Po več kot tridesetih letih službovanja kot eden najboljših letalcev mornarice je Pete »Maverick« Mitchell tam, kjer je njegovo mesto. Kot pogumni testni pilot preizkuša meje in se spretno izmika napredovanju v činu, ki bi ga prizemljil, saj je večina njegovih kolegov napredovala ali obupala. Tokrat je v središču zgodbe posebna misija, ko Mavericku določijo vlogo inštruktorja in med kandidati, ki jih mora pripraviti na na videz nemogočo nalogo, pa je tudi Bradley »Rooster« Bradshaw, sin njegovega pokojnega kolega in soletalca Goosa. Ker gre njuna zgodba precej dlje v preteklost, se morata oba spopasti s svojimi strahovi, zamerami in egom, hkrati pa se podati v medsebojni dvoboj, pa tudi v boj s sovražnikom, ki od njiju zahteva kar največje žrtvovanje.
Zgodba spremlja ameriškega znanstvenika J. Roberta Oppenheimerja in njegovo vlogo pri razvoju atomske bombe. Znanstvenika Oppenheimerja je upodobil Cillian Murphy, njegovo ženo Katherine »Kitty« Oppenheimer, ki je biologinja in botaničarka, pa igralka Emily Blunt. Oskarjevec Matt Damon je upodobil generala Leslieja Grovesa ml., direktorja projekta Manhattan, igralec Robert Downey Jr. pa je ustanovni komisar ameriške komisije za jedrsko energijo Lewis Strauss.
Lola has lost her grandmother Dolores, her only family. Beginning the grieving process alone and honoring the memory of her grandmother, she seeks to rediscover her own resilience.
Rascal. Joker. Dreamer. Genius... You've never met a college student quite like "Rancho." From the moment he arrives at India's most prestigious university, Rancho's outlandish schemes turn the campus upside down—along with the lives of his two newfound best friends. Together, they make life miserable for "Virus," the school’s uptight and heartless dean. But when Rancho catches the eye of the dean's daughter, Virus sets his sights on flunking out the "3 idiots" once and for all.
Seoul, South Korea, 1997. When the young but extremely anxious student Jin-seok, his parents and his successful older brother Yoo-seok move to a new home, mysterious and frightening events begin to happen around them, unexplained events that threaten to ruin their seemingly happy lives. Unable to understand what is happening, Jin-seok wonders if he is losing his mind.
Athena receives the visit of Phoebus Abel, her older brother and God of the Corona. He informs her that he has come to destroy humanity as punishment for their corruption, just as it was done in ancient times. He dismisses Seiya and the Bronze Saints, as she will now be guarded by Abel's three Corona Saints, Atlas of Carina, Jaow of Lynx and Berenike of Coma Berenices, and the five resurrected Gold Saints who died in the Sanctuary battle: Saga of Gemini, Deathmask of Cancer, Shura of Capricorn, Camus of Aquarius and Aphrodite of Pisces. When Athena rebels against Abel's plan, he attacks her, sending her soul to Elysion, the final resting place from which there is no return. The Bronze Saints immediately rush to the Sanctuary to save her and ultimately overcome Abel.
Pridruži se priljubljenima Dwaynu Johnsonu in Emily Blunt na avanturi življenja v Disneyjevi pustolovščini... Lily pripotuje iz Londona v džunglo Amazonije in najame Frankove vprašljive usluge, ker nudi vodenje po reki La Quila v svojem razmajanem ampak simpatičnem čolnu. Lily je odločena, da bo odkrila starodavno drevo, ki ima neverjetne zdravilne sposobnosti – ima moč spremeniti prihodnost medicine.
Spoznamo 16-letno Enolo, katero je mati vzgajala kar doma in jo naučila branja, pisanja, športa in celo borilnih veščin. Na Enolin 16. rojstni dan mama izgine neznano kam, zato se dekle navkljub nasprotovanju svojih starejših bratov Mycrofta in Sherlocka odpravi v London, da bi odkrila razloge za skrivnostno izginotje, pri tem pa naleti na veliko zaroto in hkrati naleti na mnoge pasti odraščanja mladih deklet v strogo tradicionalni viktorijanski družbi.
On the eve of her college graduation, Natalie's life diverges into two parallel realities: one in which she becomes pregnant and must navigate motherhood as a young adult in her Texas hometown, the other in which she moves to LA to pursue her career. In both journeys throughout her twenties, Natalie experiences life-changing love, devastating heartbreak and rediscovers herself.
The Grinch decides to rob Whoville of Christmas - but a dash of kindness from little Cindy Lou Who and her family may be enough to melt his heart...
Zgodba kapitana Marvela sledi razvoju Carol Denvers v eno najmočnejših junakinj filmskega sveta Marvel, ko se Zemlja znajde sredi galaktične vojne med dvema vrstama nezemljanov. Captain Marvel, ki se nahaja v devetdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja, je povsem nova pustolovščina, ki nam razkriva prej brez primere del preteklosti sveta filma Marvel.
Scenarist in režiser M. Night Shyamalan tokrat združuje zgodbi dveh svojih predhodnnih hitov – Nezlomljivi (2000) in Razcepljen (2016) – v novem stripovskem trilerju Stekleni. Po napetem misterioznem trilerju Razcepljen, v filmu Stekleni srečamo Davida Dunna (Bruce Willis), lovi Crombovo (James McAvoy) nadčloveško verzijo, imenovano Zverina. Medtem pa v nizu napetih situacij, skrivnostni Price (Samuel L. Jackson) pozna vse skrivnosti, ki so kritičnega pomena za obe strani.
Returning to Saint Petersburg after a long exile, the dashing Yakovlev, a retired army officer, makes a comfortable living by winning other people's duels. An enigmatic, focused, and extremely skilled professional, he leaves a trail of dead bodies behind him as he swirls through polite society, frequently called upon to wield a pistol as a surrogate in duels at dawn. But when Yakovlev meets the naïve young Prince Tuchov and his beautiful sister, Princess Martha, the normally cold-hearted mercenary is surprised by hitherto undetected emotions. What transpires uncovers a series of revelations about his past and his present self.
The popular cartoon cat and mouse are thrown into a feature film. The story has the twosome trying to help an orphan girl who is being berated and exploited by a greedy guardian.
Zgodba sledi pilotu helikopterja in reševalcu Rayu, ki s svojo ženo po katastrofalnem potresu potuje iz Los Angelesa v San Francisco, da bi skupaj rešila svojo hči. Njuno burno potovanje se izkaže zgolj za pričetek grozovitosti, ki jih je pripravila narava.
Chávez, Dali and Pepe belong to a middle class family who spends the Easter holydays at the beach.
A young woman seeking self-improvement enlists the help of a renowned hypnotist but, after a handful of intense sessions, discovers unexpected and deadly consequences.
Two young women at a prestigious prep school are assailed by an evil, invisible power when they're stranded over winter break.
A super strain of genetically engineered mutants are designed to take over the universe, hungry to conquer the galaxy, with an appetite for mankind.
A young nurse takes care of an elderly author who lives in a haunted house.