Bogarto herojus turi nedidelę valtį, kuria plukdina atvykstančius turistus. Jis neturi šeimos, jo nedomina politika ir vykstantis karas, o vienintelis turimas draugas – vietinis alkoholikas. Tik pažintis su žavia mergina (vaid. Lauren Bacall), vagiančią pinigines iš baro lankytojų, priverčia jį ryžtis tokiems dalykams, apie kuriuos jis anksčiau net nesusimąstydavo.

A documentary that follows six young dancers from around the world as they prepare for the Youth America Grand Prix, one of the most prestigious ballet competitions in the world.

Nikander, a rubbish collector and would-be entrepreneur, finds his plans for success dashed when his business associate dies. One evening, he meets Ilona, a down-on-her-luck cashier, in a local supermarket. Falteringly, a bond begins to develop between them.

Gal kiek per tradicinis filmas, kaip iš Takashi Miike rankų, „13 žudikų“ jau dabar atrodo, kaip šiuolaikinė filmų apie samurajus klasika. Istorinis filmas (šis, beje, atspindi tikrus įvykius Japonijos istorijoje) žiūrisi kaip pramoginis ne ta prasme, kad yra juokingas ar lengvai pateiktas, bet būtent atvirkščiai – filmo pradžioje rodomi vieno „neliečiamojo“ žiaurumai sukelia autentiškų pasėkmių reakciją, kurią Takashi Miike perteikia aukštumoje – nuo puikaus aktorių ansamblio parinkimo iki kiekvienos scenos užfiksavimo vizualiu operatoriaus darbu. Kone ketvirtadalį juostos trunkanti lemiama kova tarp 13 samurajų ir blogiečių armijos, kaip, tiesą sakant, ir visas filmas, prašosi didžiojo ekrano, bet čia jau ne mūsų valioje…

Fearing she will die, a physicist's wife hopes her husband will be consoled by the orphan she adopts.

Filmas prasideda legendinio šachmatininko Bobio Fišerio juoda-balta kronikos kadrais, kurį vaidina kino debiutantas - Maksas Pomerancas. Jo herojus, Džošas Vaitzkinas (filmas pagrįstas realiais įvykiais) - paprastas septynmetis berniukas, apdovanotas unikaliu šachmatininko talentu. Jo tėvas (Mantenja) visomis galiomis siekia padaryti berniuką tikruoju čempionu. Kas svarbiau: vaikystė, tėvo ir jaunojo sūnaus genijaus meilė ar sporto karjera, kur aukštumas pasiekia tik vienetai? Yra gyvenime dalykai, kurių negalima aukoti, kaip kad figūros ant šachmatų lentos. Fredo Waitzkino to paties pavadinimo knygos ekranizacija.

Buvusi laivyno pėstininkė Lu-En nusprendžia imtis parastesnio, ramesnio darbo. Ji pradeda dėstyti anglų kalbą vidurinėje mokykloje. Bet mokykla, į kurią pateko Lu-En - kriminogeniniame rajone, kur visi mokiniai iš asocialių šeimų, kur nieko nestebina narkotikai ar žmogžudystės. Ar sugebės mokytoja atskleisti šių paauglių žmogiškas puses?

A hitman finds himself embroiled in the middle of a Mafia war between the Sicilians and the Calabrians.

Amy is only 13 years old when her mother is killed. She goes to Canada to live with her father, an eccentric inventor whom she barely knows. Amy is miserable in her new life... until she discovers a nest of goose eggs that were abandoned when a local forest was torn down. The eggs hatch and Amy becomes "Mama Goose". When Winter comes, Amy, and her dad must find a way to lead the birds South.

An average television repairman must care for the newborn triplets of his former hometown sweetheart—now a famous movie star—so her career will not suffer.

A lonely, chain-smoking office lady in Tokyo falls for her teacher when she decides to take English lessons. When her teacher disappears, she sets out on a journey to find him.

Young history buff Kevin can scarcely believe it when six dwarfs emerge from his closet one night. Former employees of the Supreme Being, they've purloined a map charting all of the holes in the fabric of time and are using it to steal treasures from different historical eras. Taking Kevin with them, they variously drop in on Napoleon, Robin Hood and King Agamemnon before the Supreme Being catches up with them.

Accused of a crime they didn't commit, two city kids and a magical horse are about to become the coolest outlaws ever to ride Into The West.

Melodrama about a bomber on board an airplane, an airport almost closed by snow, and various personal problems of the people involved.

An emotionally-beaten man with his young daughter moves to his ancestral home in Newfoundland to reclaim his life.

Set in Prohibition era Chicago, bootlegger Robbo and his cronies refuse to pay the greedy Guy Gisborne a cut of their profits after Guy shoots mob boss Big Jim and takes over. When Big Jim's daughter, Marian, gives Robbo a large sum, believing he has avenged her father's death, the gangster donates to an orphanage, cementing his reputation as a softhearted hood.

All roads lead to magical, merry Toyland as Mary Contrary and Tom Piper prepare for their wedding! But villainous Barnaby wants Mary for himself, so he kidnaps Tom, setting off a series of comic chases, searches, and double-crosses! The "March Of The Wooden Soldiers" helps put Barnaby in his place, and ensures a "happily ever after" for Tom and Mary!

When a teenager suddenly disappears without a trace, the case is assigned to an alcoholic police officer who maintains a complicated relationship with his own troubled teenage son, suspected of drug trafficking.

Christina's love life is stuck in neutral. After years of avoiding the hazards of a meaningful relationship, one night while club-hopping with her girlfriends, she meets Peter, her perfect match. Fed up with playing games, she finally gets the courage to let her guard down and follow her heart, only to discover that Peter has suddenly left town. Accompanied by Courtney, she sets out to capture the one that got away.

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