The second "visual album" (a collection of short films) by Beyoncé, this time around she takes a piercing look at racial issues and feminist concepts through a sexualized, satirical, and solemn tone.

Tentoraz sa Ethan Hunt a tím Impossible Mission Force vydávajú po stopách nebezpečnej zbrane, ktorá má potenciál zničiť celé ľudstvo, aby ju zaistili skôr, ako sa dostane do rúk šialenca. Počas svojho náročného a nebezpečného pátrania sa však musí neustále obzerať cez plece, pretože z jeho dávnej minulosti sa vynára až príliš živý prízrak. Gabriel (Esai Morales) poznal Ethana ešte v čase, keď nebol elitným agentom, a pozná každú jeho slabinu. Ethan, pre ktorého bolo zdravie a bezpečnosť jeho blízkych a členov tímu vždy viac, ako úspešne splnená misia, bude tentoraz možno musieť prehodnotiť svoje priority.

A quiet, neglected girl is sent away from her dysfunctional family to live with relatives for the summer. She blossoms in their care, but in this house where there are meant to be no secrets, she discovers one.

Renowned psychologist Susanne (Signe Egholm Olsen) is caught in a living nightmare when her new client (Anton Hjejle) turns out to be a wanted serial killer.

Does infinity exist? Can we experience the Infinite? In an animated film (created by artists from 10 countries) the world's most cutting-edge scientists and mathematicians go in search of the infinite and its mind-bending implications for the universe. Eminent mathematicians, particle physicists and cosmologists dive into infinity and its mind-bending implications for the universe.

Billy is released after five years in prison. In the next moment, he kidnaps teenage student Layla and visits his parents with her, pretending she is his girlfriend and they will soon marry.

A policeman suspects that several bizarre deaths in the same family were murders and that the killer is a mysterious woman who just moved to the village.

Province of Burgos, northern Spain, October 2015. A group of fans undertake the titanic task of restoring the location of the last scene of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, the mythical spaghetti western directed by Italian filmmaker Sergio Leone in 1966.

Gunasingam, a family-loving farmer who hails from a small town, tries his best to keep his big family united despite him being misunderstood by many.

Many engineers from around the world gather at the Interpol marine facility "Pacific Buoy" on Hachijo-jima, in the sea south of central Tokyo Prefecture coast, to witness the launch of a new system that connects all law enforcement camera systems around the world and enables facial recognition worldwide. Conan, along with his friends Kogoro, Ran, Agasa, Haibara, and the Detective Boys, also heads to the island with an invitation from Sonoko to see the whales. He receives a message from Subaru, who says that a Europol agent has been murdered in Germany by Gin. Perturbed, Conan sneaks onto the police ship led by Kuroda, which is bringing them to the island to protect the completion work, and tours the new facility, just in time for the Black Organization to kidnap a female engineer, seeking a piece of important data in her USB drive. A terrifying howl of screws is heard from the ocean as an unknown person approaches Haibara.

A New York drug dealer is kidnapped, and his wife must try to come up with the money and drugs to free him from his abductors before Christmas.

After the death of their abusive father, two estranged twin brothers must reunite and sell off his property.

Teen comedy set in the school-year of 1994. José is the new kid on high-school, falling immediately for the popular and freckled Christina. Trying to impress her, he's going to unsuccessfully join the soccer try-outs. Is he shooting way out of his league?

Damien Thorn has helped rescue the world from a recession, appearing to be a benign corporate benefactor. When he then becomes U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Damien fulfills a terrifying biblical prophecy. He also faces his own potential demise as an astronomical event brings about the second coming of Christ.

Set in the 1800s, the film is about a "dacoit" tribe who take charge in fight for their rights and independence against the British.

Celý život bola Anna zatvorená uprostred chatrče a jej otec ju učil, že je posledným dieťaťom v okolí, ktoré sa nestalo obeťou netvora, loviaceho deti. Keď sa po rokoch dostane do normálnej spoločnosti, začína zisťovať, že svet je v skutočnosti úplne odlišný od toho, ako si ho predstavovala. Kvôli nulovým informáciam o rodine sa dostane do opatery Ellen, ale ešte nevie, že má v sebe ukryté temné tajomstvo, ktoré sa čoskoro dostane na povrch.

Skupina tínedžerov závislých na technológiách sa dostane do offline tábora. Spoločná turistika v lese bez prístupu k smartfónom však nekončí tak, ako to naplánovali organizátori. Budú musieť bojovať o skutočný život s niečím, čo nevideli ani v najtemnejších kútoch internetu. Tvárou v tvár smrteľnému nebezpečenstvu číhajúcemu v lese objavujú skutočné priateľstvo, lásku a obete. Vyjdú z toho celí alebo v krvavých kúskoch?

Homicidal maniac Jason returns from the grave to cause more bloody mayhem. Young Tommy may have escaped from Crystal Lake, but he’s still haunted by the gruesome events that happened there. When gory murders start happening at the secluded halfway house for troubled teens where he now lives, it seems like his nightmarish nemesis, Jason, is back for more sadistic slaughters.

Bumbling bank janitor Ernest P. Worrell is assigned to jury duty, and soon finds himself in trouble when he is covertly switched with a look-a-like crime boss. Ernest must escape from jail to expose the mix-up.

After his father's death, a young man is introduced to a world of hedonism and depravity by his amoral mother.