In a ghetto where religion and drug trafficking rub shoulders, Dounia has a lust for power and success. Supported by Maimouna, her best friend, she decides to follow in the footsteps of Rebecca, a respected dealer. But her encounter with Djigui, a young, disturbingly sensual dancer, throws her off course.
E vara anului 1984, Margaret Tatcher este la putere și Uniunea Națională a Lucrătorilor în Mină este în grevă. La marșul Gay Pride din Londra, un grup de activiști gay decide să strângă bani pentru a ajuta familiile minerilor aflați în grevă. Dar există o problemă. Uniunea pare rușinată să le primească ajutorul. Activiștii nu renunță. Ei decid să ignore Uniunea și să meargă direct la mineri. Identifică un sat minier din Țara Galilor și pornesc cu un microbuz să facă donația la fața locului. Astfel începe o poveste extraordinară a modului în care două comunități complet diferite se unesc pentru o cauză comună.
Filmul este inspirat după o poveste adevărată, care s-a petrecut în ajunul Crăciunului în 1914, în timpul Primului Război Mondial în multe locuri diferite de-a lungul liniei frontului. Când a izbucnit războiul în vara lui 1914, a luat prin surprindere milioane de bărbați și i-a aruncat în vârtejul lui. A venit Crăciunul, cu zăpadă, și o mulțime de familii și soldați s-au reunit. Dar surpriza nu va veni din inimile generoase care stau în tranșeele franceze, scoțiene sau germane.
In pre-war Italy, a young couple have a baby boy. The father, however, is jealous of his son - and the scene moves to antiquity, where the baby is taken into the desert to be killed. He is rescued, given the name Edipo (Oedipus), and brought up by the King and Queen of Corinth as their son. One day an oracle informs Edipo that he is destined to kill his father and marry his mother. Horrified, he flees Corinth and his supposed parents - only to get into a fight and kill an older man on the road…
Following a plane crash a group of schoolboys find themselves on a deserted island. They appoint a leader and attempt to create an organized society for the sake of their survival. Democracy and order soon begin to crumble when a breakaway faction regresses to savagery with horrifying consequences.
După ce o adolescentă vulnerabilă cade în capcana unui agresor sexual de pe internet, familia ei începe să se dezintegreze, neștiind cum să facă față acestei tragedii.
Stuck at a crossroads in her personal life, it falls on high school English teacher Miss Stevens to chaperone three of her students — Billy, Margot and Sam — on a weekend trip to a drama competition.
Making music means everything for the shy Zoë. But since her father left, she never played guitar again. When she is hit by the bus from Mik, superstar Bieber size, sparks fly allthough she is not a fan at first. Off course, people around the two love birds dont exactly cooperate to make things work...
Two buddy farmers are visited by aliens who like their domestic cabbage soup.
Acuzat de crimă, Ig Perish se trezește într-o zi că i-au crescut o pereche de coarne, care obligă oamenii să îi mărturisească propriile lor păcate.
Tamara este supraponderală și deloc populară la școală. Ea face un pariu că va reuși să îl cucerească pe colegul ei, Diego. Dar cum poate durdulia Tamara să rivalizeaze cu frumoasa clasei care a pus și ea ochii pe Diego?
All the people in this countryside area, can count on Jean-Pierre, the doctor who auscultates them, heals and reassures them day and night, 7 days a week. Now Jean-Pierre is sick, so he sees Natalie, a young doctor, coming from the hospital to assist him. But will she adapt to this new life and be able to replace the man that believed to be irreplaceable?
At a French boarding school for troubled youth in the early 1970's, the Headmaster and his wife decide that their son Daniel, who is fifteen years old but looks younger, should finally go live in the dorm with all the other students, as they do not want it to seem Daniel is receiving any special treatment. Daniel is now faced with the challenge of earning the trust and respect of the other students, who all come from troubled backgrounds.
Two, very different, brothers are reunited for their father's funeral. But, when they arrive at the crematorium nobody is there, not even the corpse, except for Chloe who introduces herself as their sister.
Troubled psychotherapist Peter Bowers is suffering from nightmares and eerie visions. When he uncovers a horrifying secret that all of his patients share, he is put on a course that takes him back to the small hometown he fled years ago. There he confronts his demons and unravels a mystery 20 years in the making.
The eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull causes major disruptions to travelers' plans around the world. For Alain and Valérie, it's a catastrophe. Because to make it to the small Greek village in time for their daughter's wedding, this divorced couple, whose mutual hatred knows no bounds, will be obliged to set out on the road together.
The worst teachers of France landed in England for an ultra-secret mission. With Boulard, the King of the Dunces, they are parachuted in the best school of the country, and they will apply their famous methods on the future of the nation.
Serge Renart, a television journalist who's now a has-been, and Natacha Bison, a war reporter who has been laid off because she posed too much of a danger to her colleagues, find themselves forced to investigate a story together, which will take them to Thailand, in search of one of the best kept secrets of contemporary history. What really happened during the televised broadcast of the Apollo 11 mission, when man first walked on the moon?