Eilinis vyrukas, padėjęs merginai išsigelbėti nuo grupelės įkyrių jaunuolių, tampa žiauraus narkotikų barono taikiniu.

Francis, a young man, recalls in his memory the horrible experiences he and his fiancée Jane recently went through. Francis and his friend Alan visit The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, an exhibit where the mysterious doctor shows the somnambulist Cesare, and awakens him for some moments from his death-like sleep.

Žingsnis iš vaikystės į suaugusiųjų pasaulį – itin sudėtingas ir jautrus laikas žmogaus gyvenime. Kanų kino festivalyje Didžiuoju prizu apdovanotas režisieriaus Luko Dhonto filmas nukreipia žvilgsnį į šį trapų gyvenimo etapą, šviesa ir gerumu pripildydamas net pačius sunkiausius momentus. Filmo centre – trylikamečiai Leo ir Remi, kuriuos sieja ypatingas ryšys. Jie mėgaujasi nerūpestingomis vasaros dienomis ir vienas kito draugija. Renesanso tapytojų teptukų verti angeliški berniukų veidai ir juos supantys jurginų laukai lyg atgijusi impresionistinė Renoiro gėlių jūra panardina žiūrovą į vaikystės grožio pasaulį. Berniukams pradėjus lankyti mokyklą, jų draugystei iškyla pavojus.

Ypatingų galių turintys superherojai gyvena sau įprastu ritmu – gelbėja pasaulį ir saugo žmoniją nuo blogiečių, o laisvalaikiu tampa eiliniais praeiviais gatvėje. Bet pasaulio gelbėjimas – nelengvas darbas, todėl kartais jie priverda daug nemalonumų valdžiai. Ši – suerzinta superherojų populiarumo ir sukeliamų neramumų, išleidžia naują įstatymą: juo remiantis visi pasaulio sergėtojai nuo šiol privalės nusiimti savo kaukes ir atskleisti tikruosius veidus. Naujasis įstatymas ne sukiršina herojus ir padalija juos į dvi priešiškas stovyklas. Vienai jų vadovauja Kapitonas Amerika, griežtai pasisakantis prieš valdžios ketinimus paviešinti tikrąsias superherojų tapatybes, o kitai... Geležinis Žmogus. Visų nuostabai, jis pritaria naujajam įstatymui ir kategoriškai nepalaiko kolegų, norinčių likti incognito. Tačiau pasaulio gelbėtojų tarpusavio nesutarimai – puikus laikas vešėti blogiui...

Dėl sausros Pietų Parko miestelis atsiduria ant nelaimės slenksčio.

Royal Navy Captain Wentworth was haughtily turned down eight years ago as suitor of pompous baronet Sir Walter Elliot's daughter Anne, despite true love. Now he visits their former seaside country estate, rented by his brother-in-law, Admiral Croft, so the financially stressed baronet can afford a fashionable, cheaper residence in trendy Bath. The former lovers meet again on the estate, where they feel vibes again, but neither dares admit them until it seems too late.

Erika Kohut, a sexually repressed piano teacher living with her domineering mother, meets a young man who starts romantically pursuing her.

A surreal odyssey in which a melancholic maidservant crosses paths with a homicidal little boy, travels to a tiny island of pirates and encounters a man with multiple personalities.

Puikių specialiųjų efektų siaubo komedija. Du vyrukai dirba medicinos reikmenų sandėlyje. Vyresnysis naujokui prasitaria, kad kariuomenė jiems per klaidą atsiuntė keistų konteinerių su numirėliais, kurie kadaise buvo atgiję. Smalsuoliai tuoj puola jų pasižiūrėti. Iš vieno konteinerio išsiveržia dujų, ir užnuodija visą orą. Keistas chemikalas pasklinda po miestelį, ir visi numirėliai atgyja.

Shy, straight-A student Ellie is hired by sweet but inarticulate jock Paul, who needs help wooing the most popular girl in school. But their new and unlikely friendship gets tricky when Ellie discovers she has feelings for the same girl.

A Pakistani Briton renovates a rundown laundrette with his male lover while dealing with drama within his family, the local Pakistani community, and a persistent mob of skinheads.

Harper is a cynical private eye in the best tradition of Bogart. He even has Bogie's Baby hiring him to find her missing husband, getting involved along the way with an assortment of unsavory characters and an illegal-alien smuggling ring.

What happens when a generation's ultimate anti-authoritarians — punk rockers — become society's ultimate authorities — dad's? With a large chorus of Punk Rock's leading men — Blink-182's Mark Hoppus, Red Hot Chili Peppers' Flea, Rise Against's Tim McIlrath — The Other F Word follows Jim Lindberg, 20-year veteran of skate punk band, Pennywise, on his hysterical and moving journey from belting his band's anthem, 'Fuck Authority', to embracing his ultimately pivotal authoritarian role in mid-life, fatherhood.

Located in Madrid's Plaza del Sol, Km. 0 is the point from which all distances in Spain are measured from the capital. In Km. 0, it is also the meeting point for a gallery of characters. Bored, affluent housewife Marga meets up with gigolo Miguel, who co-habitates with gay Benjamin. Sergio, a soon-to-be-married office clerk who can't wait to lose his virginity, makes the acquaintance of prostitute Tatiana, while gay dancer Bruno meets Maximo. Meanwhile, wannabe director Pedro arranges to meet up with Silvia, an actress who wants to work in musicals directed by Gerardo, and bartender Mario is caught between Amor, who wants to marry him, and her little sister Roma, who is truly in love with him.

A portrait of the last days of high school. Two friends spend all day long together, but this will inevitably come to an end. A beautiful sincere story of mixed emotions and secrets that dare not speak loud.

A young American couple travel to the arctic mountains of Norway. After pulling over during a snowstorm, they wake up trapped in their SUV, buried underneath layers of snow and ice.

A dimwitted thug encounters a strung-out, suicidal young woman and an unlikely relationship develops as they work together to make a break for new horizons.

On the day the Riverton Ripper vanished without a trace, seven children were born. Today, they're all turning 16... and turning up dead.

F*ck de Liefde is a romantic comedy "with a bite" in which three crazy love stories come together. Lisa is divorcing Jack and is at the end of her wits. After a few attempts by Jack to get her back, Lisa's friends decide to take her on a trip to Curaçao. The first days on the sunny island are rough for Lisa, until she meets the charming world traveler Jim. The fickle Jack, in turn, plunges deep into the bachelor life and ends up in bed with the seductive Cindy. Bo, Cindy's sister, has been married to Said for 10 years. Said has lost his job, but keeps this secret from his wife, who becomes increasingly suspicious because of his mysterious behavior. Bo, on the other hand, is making a career and starting to spend more and more time with her attractive boss ... Who survives love?

Boy Meets Boy. Boy gets hit in head. Boy loses boy to girl. What will he do?