Léo is the two-year old, son of the acting manager of a factory on the brink of closing. When employees discover the news, Bruno, a more radical Worker who is willing to fight for his job, abducts Léo.

Do, who doesn't take much consideration about his marriageis circled with so many debts. He lied to his mother in law to get some money. Do and his wife eventually got a divorce and Do moved out to Kuala Lumpur to start a new life. Re on the other hand has a wife who is working at a night club whereas he stays at home and takes care of the house chores. Due to re's negligent behaviour his wife's money was stolen and he was told to leave the house bringing him dragging himself to the big city. Mi, a bachelor who is head over heels with the girl who is staying across his house often loans him some money. While Mi was out looking for a job he helped out capturing the theif who snatched a lady's handbag alongside with Re and Do who was in the area and helped out as well. They became close friends since then.

In a world where communication has grown into big business, the lack of it between individuals is almost a paradox. We live in tight little compartments that are not easily penetrated. Individual differences are regarded with suspicion or scorn. This animated film parodies the human condition in a few quick, colourful sketches, amusingly, without words, yet leaving food for thought.

From the pen of Yoshikawa Eiji comes this exciting story. The Naruto Strait separates Tokushima from the islands of Awaji and Honshu. On Tokushima the mad lord dreams of conquest and forges a bloody revolt against the Tokugawa shogunate. A mysterious swordsman named Noriyuki Gennojo has crossed Naruto’s waters to uncover the Awa clan’s secrets. He puts his life on the line after finding a testament of Awa’s secrets, written in blood by a dying man. Joining Noriyuki are a female ninja who loves him, and the beautiful daughter of an enemy who’s sworn to kill him. Awa’s defenders willl stop at nothing to prevent the blood-soaked letter from reaching the shogun.

Tom, 16, is a sensitive teenager who is about to enter a new high school after being expelled. He intends to find his place, make friends and seduce the girl he loves. Tom needs the support of his older brother, Leo, a true mentor, who is working to make him a “cool kid”. However, Leo's fraternal benevolence hides a destructive temperament... Will Tom be able to grow up finding his own path?

Lidské stopy se z přízračné krajiny zcela vytratily. Jen zvířata ve skrytu tmy tiše očekávají příchod mystického ducha rozpínajícího se nad lesními kotlinami. Celovečerní filmové nokturno je noční můrou, romantickou výpravou do nespoutané pustiny i apokalyptickou vizí v jednom.

High school is almost over and four friends are going their separate ways as they go to college. But they have one more chance to spend some time together: Inspection 12, their favorite band, is playing one last concert in Jacksonville, FL.

Amateur filmmaker Kemal Mutlu captures scenes of everyday life with plans of making a film. He lives with his housemate Nuri in a small flat in Istanbul. One day,Nuri's friend from orphanage, Izzet, comes to visit unannounced. Just out of prison, Izzet's colorful character grabs Kemal's attention, and he decides to make a film about him. Unfortunately, it soon turns out that underneath his friendly exterior, Izzet is a psychopath. When he is refused entry into a bar, he gets in by force and kidnaps actress Oznur Kula. Kemal is happy to have found an actress to star in his film, however things soon get out of control as Izzet's sick plans unfold.

As a child, Masaki Sata was teased and bullied because of his appearance and called “Demekin” (popeyed goldfish). He decided to fight back and eventually became unbeatable in fights. His red hair also became a trademark. Masaki Sata and his buddy Atsunari then spent their days fighting and riding motorcycles. After middle school, Masaki Sata went on to high school and Atsunari begins to work at a ramen restaurant. One day, Atsunari comes up with the idea of starting a motorcycle gang with Masaki Sata. What awaits for them are enemies.

Yonosuke Hikura appears to be an ordinary high school student. Yet he has inherited the important role of protecting the harmony between Heaven and Earth. With the help of the magical sword Chitentai, and Tsukinojo Inbe, he courageously battles the demons, sending them back to the Earth World, from which they have escaped.

Bree a Jonna jsou sestry, které si po letech odloučení vyberou jako místo shledání veřejný bazén, který navštěvovaly v dětství. Když jsou nešťastnou náhodou uvězněny správcem bazénu, jeví se jako jejich jediná naděje na záchranu uklízečka, která má bohatou trestní minulost. Ta se však rozhodne na dívčiných problémech zbohatnout a sestry tak musí urovnat své dávné neshody a vymyslet plán útěku dříve, než ve studené vodě umrznou.

Za německé okupace vyprávělo se v Praze o záhadném muži, který skákal na pružných pérách a děsil svými skoky německé vetřelce. Tento film je věnován tomuto strašidlu. Brilantní satira od Jiřího Trnky zachycuje tuto pověst roku 1946, tedy krátce po válce

Začátek Velké vlastenecké války. Poručík Adi Šaripov spolu se svou četou kryje ústup velitelství pluku a zůstává v obklíčení, za nepřátelskými liniemi. Nepřítel zažene oddíl do bažiny. Strach z neznáma, sklíčenost a pochybnosti pronásledují bojovníky, dokud si neuvědomí, že vyčkávání a nečinnost zničí oddíl rychleji než nepřátelské kulky.

They have come this far and now they have to face the final test.

A successful, city-based construction manager finds herself reconsidering her cosmopolitan life choices when her employer relocates her to a folksy seaside town.

Práce, vejplata, rodina – z Toxieho se stává tatík. Ale Zlo nikdy nespí! Toxie se znuděně prochází po svém milovaném městě Tromaville a nemá do čeho píchnout. Všichni padouši jsou zlikvidováni, všechno Zlo je minulostí. Jenže našemu hrdinovi není do zpěvu. Milovaná Claire má šanci znovu získat zrak, ale operace není z nejlevnějších a Toxie marně hledá zaměstnání. Jenže kdo by zaměstnal obřího zmutovaného superhrdinu? A tak mu nezbývá než se upsat do služeb zlotřilé společnosti Apokalypsa s.r.o. Hranice mezi dobrem a zlem se stírají a Toxiemu nezbývá, než…

Herec a dědic průmyslového impéria Nick natáčí v Římě svůj první film. Přitom se zblázní do nové seznamovací aplikace, která ho zavede na cestu sebedestrukce.

Khtobtogone begins as a love story between protagonist Zine and the girl of his dreams, Bulma. But in introspective narration, Zine reflects more broadly on masculinity and coming of age in Marseille’s Maghrebi community.