After a seven-year absence, Charlotte Andergast travels to Sweden to reunite with her daughter Eva. The pair have a troubled relationship: Charlotte sacrificed the responsibilities of motherhood for a career as a classical pianist. Over an emotional night, the pair reopen the wounds of the past. Charlotte gets another shock when she finds out that her mentally impaired daughter, Helena, is out of the asylum and living with Eva.

As Agnes slowly dies of cancer, her sisters are so deeply immersed in their own psychic pains that they can't offer her the support she needs. Maria is wracked with guilt at her husband's attempted suicide, caused by his discovery of her extramarital affair. The self-loathing, suicidal Karin seems to regard her sister with revulsion. Only Anna, the deeply religious maid who lost her young child, seems able to offer Agnes solace and empathy.

The rise and fall of the most distinguished Polish-Gypsy poetess Bronislawa Wajs, widely known as Papusza, and her relationship with her discoverer, writer Jerzy Ficowski.

Karin hopes to recover from her recent stay at a mental hospital by spending the summer at her family's cottage on a tiny island. Her husband, Martin, cares for her but is frustrated by her physical withdrawal. Her younger brother, Minus, is confused by Karin's vulnerability and his own budding sexuality. Their father, David, cannot overcome his haughty remoteness. Beset by visions, Karin descends further into madness.

Traveling through an unnamed European country on the brink of war, sickly, intellectual Ester, her sister Anna and Anna's young son, Johan, check into a near-empty hotel. A basic inability to communicate among the three seems only to worsen during their stay. Anna provokes her sister by enjoying a dalliance with a local man, while the boy, left to himself, has a series of enigmatic encounters that heighten the growing air of isolation.

მდიდარი ამერიკელი ირენის ცხოვრება იცვლება , მას შემდეგ რაც მისი ვაჟიშვილი თავს მოიკლავს. იგი მიხვდება , რომ მისი ცხოვრება წვრილმანებზე იხარჯება. იგი გადაწყვეტს დაეხმაროს სოციალური უსამრთლობის მსხვერპლებს: ავადმყოფ მეძავს, მარტოხელა ექვსი შვილის დედას, მაგრამ როდესაც ახალგაზრდა დამნაშვეს პოლიციისაგან დამალვაში დაეხმარება მისი ქმარი მას ფსიქიურად ავადმყოფად ჩათვლის.

When 'Vogler's Magnetic Health Theater' comes to town, there's bound to be a spectacle. Reading reports of a variety of supernatural disturbances at Vogler's prior performances abroad, the leading townspeople (including the police chief and medical examiner) request that their troupe provide them a sample of their act, before allowing them public audiences. The scientific-minded disbelievers try to expose them as charlatans, but Vogler and his crew prove too clever for them.

გაო სოფლის სკოლის მასწავლებელია, მას უზომოდ უყვარს მოსწავლეები და საკუთარი საქმე. მოულოდნელად მას ავადმყოფი დედის გამო წასვლა უწევს.ქალაქის მერი კი მხოლოდ 13 წლის გოგონას ნახავს მის შემცვლელად. გაო გოგონას ათ იუანს ჰპირდება თუ მისი არყოფნის დროს არც ერთი მოსწავლე არ მიატოვებს სწავლას, მაგრამ მალე ზუსტად ეს ხდება.

Monika from Stockholm falls in love with Harry, a young man on holiday. When she becomes pregnant they are forced into a marriage, which begins to fall apart soon after they take up residence in a cramped little flat.

The complicated relationships between a circus ringmaster, his estranged wife and his lover.

Dagmar Brink, a young female pianist, dies by suicide in her Stockholm apartment. She leaves all her belongings to her next-door neighbors, an author and his wife. Perplexed and curious, they investigate the girl's reasons for taking her life. As they visit Dagmar's friends, acquaintances and former boyfriends, her story unfolds. She stands out as loner, a woman no one could really grasp, always in want of something that nobody she met could make out.

შეყვარებულთან ერთად გარეუბნის პაემნიდან დაბრუნებული, მდიდარი მრეწველის ცოლი ველოსიპედისტს უკაცრიელ გზატკეცილზე დაარტყამს. მრუშობის გამოვლენის შიშით იგი გარბის სცენას. თუმცა, დანაშაულის გრძნობა და შემაშფოთებელი აზრები მომხდარის ერთადერთ მოწმეზე არ ტოვებს მას ...

Nanny, a London family's live-in maid, brings morbid 10-year-old Joey back from the psychiatric ward he's been in for two years, since the death of his younger sister. Joey refuses to eat any food Nanny's prepared or take a bath with her in the room. He also demands to sleep in a room with a lock. Joey's parents -- workaholic Bill and neurotic Virgie -- are sure Joey is disturbed, but he may have good reason to be terrified of Nanny.

A pig farmer, a busboy, a salon owner, an expat architect and a jaded rich girl cross paths as thousands of dead pigs float down the Yangtze River toward Shanghai.

Tullio Hermil is a chauvinist aristocrat who flaunts his mistress to his wife, but when he believes she has been unfaithful he becomes enamored of her again.

Two black bounty hunters ride into a small town out West in pursuit of an outlaw. They discover that the town has no sheriff, and soon take over that position, much against the will of the mostly white townsfolk.

An episodic satire of the political and social status of Italy in the seventies, through the shows of one day of a television channel.

A poor Swedish piano teacher and her foster daughter’s lives are upended when the child’s biological mother arrives in their small town to reclaim her.

Having recently lost her sight, Ingrid retreats to the safety of her home—a place where she can feel in control, alone with her husband and her thoughts. After a while, Ingrid starts to feel the presence of her husband in the flat when he is supposed to be at work. At the same time, her lonely neighbor who has grown tired of even the most extreme pornography shifts his attention to a woman across the street. Ingrid knows about this but her real problems lie within, not beyond the walls of her apartment, and her deepest fears and repressed fantasies soon take over.

Nora is a bright young professional whose new job at a financial firm turns out to be a trial by fire when she learns that her bosses share a tumultuous history with her prickly mathematician father. Meanwhile, an interoffice romance with a competitive colleague leads to even more complications, leaving Nora to navigate a minefield of delicate relationships as she climbs the corporate ladder.