Three macabre short stories about gambling, vengeance and homicide.

Sounds as witnesses. They blurr into memories, half-dreams, it is undecided if they are real or not. A fluctuation between imagination and reality.

In a village on the French-Belgian border, a smuggler named Sylvain falls in love with the pretty Pascaline, which infuriates Germaine, his mistress. The jealous woman reports Sylvain to the police. As a result, the young man gets hurt during a night chase. Fortunately Pascaline offers him hospitality and looks after him.

This is a story about a city guy Nikolai, who will have to go instead of his friend on a rural business trip. A series of funny events, meetings and the beauty of the Yakut village encourage Nikolai to make an important decision in his life…

While awaiting the next fuel truck at a middle-of-nowhere Arizona rest stop, a traveling young knife salesman is thrust into a high-stakes hostage situation by the arrival of two similarly stranded bank robbers with no qualms about using cruelty—or cold, hard steel—to protect their bloodstained, ill-gotten fortune.

يدور العمل في المستقبل القريب، حيث يسافر فريق من الصحفيين عبر الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية حين تصبح على وشك حرب أهلية مميتة بين مواطنيها.

عندما يتم إرسال امرأة أمريكية شابة إلى روما لبدء حياة خدمة للكنيسة ، وقالت انها تواجه الظلام الذي يسبب لها أن يشكك إيمانها الخاص ويكشف مؤامرة مرعبة التي تأمل في تحقيق ولادة الشر المتجسد.

تذهب 5 سيدات في رحلة برية وسرعان ما تعود المجموعة مع اختفاء أحدهن، فيتولى المحققين الفيدراليين آرون فالك وكارمين كوبر مهمة البحث عن المرأة الفقودة وسط الجبال والبرية.

في عام ٢٨٩٨ ميلادي ، بعد حوالي ٦٠٠٠ عام من حرب كوروكشترا، يستعد أشواتاما لمعركته الأخيرة من أجل الخلاص عند علامة الأمل في عالم بائس، ويصبح بهايرافا، صائد الجوائز الحكيم والمهتم بمصالحه الذاتية، الذي سئم الحياة المحفوفة بالمخاطر، هو البطل. عقبة في هذه العملية.

Based on one of the most shocking and gruesome murder cases in Brazil, the film presents de Suzane von Richthofen's point of view of the events that led to the death of her parents.

Rod Goldman and Al Silverman are street performers who work the tourist scene of Times Square. Goldman gets no respect and Silverman is the first one to make sure of that.

يصل أحد الواعظين إلى مستوطنة بريطانية في ثلاثينيات القرن التاسع عشر، وسرعان ما يجد نفسه عالقًا وسط حرب دموية بين قبائل الـ(ماوري).

تُرى ما هو أسوأ من امرأة تعمل كمساعدة لممثل مُتطلِّب للغاية ويستخف بها؟ أن تكتشف أنه مغرم بوالدتها.

Recognizing the destructive power of its captive giant Ape, the military makes its own battle-ready A.I., Mecha Ape. But its first practical test goes horribly wrong, leaving the military no choice but to release the imprisoned giant ape to stop the colossal robot before it destroys downtown Chicago.

Conglomerated Assets, a brokerage firm is sinking fast as its CEO checks out and leaves the company to his inept film school drop out son. Enter Quincy, Waverly, Erica, Rudy, Tina and Yasmine. Team QWERTY--six sexy secretaries that must save the day.

Primo is an ordinary middle-class youngster studying for his baccalaureate, who gets side-tracked when he falls in love with a rich girl. They soon learn they have to deal with her condescending friends who look down upon this upstart.

After Leon left his team in the historic 25-1 defeat against the national team, Die wilden Kerle broke up. Only the little Nerv still believes in his old heroes and tries to bring the grown-up guys back together with the help of his dreaded side puller. Leon's former best friend Fabi has meanwhile founded his own team, the girls' team, "The Beastly Beasts", and challenges "The Wild Soccer Bunch" to a duel in the Nattern Cave.

Did the Nazis ever see Charlie Chaplin's 'The Great Dictator'? Yugoslavia, 1942 - The young Serbian projectionist Nikola Radosevic decides to teach the German oppressors a lesson they won't forget. The beginning of a true and astonishing World War II resistance story.

The third entry in the Dune film series, adapted from Dune Messiah, the second in Frank Herbert's series of six novels.