For several decades, gifted and incredibly prolific forger Mark Landis compulsively created impeccable copies of works by a variety of major artists, donating them to institutions across the country and landing pieces on many of their walls. ART AND CRAFT brings us into the cluttered and insular life of an unforgettable character just as he finds his foil in an equally obsessive art registrar.

Skutočný príbeh Singeho Greena, ktorý prežil tragickú stratu Kate, svojej manželky a matky svojich dvoch detí, v dôsledku rakoviny. Keď Kate diagnostikujú nevyliečiteľnú rakovinu prsníka, život jej rodiny sa obráti naruby. Nič nie je pre Kate také dôležité ako šťastie a blaho jej rodiny. V uplynulých dňoch vytvorila "mamičkovský zoznam", do ktorého napísala svoje myšlienky, želania a spomienky, aby pomohla svojmu milovanému manželovi zabezpečiť čo najlepší život pre ich synov po jeho odchode. Zoznam zaznamenaný na útržkoch papiera alebo prostredníctvom textových správ zachytáva jej vášnivú povahu, slobodného ducha, zmysel pre humor a neutíchajúcu lásku k rodine.

Follows the fate of Lyle, a violent adolescent who, in lieu of prison, is placed in a juvenile mental institution where he encounters a group of equally troubled teens. This motley crew - abused, sexually confused, violent, and yet hanging on by their grit and anger - becomes Lyle's last lifeline as he fights to find meaning in a world that seems to defy understanding.

When Elliot, a brash 23-year-old living carefree in New York City, meets the sensible Mia and receives a damning diagnosis all in the same week, his world is turned completely upside down. But as their love blossoms amidst the chaos of his treatment, they discover that Elliot's illness is not the real test of their relationship – it's everything else.

Tom Jacobs vybudoval celý svoj biznis okolo pomoci klientom nájsť dokonalý darček pre svojich blízkych. Keďže najrušnejším obdobím v roku v jeho firme sú vianočné sviatky, vyslúžil si prezývku „Tajný Santa“. Keď za Tomom príde jeho dobrý priateľ Paul a požiada ho o pomoc pri hľadaní darčeka pre svoju krásnu priateľku Jenny, „Tajný Santa“ sa ocitne v problémoch. Čím viac sa o Jenny počas svojho prieskumu dozvie, tým viac ju má rád a tým viac sa cíti vinný, že jeho srdce zahorelo láskou k partnerke jeho najlepšieho priateľa. S blížiacimi sa Vianocami sa Tom obáva krátiaceho sa času na výber darčeku, pretože to bude zároveň znamenať koniec jeho času stráveného s Jenny a možno aj koniec jeho jedinej šance byť so svojou pravou láskou.

Her innocent appearance is just a cover for Last Comic Standing winner Iliza Shlesinger's acerbic, stream-of-conscious comedy that she unleashes on an unsuspecting audience in her hometown of Dallas in "War Paint," her first stand-up special.

Hannah and Tahir fall in love while homeless on the streets of New York. Shelter explores how they got there, and as we learn about their pasts we realize they need each other to build a future.

Grand Theft Auto je jednoznačne jednou z najznámejších video hier na svete. Príbeh inšpirovaný skutočnými udalosťami nás zoznamuje so Samom Houserom, americkým herným tvorcom a producentom, ktorý bol hlavnou hnacou silou pri jej výrobe. Cestu tejto kontroverznej hry ku sláve sťažil súdny proces, pri ktorom sa právnik Jack Thompson snažil dokázať, že GTA a podobné hry ničia morálku, a preto je potrebné ich zákonom zakázať.

Dve odcudzené sestry Maura a Kate Ellisová sa vracajú do rodného domu, ktorý sa rodičia chystajú predať. Za úlohu dostanú vypratať si detské izby, no ako obvykle si vymyslia úplne iný, šialený plán. Ešte než rodičia stihnú dom predať, sestry sa rozhodnú, že v ňom na rozlúčku usporiadajú obrovskú párty v štýle divokých stredoškolských večierkov. A obe čaká veľké prekvapenie.

Louis Menkins is five weeks away from being released after 26 years in prison. He is faced with the decision to put his own release at risk in order to protect a young man named Beecher from growing gang controversies.

Linus and Lucy's younger brother Rerun wants a dog for Christmas, and Snoopy's brother Spike may be the answer.

A group of high school students, led by a rich boy Derek, is sick of school violence and decides to become underground vigilantes named "Brotherhood of Justice". It starts with the idea "watching people", but things quickly get out of control. "Brotherhood of Justice" turns out another gang of violence. Derek wants to stop it but it is too late, so he takes responsibility for it and gives himself to the law.

Young mattress salesman Brian decides to adopt a baby from China but is distracted when he forms a relationship with quirky, wealthy Harriet whom he meets at his mattress store. As their relationship flourishes, unbeknownst to them, a hitman is trying to kill Brian.

High School grad and all American gal, Anna, finds her purpose and herself after she hooks up with the radical feminists in The Itty Bitty Titty Committee.

Giovanna, Carla, Francesca, Chiara. What these women have in common so different from each other? Which will never be the not insignificant detail that makes their lives secretly imperfect? And what mystery female is so intimate and private, that more private you can not? Whatever it is, all they want. A food designer, her first love and one sciampista for dogs are the stars of this comedy merrily shameless telling women what no one had ever dared to tell.

La vie n’est pas rose tous les jours pour Solweig, caissière dans un supermarché. Mais elle garde le sourire, malgré les remarques souvent déplaisantes des clients et un chef teigneux. Peut-être grâce au blog qu’elle tient en secret, où elle s’épanche avec humour sur son quotidien difficile… Un soir, sous la neige, son destin croise celui de Charles. Le jeune homme tombe aussitôt amoureux d’elle, sans se douter qu’ils ne sont pas du même monde. Mais si un simple blog peut changer le sort de milliers de caissières, n’est-il pas permis de croire aux contes de fées ?

Charlotte Hart, a distinguished journalist, is spending time with her family over the holidays when a real estate developer approaches their small town with quite an offer. Skeptical and looking for the real scoop, Charlotte drives to see the real estate head honcho to question him. While she's en route, she gets into a terrible car accident and wakes up in the hospital only to realize that her body is in a coma, but her spirit is very much awake. She meets another spirit, who just happens to be the greedy developer. It turns out that he was on the other end of the accident and he too is in a coma. With only a few days left before the town votes on the development, Charlotte must try to change the minds of the developer and the town, but that is no easy task when no one can see or hear her. Will her voice be heard?

Štvorica priateľov sa rozhodla vytrhnúť svoj život z ubíjajúcej všednosti vybrala sa za dobrodružstvom do austrálskeho vnútrozemia, aby tu strávila nejaké chvíle na jednej farme. Na farme s tak temnou minulosťou, že sa jej miestni ešte aj po rokoch vyhýbajú. Kedysi tu totiž žila násilnická rodina, ktorá kruto mučila nič netušiacich pocestných. Obyvatelia neďalekého mestečka však vzali spravodlivosť do svojich rúk a dali podarenej rodinke to, čo si zaslúžila, pričom celé vyrovnávanie účtov prežil vraj len ich syn. A tak stráviť noc na mieste niekdajšej tragédie nemusí byť až tak geniálny nápad.

Tired of life, Martin returns to live with his romantic father and idealist little brother Gabriel.Martin will try hard to warn Gabriel about falling in love until Mathilde - a gambler - enter the picture...

Three American tourists follow a mysterious map deep into the jungles of Japan searching for an ancient temple. When spirits entrap them, their adventure quickly becomes a horrific nightmare.