Este o celebrare a legendarei trupe Queen, a muzicii lor și a liderului extraordinar al formației, Freddie Mercury, care a sfidat stereotipurile și a distrus convențiile, devenind unul dintre cei mai iubiți artiști de pe planetă. Filmul urmărește ascensiunea meteorică a trupei prin melodiile lor iconice și sunetul revoluționar, apropierea de colaps a formației pe măsură ce stilul de viață al lui Mercury scapă de sub control, dar și reuniunea lor triumfătoare în ajunul concertului „Live Aid”, unde Mercury, care se confruntă cu o boală amenințătoare, conduce trupa într-una dintre cele mai puternice performanțe din istoria muzicii rock.

Filmul spune povestea unui om de știință care testează pe maimuțe un nou medicament împotriva Alzheimer-ului. Experimentul scapă de sub control și acesta este doar începutul războiului pentru supremație dintre oameni și maimuțe.

(500) de zile cu Summer este povestea relației lui Tom cu Summer. Summer nu crede în dragoste adevărată, în suflete pereche și bărbatul potrivit. Tom în schimb, este un romantic incurabil care nu renunță la ea nici în ruptul capului. Tot ceea ce face el are ca scop „trezirea” la realitate a lui Summer, ca să se convingă singură că există conceptul de dragoste scrisă în stele. Desfășurându-se pe o perioadă de 500 de zile, povestea celor doi „îndrăgostiți” este rostită din punctul de vedere al lui Tom și a acțiunilor sale care se lasă ușor influentate de muzica pop. O abordare proaspătă a comediei romantice, (500) de zile cu Summer ni-i prezintă pe Summer, o femeie care nu crede în dragoste adevărată, și Tom, tânărul care se îndrăgostește nebunește de ea.

Sarah is an organic farmer who meets a man named Rip Van Winkle Jr., who claims to be from 1787. Soon, she discovers old-fashioned romantic feelings that might be just as crazy as his story.

Un jucător de baseball găsește fericirea pe neașteptate cu ajutorul unei femei care lucrează în restaurantul său preferat.

Bianca's universe turns upside down when she learns that her high school refers to her as a ‘DUFF' (Designated Ugly Fat Friend). Hoping to erase that label, she enlists the help of a charming jock and her favorite teacher. Together they'll face the school's mean girl and remind everyone that we are all someone's DUFF… and that's totally fine.

A young working girl with a blue-collar background is surprised when her new fiancé announces he is actually a prince of a small sovereign country in Europe. After the couple quickly takes off to spend the holidays at his family’s sprawling, royal castle, she must work hard to win over her disapproving and unaccepting future mother-in-law—the Queen—and find out if love truly can conquer all.

A Los Angeles extreme-sports photographer returns home for the holiday to take care of her grandmother, only to have a neighbor grab her attention as he needs assistance watching his young nephew.

Joy Holbrook, is a corporate market researcher, gunning for a promotion within her firm. Just as her company's CEO is taking notice, Joy finds out her Aunt Ruby has broken her ankle and will be undergoing surgery. Despite the less than opportune timing, Joy makes her way back home to Crystal Falls, NC to be with her Aunt. Stars seem to be aligned as Joy sees her former crush, Ben Andrews, while at the hospital. At first, Joy is focused solely on helping her Aunt heal; even taking over her position as chair of the local Cookie Crawl competition. Eventually, she begins to let Ben in and remembers there's no place like home for the holidays. The pair work together on the Cookie Crawl to make the event a success.

Sometimes, life just seems to hand you exactly what you need – particularly at Christmastime. Riley is scraping bottom when she miraculously lands a job with a wealthy New York City entrepreneur. He’s a bad-boy socialite type who is poised to play Scrooge by closing one of his factories just before Christmas, which would devastate an entire town. It’s left to Riley to talk him out of it and turn him into a man of virtue rather than shame.

Best friends Ely and Lila share everything together, including their dream of a life beyond the Paris suburb they've lived in since childhood. One night they venture into the capital and meet a pair of wealthy young friends at a night club. Ashamed of their working-class background, and seeing an opportunity to escape, Ely and Lila begin to lie their way into this glamorous new world. Falling deeper into their web of lies, the young women begin to lose sight of themselves as their friendship is pushed to the limit.

Fetița lui tata a crescut în răsfăț în metropolă. Dar excursia într-un mic oraș îi arată ce înseamnă viața adevărată.

Two recently laid-off men in their 40s try to make it as interns at a successful Internet company where their managers are in their 20s.

An aspiring fashion designer falls in love with her socialite client's prospective fiance, Prince Jeffrey.

O artistă săracă găsește de lucru ca achizitor personal pentru un director stresat care devine fermecat nu numai de abilitatea ei de a cumpăra cadouri de sărbători.

When Marie begins receiving ornaments from her mother, a new coincidental blessing comes with each one, causing Marie to feel more excited for the holidays than she has in years. Marie’s once-lost Christmas spirit gets another boost when she meets her handsome neighbor Nate and feels a spark with him while celebrating the season.

Sophie Bennett begins a new holiday tradition of spending every holiday at the Evergreen Inn and Ski Lodge, which she inherited from her parents. Evergreen Inn is a special place filled with people who cannot make it home for the holidays or who have had such wonderful experiences that it has become their home-away-from-holiday-home. This Christmas, Sophie will meet an unforgettable family, and her own life will be forever changed.

A special Christmas tree decorated with handwritten wishes helps Evan and his group of orphaned students develop a connection and a sense of family.

După ce planurile îi eșuează, o doctoriță exigentă preia un post într-un orășel din Alaska, unde există un secret de sărbători și un bărbat care i-ar putea schimba viața.

Portraying the events that have taken place in Polish politics in recent years.