A short film by Marsha Timothy, adapted from short story “Naruto Bersyukur” by Pidi Baiq.

Mahesh, a studio photographer and owner of the studio. As the story moves on, Mahesh encounters an anonymous fight ending up with taking revenge that leads to certain realizations in his life.

Sunny Side Battle! is an OVA that was released with Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution. It features Itachi making breakfast for Sasuke in their old home.

A series of dark and troubling events forces Bill to reckon with the meaning of his life… or lack thereof.

Naruto and his friends must get back a jug of stolen holy water from a band of higher class ninjas.

Loajální žena Melinda Gayleová je už unavená tolerováním toho, jak ji její manžel podvádí. Když zjistí, že je její manžel zasnoubený s jinou ženou, je rozzuřená, ztrácí nad sebou kontrolu a rozhodne se nevěrnému manželovi za jeho zradu pomstít.

Španělsko v roce 1946. Kdesi ve vnitrozemí, krátce po občanské válce, která přinesla jen beznaděj, chudobu a vyhnanství, je chlapec na útěku. Běží a běží, aniž by se ohlédl, a najde úkryt ve strouze. Jde po něm zahájeno pátrání - psi, muži z vesnice. V jejich čele stojí neoblomný předák. Poté, co se skupina vzdálí a začne ho hledat jinde, musí překonat pustou, zdevastovanou krajinu, aby konečně pronásledovatelům unikl. Cestou však potká pastýře koz, který mu přinese štěstí. Zpočátku si muž a chlapec navzájem nedůvěřují, ale nakonec se mezi nimi vytvoří upřímné přátelství. Chlapec se naučí, že může důvěřovat některým dospělým, a pastevec, který dlouho žil mimo společnost, znovu zjistí, jaké to je starat se o jiného člověka.

As young French couple Gilles and Marion officially separate, we see, in reverse order, the milestone moments in their relationship: Gilles revealing his unfaithfulness at a tense dinner party; Marion giving birth to their premature son while Gilles is elsewhere; Gilles and Marion's joyous wedding; and, finally, the fateful moment when they meet as acquaintances at an Italian beach resort, and their love affair begins.

Když Laura Trudeauová odešla z Utahu jako mladá vdova, zanechala tam svého otce, lásku k tanci a zlomené srdce. Nyní se musí vrátit domů, aby vedla renovaci opuštěného hotelu, který musí být obnoven včas na štědrovečerní taneční benefici. Laura je v šoku, když zjistí, že její stará láska, Ricardo Archuleta, chlapec, který ji opustil kvůli profesionální taneční kariéře, je hvězdou benefice. A když jeho taneční partnerka Taylor odstoupí ze show, protože se chce zúčastnit konkurzu mimo město, Laura ji musí zastoupit a znovu probudit lásku k tanci, nemluvě o svých starých citech k Ricardovi, což je kombinace, z níž se jí točí hlava.

Rok 2200. Na kosmickou základnu BABYLON 5, kde se stkávají lidé z celého vesmíru, přiváží archeolog Bryson tajemnou kouli nalezenou na pohřebišti mrtvých. na základnu přijíždějí i lovci duší , kteří kapitánku základny varují před pokusy, které archeolog s koulí provádí, neboť je v ní uvězněna miliarda duší vyhynulého národa. Pokud budou duše z koule vysvobozeny, začnou se mstít. Vrchní lovec duší (Martin Sheen) se ve spolupráci se šéfem ochranky zackem pouští do boje s hrozícím nebezpečím...

A top-secret Soviet spy satellite -- using stolen Western technology -- malfunctions and then goes into a descent that lands it near an isolated Arctic research encampment called Ice Station Zebra, belonging to the British, which starts sending out distress signals before falling silent. The atomic submarine Tigerfish, commanded by Cmdr. James Ferraday (Rock Hudson), is dispatched to save them.

Divers go to work on a wrecked ship (the battleship Maine that was blown up in Havana harbour during the Spanish-American War), surrounded by curiously disproportionate fish.

On 16 July 1212, a Crusader army made up of Castilians, Aragonese and Navarrese (but also French, English and Germans) confronted the army of the Almohad Caliph an-Nasir at the foot of the Sierra Morena mountain range. The Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa, as the battle is known, is considered the most important battle of the Middle Ages on the Iberian Peninsula and is a key event in the history of Spain. More than 800 years later, a group of archaeologists and specialists have begun an archaeological study of the battlefield. Is everything that has been said about the battle true? What secrets does the terrain hide? And, above all, what can we learn today about events that took place hundreds of years ago and that pitted tens of thousands of people against each other in the south of our country?

Revolves around Castro, who was once a very famous TV host, but as he grows old, his popularity is dwindling.

A young pathologist seeks answers to the mysterious death of a friend and soon comes into contact with the same cursed videotape that caused the death of the friend's wife and son, which is haunted by the curse of Sadako, a relentless spirit.

When a young woman takes a trip down Rogue River, her car mysteriously disappears. Lost without transport or communication, she accepts the hospitality of a stranger who offers her shelter for the night at his cabin. With no other options available, she reluctantly accepts only to forever regret it. The ensuing hours yield nothing but torture, indescribable pain, and horrific agony. If you've seen Misery, you've seen nothing. This movie starts where horror films end and leaves viewers paralysed by fear and disgust.

In a desolate community full of drug-addled Marines and rumors of kidnapping, a wild-eyed stoner named Lou wakes up after a crazy night of partying with symptoms of a strange illness and recurring visions. As she struggles to get a grip on reality, the stories of conspiracy spread.

Clémence is pathologically jealous. Gabriel has asked her to marry him. To test whether he is faithful, unbeknownst to him she arranges that he crosses paths with beautiful Olivia...

Set in New York City, the film follows a naive fashion school graduate named Lily who finds her world turned upside down when her reckless best friend Kat announces she’s moving away to London in a matter of days. At a Lower East Side art opening the next night, they meet the enigmatic rising artist Henri, who Lily quickly takes a liking for. With less than seven days left and a new attractor between them, Lily and Kat will find their “unbreakable” friendship put to the test.