BTS perform their Japan concert at Tokyo Dome and Fukuoka Yahuoku Dome during their Love Yourself World Tour.

Shaggy is selected to participate in the World Invitational Games in London, England.

Two Soviet partisans leave their starving band to get supplies from a nearby farm. The Germans have reached the farm first, so the pair must go on a journey deep into occupied territory, a voyage that will also take them deep into their souls.

Jennifer Dulos, the wealthy, Connecticut mother-of-five who mysteriously vanished.

The Yowie Yahoo starts kidnapping musicians at a concert attended by Scooby and the gang in Vampire Rock, Australia.

A retired contract killer goes on a bloody rampage when a young girl finds herself at the mercy of gangland human traffickers and only one man can come to her rescue, with an arsenal of weapons and years of experience in the art of killing.

Mažieji burundukai dirba atrakcionų parke. Jie nė nenutuokia, kad jų bendradarbis - tikrasis daktaras Frankenšteinas. Vieną vakarą burundukai užsibūna darbe. Mažylius užrakina atrakcionų parke. Daktaras Frankenšteinas trokšta, kad jo atrakcionas būtų dar baisesnis ir įspūdingesnis, todėl nusprendžia sukurti pabaisą. Burundukai ją sutinka. O čia ir prasideda keisčiausi nuotykiai...

Karl Anton Verloc and his wife own a small cinema in a quiet London suburb where they live seemingly happily. But Mrs. Verloc does not know that her husband has a secret that will affect their relationship and threaten her teenage brother's life.

Anė Valberg kažkada buvo tikra kvepalų industrijos pažiba. Išskirtinę uoslę ir neeilinį talentą turinti moteris kūrė didžiulės sėkmės sulaukiančius kvepalus ir pati galėjo rinktis, su kuo nori dirbti. Tačiau vieną dieną nutinka pats baisiausias dalykas parfumeriui: Anė praranda uoslę. Nors užsakymai staigiai išsenka (gandai mados industrijoje sklinda itin greitai), prisitaikyti prie naujos realybės Anei sekasi kur kas sunkiau. Pripratusi prie pagyrų ir liaupsių, savanaudiška, temperamentinga ir arogantiška moteris ir toliau elgiasi kaip diva, nekreipdama dėmesio į aplinkinių jausmus bei norus. Jai atleidus jau kelintą asmeninį vairuotoją, likimas ją suveda su Giljomu. Sudėtingą skyrybų procesą išgyvenantis vyras tiesiog privalo išlaikyti šį darbą, jei nori ir toliau matytis su savo dešimtmete dukra.

After the police find Derek’s daughter brutally murdered on the beach, he vows to make the culprit suffer for his actions, even if that person is ‘part of the family.’ With careful research into the history of torture, Derek prepares himself and his basement for a week of brutal tactics that will make his daughter’s killer feel the pain that he has inflicted upon so many others. In a time when stranger danger is ever present, a single father learns that it’s the ones you trust most who have to be watched the closest.

Set in the mid sixties and shot with more black than white, ‘SAD?’ is a dark ten minute film that explores the time that we spend alone watching television, and the good and sad effects it can have on you. The film has a timeless, forgotten feel about it, a study of a world and time detached from the norm, a life filled with both laughter and loneliness, escapism and escapees...

A kindly English botanist and a gruff American promoter lead an expedition to the Himalayas in search of the legendary Yeti.

Pasakojimas apie tai, kaip talentingas matematikas ir filosofas Tedas Kaczynskis tapo bauginančiu teroristu, žinomu kaip "Unabomberis". 17 metų jis siuntinėjo bombas mokslininkams, palaikantiems mokslo pažangą, nes manė, kad šiuolaikinės technologijos yra blogiausia, kas kada nors nutiko žmonijai, o jų propagavimas buvo ne kas kita, kaip nusikaltimas. Tedo Kaczynskio gyvenimas ir nusikaltimai buvo knygų ir filmų tema nuo tada, kai jis buvo suimtas 1996 m., tačiau Tony Stone’o filmas „Ted K“ yra pirmasis filmas, kuriame analizuojamas Tedo charakteris.

An Irish undertaker profits when outlaws take over a peaceful town, but his own family come under threat as the death toll increases dramatically.

New York police are bemused by reports of a giant flying lizard that has been spotted around the rooftops of New York, until the lizard starts to eat people. An out-of-work ex-con is the only person who knows the location of the monster's nest and is determined to turn the knowledge to his advantage, but will his gamble pay off or will he end up as lizard food?

A young couple go on an adventurous vacation to Thailand only to find themselves haunted by a malevolent spirit after naively disrespecting a Ghost House.

When a single mother and her two young children are tormented by an increasingly strange and intense presence in their quiet suburban home, she turns to her scientist boyfriend to take on the violent forces that paranormal experts are too frightened to face.

A young woman's friendship with a drug-dealing drifter evolves into a lesbian romance.