The story of one shepherd's single-handed quest to re-forest a desolate valley in the foothills of the French Alps throughout the first half of the 20th century.

The story is focused on three characters who are in crisis: Monica, Mr Chema and Ms Cata. When they feel the necessity of going to church they meet wach other and their lifes change. Under the tutelage of guardian angels, they will understand the true meaning of the Mass, the constant struggle between good and evil and the triumph of faith and hope.

Mahtavat Ambersonit (engl. The Magnificent Ambersons) on Orson Wellesin ohjaama yhdysvaltalainen elokuva, joka perustuu Booth Tarkingtonin romaaniin The Magnificent Ambersons. Elokuvan ensi-ilta oli 10. heinäkuuta 1942. Kuten Citizen Kanessa, Orson Welles käsikirjoitti ja ohjasi elokuvan. Hän ei näytellyt elokuvassa mutta toimi kertojana.Elokuvan Suomen-ensi-ilta oli vasta 20. maaliskuuta 1964.Mahtavat Ambersonit kertoo köyhtyvästä Ambersonin mahtisuvusta, jonka on vaikea sopeutua asemansa ja aikakausien muutoksiin.RKO piti elokuvaa liian pitkänä ja halusi siitä kaupallisemman, joten yhtiö leikkasi elokuvasta 50 minuuttia ja lisäsi onnellisen lopun. Welles oli ulkomailla työskentelemässä RKO:n toisen projektin parissa. Poistettu materiaali tuhottiin, eikä alkuperäisleikkauksesta ole kopiota. Mahtavat Ambersonit oli ehdolla neljän Oscar-palkinnon saajaksi.

Massoud Amir Behrani elää unelmaansa valheen nojalla. Iranista muuttanut, entinen Šaahin eliittipiirin jäsen kykenee hädin tuskin elättämään perheensä, kunnes hän näkee tilaisuutensa pakkohuutokaupattavassa talossa. Talon väärin perustein menettänyt Kathy Lazaro päättää taistella kodistaan, mihin hintaan tahansa. Vähitellen Hiekan ja sumun talo paljastaa huolestuttavan totuuden: turmion lähde saattaa olla toivomme, ei vihamme.

Who is Jesus, and why does he impact all he meets? He is respected and reviled, emulated and accused, beloved, betrayed, and finally crucified. Yet that terrible fate would not be the end of the story.

Epic film of the legendary Spanish hero, Rodrigo Diaz ("El Cid" to his followers), who, without compromising his strict sense of honour, still succeeds in taking the initiative and driving the Moors from Spain.

A struggling young dancer joins forces with two breakdancers and together they become a street sensation.

Lainsuojattomat kertoo Jesse Jameksen pankkiryöstöjä tehtailevasta joukosta, joka kulkee lännen läpi pyörremyrskyn tavoin lainvalvojat kintereillään. Epäonnisen ryöstön jälkeen joukkio päättää hetkellisesti lähteä jokainen omille teilleen. Pian he kuitenkin päättävät kokoontua tehdäkseen vielä viimeisen ryöstön yhdessä. Tämä neljästä eri veljeksestä koostuva näyttelijäkaarti tekee tästä lännen elokuvasta poikkeuksellisen muiden joukossa.

The story picks up at the point where "The Robe" ends, following the martyrdom of Diana and Marcellus. Christ's robe is conveyed to Peter for safe-keeping, but the emperor Caligula wants it back to benefit from its powers. Marcellus' former slave Demetrius seeks to prevent this, and catches the eye of Messalina, wife to Caligula's uncle Claudius. Messalina tempts Demetrius, he winds up fighting in the arena, and wavers in his faith.

A band of medieval mercenaries take revenge on a noble lord who decides not to pay them by kidnapping the betrothed of the noble's son. As the plague and warfare cut a swathe of destruction throughout the land, the mercenaries hole up in a castle and await their fate.

Sergeant wakes up alone with only a widescreen TV for company, in a place designed for him to relax in peace and tranquility, for all eternity...

Paris, France, early 19th century. The legendary convict François Vidocq lives in disguise trying to escape from a tragic past that torments him. When, after an unfortunate event, he crosses paths with the police chief, he makes a bold decision that will turn the ruthless mastermind of the Parisian underworld against him.

Harper is brought to Louisiana to investigate an attempted blackmail scheme. He soon finds out that it involves an old flame of his and her daughter. He eventually finds himself caught in a power struggle between the matriarch of the family and a greedy oil baron, who wants their property. Poor Harper! Things are not as straight-forward as they initially appeared.

Nainen käynnistää autonsa autiossa pysäköintitalossa. Auto sammuu. Pysäköintivalvoja ilmestyy paikalle tarjoamaan apuaan. Hän on tarkkaillut naista kuukausien ajan. Tänä iltana hän katsoo tätä viimeisen kerran. Pimeä pysäköintitalo muuttuu kammottavaksi, kun huomaat, ettet ole yksin...

An actor who is considering the role of a supermarket manager arrives at a grocery store on the outskirts of Los Angeles to do some field research. He subsequently becomes stranded, without a car or cell phone, and accepts a ride home with Scarlet, a cashier who is about to interview for a new job. The actor rediscovers the essence of his craft while helping Scarlet gain the confidence she needs to change her life.

In ancient Rome a love story blossoms between Fabiola, daughter of a senator, and Rhual, a Gallic gladiator. After Fabiola's father is killed, the Romans blame the Christians and the persecution begins. Rhual confesses to being a Christian, is accused of the murder and sentenced to fight to the death in the arena.

King David enters into an adulterous affair with the beautiful Bathsheba, which has tragic consequences for his family and Israel.

An American family on holiday in Africa becomes lost in a game reserve and stalked by vicious killer lions.

When two young lovers are savagely beaten and tortured on a back country road in Texarkana, local police are baffled and must find "the Phantom Killer" before he can kill again.

Following World War III, four survivors at an desert military installation attempt to drive across the desolate wasteland of America to Albany, where they hope more survivors are living, using a specially built vehicles to protect themselves against the freakish weather, mutated plant and animal life, and other dangers encountered along the way.