebaudžiama ir nesulaikoma porelė, užsipuola ne tą, kurį derėjo. Jų kelyje pasipainioja nauja auka – nusikaltėlis, kuris, pasirodo, yra dar pavojingesnis už juo pačius. Štai tuomet vyrukams pradeda svilti padai!

Young mattress salesman Brian decides to adopt a baby from China but is distracted when he forms a relationship with quirky, wealthy Harriet whom he meets at his mattress store. As their relationship flourishes, unbeknownst to them, a hitman is trying to kill Brian.

A gang of cold-blooded outlaws narrowly escapes a blood-soaked bank robbery in a grimy frontier town. With a notorious bounty hunter hot on their trail, these nefarious criminals desperately need a place to hide out before night falls. Fate brings them to the home of the Tildons, a seemingly innocent family with two feisty daughters. As the men settle in, an impetuous game of cat and mouse plays out during the cold, black night. Come morning, nothing will ever be the same.

Jane is the subject of a twisted science experiment where she is placed in a parallel world and is forced to find a way to either alter her reality or be stuck in a time-loop, destined to repeat the same test over and over again, with no memory of her doing it before. But with each 'reset' she starts to retain fragments of memory. With clues pointing to the mysterious Wytness Quantum Research Centre, she tries to find a way out. (The film was shot entirely on an iPhone during the UK’s first lockdown.)

Captain Mack leads an elite military unit on a search for a missing scientist, and comes face-to-face with an an ancient evil lying beneath the Middle Eastern desert. Evil that is not of this world. Evil that should never be unearthed.

A methamphetamine cook hunts down the former police chief of a small town in order to silence him before he can deliver eyewitness testimony against his family, but ultimately finds himself up against more than he had bargained for.