A coming of age drama set in Texas, about a suburban teen boy, estranged from his family, who enlists the help of his dysfunctional friends to become a professional motorcycle racer.

The life story of Claudinho e Buchecha, greatest icons and most successful duo of the Brazilian funk melody in all time, showing how the rhythm and poetry of the periphery conquered Brazil.

现在是夏天,鸣人和帮派正在执行任务。 他们最新的任务是护送瀑布隐村的首领。 但是当卡卡西被召回木叶参加紧急上忍会议时,他把鸣人和帮派留在了后面。 与此同时,在一个失踪的忍者的带领下,对瀑布隐村发起了进攻,将其曾经最强的上忍处死。 这一切都是为了得到“英雄之水”,让你的脉轮倍增十倍,换来你的生命。 鸣人和这帮人被迫与敌人战斗,以消除瀑布隐村的威胁



On the eve of his return to Europe after an extended involuntary stay in 16th-century Brazil, the German sailor Hans Staden is captured by a hostile cannibal Indian tribe. In order to survive he tries to convince the Indians that he is not Portuguese (their enemies) but a friend of the French (their allies), and that his God would be very angry if they were to eat him.

为拍摄一部广告,Joy飞去了莫斯科红场(Red Square)。刚到那儿,她遇见一位出租车司机欲招募年轻性感的女郎。事实上,这是由臭名昭著的Rasputin为首的特殊网络,它逼迫受害者用自己的魅力来满足富有游客的各种要求...

在一片郁金香花园中,住着一位小精灵--桑贝琳娜(Thumbelina)。她和其它的精灵快乐地生活在自然中。花园里就要有新的小精灵出生了,她和她的朋友对此非常兴奋。突然,一架挖土机开始破坏她 们美丽的花园!心宝莲娜被迫和朋友逃出花园,来到了一个奇怪的地方--一座漂亮的现代城市公寓!在那里,她们见到了一个叫麦姬娜的人类女孩,并与她交了朋友,但是她们到底能否拯救美丽的花园呢?你会发现,即使是再渺小的人,也可以战胜强大。

Barbie comes home from shopping. She takes her groceries out of the bag and unwraps a little Barbie doll. She fries up the Barbie doll and eats it.

来自旁遮普一个村庄的四个朋友有一个共同的梦想:去英国。问题是他们既没有签证,也没有机票,而一名士兵答应带他们去梦想之地。   该片展现了印度人猖獗地利用名为“驴子航班”的非法后门路线移民到加拿大和美国等国家的负面现象,但沙鲁克·汗也澄清说:“这是一部喜剧电影,他(指导演 Rajkumar Hirani)的电影总是喜剧和很多混合情绪,以及关于国家的事情。所以,这是一部大型公路片,它穿越了世界各地,最后回到了印度”。


Ruth Butler, a clerk in an emporium, marries Jimmy Rutledge and thereby greatly displeases his mother, the owner of the emporium, because of Ruth's lowly origins. Renaud Graham, one of Mrs. Rutledge's friends, becomes interested in Ruth, forces his way into her apartment, and attempts to make violent love to her. Jimmy walks in on their embrace and, suspecting the worst, leaves Ruth. In the family way, Ruth finds refuge in a boardinghouse where she meets Al Bryant, an aspiring writer. Ruth tells Al her life story, and he makes it into a bestselling novel and then into a play. Jimmy sees the play and comes to his senses, winning Ruth's forgiveness.


It’s a tough winter for young Julien: he meets up with his mother and she asks him to write a statement against his father for the divorce trial; he meets up with his friend Arthur and he tells him that his girl, Lolita, slept with Demian, another friend; he meets up with Demian, who confesses the betrayal; he meets up with his father, who warns him that if he testifies against him, Julien will be a dead man for him; he meets up with the beautiful Lolita and she makes it clear that, for her, being with him or with any of his friends or with all of them is the same thing; he meets up with his sister, who cries over their parents’ fighting, and asks Julian for help.

A detailed documentary about the band AC/DC. It begins with the beginnings of the band, which was still young at the time, through Bon Scott's death to their great successes. An exciting story for every fan who also wants to see behind the scenes of AC/DC.

Like the original film, the sequel is set in a near future where all drinking and drugs are banned except for on one glorious day known as The Binge. This year, that day happens to miraculously land on Christmas.

Captain Feathersword challenges his friends to a race, to find who can reach the end of the rainbow first. The Captain departs with his crew aboard the S.S. Feathersword, while The Wiggles travel by road in their Big Red Car. Dorothy, Wags and Henry The Octopus take to the air in their giant hot air balloon.

When a couple meet illegally for a booty call during lockdown, they end up getting more than they bargained for.