Autobots, Decepticons, Predaking and Predacons form an unlikely alliance to battle a resurrected Unicron.

Jennifer Dulos, the wealthy, Connecticut mother-of-five who mysteriously vanished.

Mladému dievčaťu bol zázračne odobratý hlas, aby ním nikdy neubližovalo ľuďom, ale jej pohľad sa zmení, keď sa stretne s hudbou a priateľstvom. Podarí sa Naruse odovzdať hymnu svojho srdca?

The young Shivudu is left as a foundling in a small village by his mother. By the time he’s grown up, it has become apparent that he possesses exceptional gifts. He meets the beautiful warrior princess Avanthika and learns that her queen has been held captive for the last 25 years. Shividu sets off to rescue her, discovering his own origins in the process.

Halloween is an exciting time of year for Hannah Marie who is joined by her Scary Godmother and all sorts of new friends including kooky monsters, friendly vampires and silly skeletons. It's a journey to the Fright Side she'll never forget as Hannah and her friends must foil her cousin Jimmy's plans to ruin Halloween for everyone!

Naruto is thrilled when he is sent on a mission to protect his favorite actress, Yukie Fujikaze, on the set of her new movie, The Adventures of Princess Gale. But when the crew ventures out to film in the icy, foreboding Land of Snow, Yukie mysteriously flees! Naruto and his squad set off to find her... unaware that three Snow Ninja lie in wait, with a sinister purpose that will force Yukie to face her hidden past!

Unesený Fred Savage je prinútený strpieť Deadpoolovú PG-13 reedíciu Deadpoola 2, ktorý mu prerozpráva ako princeznovský príbeh plný mágie, zázrakov a bez veľmi hrubých slov.

Podnikateľ John Beaumont si najme stavebného inžieniera, plukovníka Henryho Pattersona na stavbu železničného mostu vo východnej Afrike. Chce skrátiť termín výstavby trate na 5 mesiacov, aby Briti predbehli konkurenciu a získali lukratívny obchod so slonovinou. V Tsave, kde sa zatiaľ trať končí, sa zoznámi s černošským predákom Samuelom. Pracuje tu asi tritisíc robotníkov, časť sú Afričania, časť zase Indi. Vládne medzi nimi napätie. Robotníkov však zase začínajú prepadávať divoké šelmy. Levom akoby ani neprekážala streľba z pušky či oheň. Sú čoraz odvážnejšie. Ľudia ich nazvú Duch a Temnota.

A young Viking called Vitharr arrives in Britain with dreams of conquest and adventure, but when his family and clan are ambushed and killed, he must survive alone in this strange,dangerous new land as he searches for his Uncle's settlement.

This trilogy spotlights the daring aviators of World War I and the 1920s, whose larger-than-life exploits fascinated the public. First, trace the aerial career of Manfred von Richthofen, aka the Red Baron, who downed 80 Allied planes in World War I. Then, join Charles Lindbergh as he makes history with the first solo trans-Atlantic flight in 1927. Finally, meet the daredevils who formed the backbone of the fledgling U.S. Air Mail Service.

Follows Machin's conflicted relationships with his girlfriend Emilia and with his best friend Culicich.

Nadpřirozený thriller, zabývající sa otázkami života, lásky a víry na pozadí apokalyptického světa. Skupina blízkých přátel se sejde na svatbě, ale oslava je zmařená sérií katastrofických událostí, které připomínají apokalypsu předpovězenou v bibli. Ti, kteří zůstali naživu, musí nyní čelit děsivé, nejisté budoucnosti. Podaří se jim přežít a vyrovnat se s otázkami víry a všudepřítomným chaosem?

The true story of the kidnapping of Freddy Heineken, the grandson of the founder of the Heineken brewery, and his driver. They were released after a ransom of 35 million Dutch guilders was paid.

After the brutal death of a friend, a group of friends find themselves in possession of a video-game called "Stay Alive," a blood-curdling true story of a 17th century noblewoman known as the Blood Countess. After playing the game when they know they shouldn't, however, the friends realize that once they die in the game — they die for real!

A plane is taken over by a mysterious virus. When the plane lands it is placed under quarantine. Now a group of survivors must band together to survive the quarantine.

Ángela Vidal, the young television reporter who entered the building with the firemen, manages to make it out alive. But what the soldiers don't know is that she carries the seed of the strange infection. She is to be taken to a provisional quarantine facility, a high-security installation where she will have to stay in isolation for several days. An old oil tanker, miles off shore and surrounded by water on all sides, has been especially equipped for the quarantine.

A Gulf War veteran with PTSD heads to a small town to find his friend. When he arrives his friend and his family have vanished and the townsfolk afraid to answer questions about their disappearance. He soon discovers that the town is owned and controlled by one man, and he doesn't like people asking questions.

A leader of a drug cartel sends his two toughest henchmen to investigate why a shipment was botched.

A street sweeper who cleans up after grisly accidents brings home a full corpse for him and his wife to enjoy sexually, but is dismayed to see that his wife prefers the corpse over him.

The Jester is the titular main antagonist of the horror/thriller analogy short films of the same name. He is an enigmatic and malevolent being who enjoys inducing suffering to individuals he comes across who don't appreciate his own tricks or break the rules of Halloween.