Sebastião Salgado – fotografas, keliautojas, tėvas. Žmogus, gaudantis akimirkas ir žvilgsnius, kuriuose sutelpa visas gyvenimas. Jo nuotraukos – lyg metraštis, kuriame užfiksuota žmonijos žiaurumo istorija ir negęstantis geismas gyventi. Žmonės, žemės druska. Savo ilgas keliones pradėjęs nuo nepažintų Pietų Amerikos kaimelių, Salgado suprato, kad privalo būti ten, kur pasauliui skauda labiausiai, kur vyksta didžiausios žudynės, siaučia ligos ir badas. Tačiau šis filmas nėra tik menininko portretas, jame susiduria trys žvilgsniai, trijų patirtys ir perspektyvos: fotografo S. Salgado, jo sūnaus Juliano Ribeiro ir filmo režisieriaus Wimo Wenderso – „pašaliečio“, kurį kažkada sukrėtė pamatyta aklos moters nuotrauka. "Mes esame žiaurūs gyvūnai. Mes, žmonės, esame žiaurūs gyvūnai. Čia, Europoje, Afrikoje, Pietų Amerikoje – visur mes esame be galo žiaurūs. Mūsų istorija yra karų istorija. Tai yra istorija be galo, represijų istorija, beprotystės istorija", - pasakoja fotografas.

A struggling father uses a bedtime story to impart an important life lesson to his son.

The four old friends meet on the grave of the fifth of them, Perozzi, who died at the end of the first episode. Time has passed but they are still up for adventures and cruel jokes, and while they recall the one they created together with the late friend, new ones are on their way, starting right there at the cemetery.

Clara, a vibrant former music critic and widow with flowing tresses is the only remaining apartment owner in a beautiful older building targeted for demolition by ruthless luxury high-rise developers. Clara proves to be a force to be reckoned with as she thwarts the builders plans to kick her out of the apartment.

The destinies of two families are irrevocably tied together after a cyclist is hit off the road by a jeep in the night before Christmas Eve.

Tai Martino Liuterio Kingo kampanijos kronika, kur bandoma garantuoti lygias teises balsuoti pasitelkiant epinį žygį iš Selmos į Montgomerį, Alabamoje 1965-aisiais.

"Loro", in two parts, is a period movie that chronicles, as a fiction story, events likely happened in Italy (or even made up) between 2006 and 2010. "Loro" wants to suggest in portraits and glimps, through a composite constellation of characters, a moment in history, now definitively ended, which can be described in a very summary picture of the events as amoral, decadent but extraordinarily alive. Additionally, "Loro" wishes to tell the story of some Italians, fresh and ancient people at the same time: souls from a modern imaginary Purgatory who, moved by heterogeneous intents like ambition, admiration, affection, curiosity, personal interests, establish to try and orbit around the walking Paradise that is the man named Silvio Berlusconi.

Improbable encounters bring tenderness, laughter and compassion to a world of urban alienation.

Dramoje pavaizduoti trys reikšmingi vieno žmogaus išėjimai į sceną, o tiksliau – gyvenimo, kūrybos ir bendravimo užkulisiai, kurie kuriami pagal S. Jobs pažinojusių žmonių pasakojimus. Jeigu tikitės didvyriško S. Jobs patoso – nesitikėkite, nes pagrindinis herojus nepaprastai įdomus savo moralinėmis vertybėmis, kurios gana prieštaringai pateikiamos kaip genijaus, stokojosi paprasčiausio žmogiškumo. Steve Jobs asmenybės peizažas šiame filme itin dviprasmiškas ir ne visada išryškinantis jo gerąsias savybes, todėl net filmui pasibaigus, nėra iki gali štampiškai sudedami akcentai, koks buvo tas mūsų gerasis S. Jobs – o jis, kaip ir daugelis, buvo visoks: jeigu sekasi vienoje srityje, kitoje gali atrodyti lyg koks demonas.

Pasiturinčio vynuogynų savininko duktė Laura ir samdinių sūnus Pako užaugo viename name. Jaunystėje jie buvo kartu, tačiau Laura jaunuolį paliko ir dabar, po daugelio metų, gyvena su vyru ir vaikais Argentinoje. Pako pasiliko kaimelyje Ispanijoje, gyvena čia su žmona ir dirba vynuogyne, kurį nebrangiai jam kadaise pardavė Laura. Ir štai jie susitinka Lauros sesers Anos vestuvėse. Laura iš Argentinos atsivežusi savo vaikus, tačiau per vestuves kažkas pagrobia miegančią mergaitę ir už ją pareikalauja milžiniškos išpirkos.

In a life full of triumph and failure, "National Lampoon" co-founder Doug Kenney built a comedy empire, molding pop culture in the 1970s.

A teenager transitions from female to male, and his family must come to terms with that fact.

Tamara has been separated from Diego for two years. She finally leaves home to live the student adventure in Paris with his girlfriend Sam. In a galley apartment, they accept a cohabit with Wagner. Problem: Diego is part of the lot, and he is no more single.

1976 metais lėktuvas, kuris skrido iš Tel Avivo į Paryžių, buvo užgrobtas teroristų. Keleiviams teko ne tik kovoti už savo gyvybę, tačiau ir rasti būdą, kaip sustabdyti nusikaltėlius.

Paris Hilton, the Fat Jew, and Brittany Furlan have all used social media to achieve massive internet fame. But, American Meme explores, is it worth it?

An idealistic young priest is dedicated to his calling until he meets a woman at confession. After the meeting, he seeks guidance from his fellow priests.

Barbara is a filmmaker who has been working in the prison environment for a few years now. She is preparing a film written and directed by long-term inmates in a prison in the projects around Paris. Twice a week, Barbara goes to the prison where she shoots interviews with the inmates which will serve as a basis for the writing of their screenplay.

A male lion, right next to bars that are about 6 or 8 inches apart, keenly watches a uniformed zoo attendant toss small morsels of food into the cage. The lion alternates between finding the food on the cage floor and reaching through the bars to swipe at the man, who stays alarmingly close to the beast. In the background are the large rocks and brick wall at the back of the lion's habitat.

Alex is a charming adventurer who substitutes for a contestant shaman who dropped out at the shooting of a high-rated television show, popular among psychics. He repeats a prophecy on the air that he overheard backstage. He foretells that someone in the audience is doomed to everlasting solitude and that her nearest and dearest will turn their backs on her. Alex has no idea that what's been going on is no coincidence: he has become involved in a long-standing rivalry between two powerful wizards. These psychics have drawn him into a dangerous, mystical game with no rules. Strange events start to take place in the life of Tanya, the girl Alex "cursed" at the show. Alex tries to assure her there is no "curse" at all, and slowly falls in love with her. Still more signs manifest showing the prophecy is true, and it begins to threaten Tanya's life. To save himself and Tanya, Alex is forced to find a way out of this mystical mess.