As Christmas nears, heiress Jessica Morgan seizes what seems like her last chance to experience a relaxed Christmas and heads off to the small town of Glenbrooke, where she meets a handsome fireman.

A young teenage girl, Katie, can not snap out of her depression after losing her mother. Katie has lost interest in school, her friends, and gymnastics. All that changes in the summer when she is asked to monkeysit Gibby, her science teacher's Capuchin monkey. Taking care of the monkey changes her life in a big way. Gibby's happy-go-lucky personality renews Katie's zest for life. Gibby helps her with gymnastics, renewing friendships (including finding a potential boyfriend) and overcoming her nemesis, a mean girl who is out to beat Katie at everything.

When her niece is cast in The Philadelphia Ballet’s production of the Nutcracker, a jaded ex-ballerina is forced to come to terms with the life and love she left behind.

1934년 차트웰, 정계에서 거의 쫓겨나다시피 한 윈스턴 처칠은 선조인 말버러공작의 전기를 쓰고 신문기고를 하며 조용히 야인생활을 하고 있다. 하원의원으로서 가끔 런던에 올라와 의회연설을 하지만 인도 독립 반대와 독일의 재무장위험 등을 주장하면서 같은 당인 보수당의원들로부터도 야유와 비난만 받는다. 경제적 어려움과 정치적 소외로 어려움을 겪던 처칠은 아내인 클레멘타인마저 장기간 여행을 떠나자 몹시 외로워한다. 그러나 독일의 재무장을 염려하던 외무부 관리 랠프 위그램이 처칠에게 극비정보를 제공하면서 영국이 전쟁에 대비해야 한다는 처칠의 주장이 점차 설득력을 얻고 아내 클레멘타인도 돌아온다. 그리고 마침내 독일의 폴란드 침공으로 영국이 독일에게 전쟁을 선포하면서 윈스턴 처칠은 해군장관에 임명돼 다시 정계로 복귀한다. (KBS) 영어원제는 Gathering Storm(여기서 storm은 2차대전의 전운을 뜻함)으로 BBC와 HBO가 2002년 TV영화용으로 제작했고 2009년 후편인 Into the Storm이 방영됐다. 2차대전을 승리로 이끈 영국총리 윈스턴 처칠의 회고록 6권 가운데 첫 권과 같은 제목으로 1934년 선조인 말버러공작의 전기를 쓰며 은퇴생활을 하던 처칠이 외무부관리 랄프 위그램의 제보로 독일 공군력의 증가와 전쟁야욕을 의회와 세상에 알리면서 1939년 정계로 복귀하기까지의 과정을 담고 있다. 2003년 골든글로브 수상(TV부문 작품상, TV부문 남우주연상)

메드필드 대학은 재정적으로 어려움을 겪고있는 시골마을의 작은 대학이다. 그곳의 물리화학과 교수인 네드 브래이너드는 늘 연구에 골똘해 있어서 중요한 일을 잊거나 실수를 잘 하는 사람이다. 하도 건망증이 심해서 가정부가 일일이 챙겨주는 데도 불구하고 자기 결혼식에도 세 번이나 참석하지 못했다. 그 때문에 메드필드 대학의 총장비서이며 결혼 상대자인 벳시는 더 이상 참을 수 없어서 화를 내고, 그런 벳시에게 러틀렌드 대학의 교수인 쉘비가 끈질기게 구애한다. 네드는 결혼식까지 잊어가며 연구에 몰두하다가 우연한 폭발사고로 스스로 에너지를 만들어내며 멈추지 않고 튀어오를 수 있는 고무같은 물질을 발견한다. 그리고 그 이름을 '플러버'라고 짓는다. 플러버는 지구 중력에 영향을 받지 않는 물질로 과학사에 빛날 획기적인 발견이다. 네드는 플러버를 벳시에게 보여주고 오해를 풀고 인정받고 싶었으나 뜻대로 안되고 쉘비가 방해하자 플러버를 이용해서 하늘을 나는 차로 그를 골려준다. 우연히 그의 차를 목격한, 사업가이며 고리대금업자인 호크가 네드 교수에게 동업을 제의한다. 그러나 네드가 그의 제의를 거절하자 앙심을 품은 호크와 그의 아들 비프는 음모를 꾸민다. 그들의 계략 때문에 육해공 사령관들과 많은 사람들 앞에서 네드는 망신을 당하는데, 계속 네드의 말을 믿지않던 벳시가 그의 말을 믿어주고, 힘이 되어 준다. 두 사람은 플러버의 힘을 이용해서 호크가 바꿔치기한 자기 차를 되찾고 워싱턴으로 날아간다. 그리고 우여곡절 끝에 네드의 연구 결과는 뛰어난 업적으로 인정받고, 마침내 네드와 벳시는 결혼식을 올린다.

When a reporter encounters the eldest son of a famous political family at a mountain retreat, she winds up pretending to be his girlfriend over Christmas so he can save face with his family. Should she secretly expose newsworthy scoops about the famous family in order to save her job, or trust that she's falling in love for real? Stars Patricia Richardson and Katrina Law.

A hopeless romantic misses all of the signs of true love when she puts her trust in a bouquet tossed at a wedding.

Krissy Kringle receives a delivery intended for Santa Claus. A magical book that shows if a person has been naughty or nice. She uses the book's power to find out about those around her, which leads to some very unusual and unintended results. Krissy realizes that everyone has some good and some not so good in them.

The Dutch football team has just released the heroic World Cup final lost to archrival West Germany. The whole country is in mourning and Jaap Kooijman throws out of sheer frustration the brand new TV out the window. This event is the prelude to an equally comical , exciting and touching family film.

A bubbly bride-to-be’s Christmas plans take an unexpected turn when her holiday flight to New York is detoured and she encounters a cynical bar manager who has lost his faith in love. As she scrambles to make it back east for Christmas—and plan her upcoming wedding—she begins wondering if she’s marrying the right man, and learns a surprising lesson about love.

Wendy Walton is the best designer in Boston... but no one knows it yet. Hoping to kick-start her career, Wendy has left work with the local theatre to take a job as an assistant to Priscilla Hall, the most prestigious designer in the city. Ms. Hall works Wendy around the clock, which is how Wendy finds herself trapped in an elevator late one night with an incredibly handsome stranger. Wendy and the mystery man share an impulsive, romantic, life changing kiss before the doors open and Wendy runs out, leaving him behind. The next day at work, Wendy answers the door to find the handsome gentleman standing in front of her.

Duncan Mayor decides the perfect Christmas present for his terminally ill wife, Suzy, is a ride on a real Ferris wheel, set up in their very own back yard. As a young man, it was the perfect place for a wedding proposal. Now, years later, in order to relive the experience with his wife, Duncan will go to any length to make their fantasy become a reality.

Laurel, a Chicago-based business executive, travels to Memphis to secure one of the city's oldest family-owned banks. While in Memphis, Laurel reunites with old flame Clay, a local music promoter with loftier aspirations. Though Laurel tries to keep her eye on the prize of the business acquisition, Clay is very persuasive reminding her of the days when they were a performing duo on the brink of stardom. Now Laurel's focus turns to the home of the Blues and dreams of making music again.

Thirty-something Hillary Burns has spent her life trying to get the approval of her parents, in the shadow of her more successfully-attached siblings. So when Hillary's fiance, workaholic lawyer Jason King, dumps her because she isn't willing to relocate for his potential promotion, she panics because she had been promising to bring him home to meet her expectant family, whom she does not want to let down! As a last-minute idea, her best friend Sophie convinces her to actually hire someone to "play the role" of Jason for her return home on Thanksgiving.. leading to an interesting combination of sparks & revelations for all involved.

As a little girl, Melanie Hogan wished to find her own prince charming just like her parents found true love. Now an adult, Melanie is running her own bakery and dating a handsome CEO, Justin. Although things seem perfect when Justin asks Melanie to spend the holidays together at his beautiful lake house upstate—and meet his mother. Melanie finds herself spending more time with Justin’s best friend and loyal assistant, Dean, who just might be harboring a secret crush on her. When complications arise that throw Melanie and Dean together over the holiday, will the two realize they're meant to be?

At a Christmastime event, Jenna shares an impromptu, unforgettable kiss with the dashing billionaire, Cooper Montgomery. Unaware of his intentions and fearful of getting hurt in another relationship, Jenna vows to resist his charms, but begins to realize his affection is real as the two spend more time together.

When a driven doctor doesn't get the prestigious position she planned for, she unexpectedly finds herself moving to a remote Alaskan town. While she meets the locals and even starts a new romance, she has to learn to let the life she planned for give way to a love she never could have imagined, and finds this festive small town is hiding one big holiday secret.

유서 깊은 호텔을 새롭게 리모델링 하려는 사업가 남자와 전통을 지키려는 여자 사이의 로맨스 드라마

Two strangers who both happen to be in marketing, share a room at a bed-and-breakfast when a snowstorm strands their flight in Montana on Christmas Eve.

자기중심적인 젊은 기업가 제이크는 사이가 멀어진 임신한 여동생과 그의 남편 그리고 3살짜리 조카를 돌보기 위해 맨해튼을 떠나 어렸을 적 살았던 교외로 이사를 가는데...