When scientists exploring the Amazon River stumble on a “missing link” connecting humans and fish, they plan to capture it for later study. But the Creature has plans of his own, and has set his sights on the lead scientist's beautiful fiancée, Kay.

Ich geniálny plán bol premyslený do najmenších detailov a prevedený úplne bezchybne. Každý z nich bol kedysi špičkovým profesionálom vo svojom obore a Charlie by za svoj tím dal aj ruku do ohňa. Podaril sa im útek napriek tomu, že išlo o jeden z najstráženejších palácov v Benátkach. Ale jeden z nich zradil. Za Steveov podraz zaplatil životom John, veterán, ktorý sebe i dcére sľúbil, že po akcii zavesí remeslo na klinec. Stella zdedila talent po otcovi. Ona však stojí na strane zákona. Pre Charlieho nie je ľahké získať si ju na svoju stranu a presvedčiť, že cieľom nie sú iba zlaté tehly, ale predovšetkým pomsta kamaráta, jej otca. Je potrebné zvážiť každý krok, pretože i Steve je profesionál na slovo vzatý a naviac závratne bohatý, takže čo nevie či nedokáže, si môže kúpiť alebo podplatiť...

Whilst vacationing in the Carpathian Mountain, two couples stumble across the remains of Count Dracula's castle. The Count's trusted servant kills one of the men, suspending the body over the Count's ashes so that the blood drips from the corpse and saturates the blackened remains. The ritual is completed, the Count revived and his attentions focus on the dead man's wife who is to become his partner; devoted to an existence of depravity and evil.

Baron Victor Frankenstein has discovered life's secret and unleashed a blood-curdling chain of events resulting from his creation: a cursed creature with a horrid face — and a tendency to kill.

Spolužiačky Marie a Alexia sú najlepšie kamarátky. Aby sa mohli v pokoji pripravovať na univerzitné skúšky, rozhodnú sa stráviť víkend na odľahlej usadlosti Alexiiných rodičov. Uprostred noci zastaví pri dome dodávka a na dvere zaklope neznámy muž. Otec Alexie otvorí a s prvým zasvišťaním britvy sa pre obe dievčatá idylický víkend zmení v nekonečnú noc plnú teroru. Alexia je neznámym šialencom spútaná a unesená. Podarí sa Márii zachrániť kamarátke život? Alebo sa tiež dostane do rúk brutálneho vraha?

Mladá učiteľka, ktorá sa vybrala do Transylvánie, aby tu nastúpila na vytúžené miesto spravila veľkú chybu. S dobrým úmyslom oslobodila mladíka, ktorého matka držala v okovách. Ani vo sne ju nenapadlo, že mladík, barón Meister, je upírom a že zanedlho začne vyvádzať na dievčenskej škole, kde si z nevinných dievčat vyrába svoje nevesty. Našťastie v blízkosti sa pohybuje slávny lovec upírov Van Helsing, ktorý už vie, čo má robiť...

One by one the archaeologists who discover the 4,000-year-old tomb of Princess Ananka are brutally murdered. Kharis, high priest in Egypt 40 centuries ago, has been brought to life by the power of the ancient gods and his sole purpose is to destroy those responsible for the desecration of the sacred tomb. But Isobel, wife of one of the explorers, resembles the beautiful princess, forcing the speechless and tormented monster to defy commands and abduct Isobel to an unknown fate.

France, June 1944. On the eve of D-Day, some American paratroopers fall behind enemy lines after their aircraft crashes while on a mission to destroy a radio tower in a small village near the beaches of Normandy. After reaching their target, the surviving paratroopers realise that, in addition to fighting the Nazi troops that patrol the village, they also must fight against something else.

Arkham, 1975: Jonathan Davis' father has disappeared. His tracks lead to Germany, to the Swabian-Franconian Forest where he was stationed after the Second World War. Jonathan sets out to find him and bring him home, but deep in the woods he discovers a dark mystery from the past. Based on H.P. Lovecraft's short novel "The Colour Out of Space".

In the early 20th century a village experienced a series of inexplicable murders. All the victims were young men who had been turned to stone. The perpetrator of these deaths was a being so repulsive that she transformed the onlooker using the power of her deadly stare. Much of the time the creature took the form of a beautiful and seductive woman, but during periods of the full moon she becomes a living horror, vicious and deadly. A professor has come to investigate the deaths, bringing with him his beautiful assistant whose knowledge of the Gorgon is more intimate than anyone would ever realise.

Hlavným hrdinom je kapitán sovietskej polície Ivan Danko, ktorý sleduje stopu gruzínskych pašerákov drog. Pri pokuse o zatknutie nebezpečného Viktora Rostaviliho dôjde k prestrelke a zločincovi sa podarí uniknúť. Spoločne s dvoma kumpánmi ujde z Ruska do Ameriky a v Chicagu sa rýchle zapojí do obchodu s narkotikmi. Veľký kšeft s černošským gangom, ktorý sa už úspešne rozbehol, však skomplikuje Viktorovo zatknutie za banálny priestupok. Rusi vyšlú Ivana Danka, aby Rostu priviezol z amerického väzenia späť do vlasti. Danko sa ubytuje v lacnom chicagskom hoteli, v ktorom býval aj Rostavili pred svojím zatknutím. Do väzenia, kde si má ruského väzňa prevziať, Danka sprevádzajú americkí policajní detektívi seržant Art Ridzik a seržant Gallagher. Cestou z väzenia ich však prepadne gang, ktorý Danka omráči, Gallaghera zastrelí a Rostaviliho oslobodí.

Three elderly distinguished gentlemen are searching for some excitement in their boring borgoueis lives and gets in contact with one of count Dracula's servants. In a nightly ceremony they restore the count back to life. The three men killed Dracula's servant and as a revenge, the count makes sure that the gentlemen are killed one by one by their own sons.

Mládenec Paul Carlson sa vybral na výlet, jeho súčasťou je aj obhliadka Drakulovho hradu. Paul sa rozhodol, že tam strávi noc. Bohužiaľ, bolo to posledné rozhodnutie v jeho živote, stal sa tam obeťou vraždy. Po nejakom čase sa po jeho stopách vyberá brat Simon. Tie však končia v malom mestečku...

When his ward seeks protection with rival cattleman John Stewart, embittered, jealous rancher Wick Campbell hires ten outlaws to help him seize power in the territory.

The film features several horse trainers and other track workers talking about their roles at the track, always eventually interrupted by an older man who claims to be the true authority, and demands that they be thrown out. One recurring young man, the first to appear, claims that he protects the horses from enthusiastic racing fans. He does not appear to be employed by the track, but seems to provide his services voluntarily. His protection from "fanatics" gives the film its title. The film is shot in a documentary style, but the sheer implausibility of the dialogue leaves the exact nature of the film ambiguous.

A man providing overnight watch to a deceased member of his former Orthodox Jewish community finds himself opposite a malevolent entity.

This time Fu Manchu and his army of henchmen are kidnaping the daughters of prominent scientists and taking them to his remote island headquarters. Instead of asking for ransom, Fu demands that the fathers help him to build a death ray, which he intends to use to take over the world. But Fu's archenemy, Nayland Smith of Scotland Yard, is determined not to let that happen.

Retired porn star Milos leads a normal family life trying to make ends meet. Presented with the opportunity of a lifetime to financially support his family for the rest of their lives, Milos must participate in one last mysterious film. From then on, Milos is drawn into a maelstrom of unbelievable cruelty and mayhem.

When his brother disappears, Robert Manning pays a visit to the remote country house he was last heard from. While his host is outwardly welcoming - and his niece more demonstrably so - Manning detects a feeling of menace in the air with the legend of Lavinia Morley, Black Witch of Greymarsh, hanging over everything.

In 1936 Italy, Elio returns home from Africa with a present for his wife in the form of Zerbal, the daughter of a tribal king. Unbeknown to him, his neglected wife Alessandra has formed a relationship with Elio’s otherwise frigid secretary Velma who is less than pleased at Elio’s return.