Found inside a shining stalk of bamboo by an old bamboo cutter and his wife, a tiny girl grows rapidly into an exquisite young lady. The mysterious young princess enthrals all who encounter her. But, ultimately, she must confront her fate.

Anne Shirley, now a schoolteacher, has begun writing stories and collecting rejection slips. She acts as Diana's maid of honor, develops a relationship with Gilbert Blythe, and finds herself at Kingsport Ladies' College. But while Anne enjoys the battles and the friends she makes, she finds herself returning to Avonlea.

Nine years later, Jesse travels across Europe giving readings from a book he wrote about the night he spent in Vienna with Celine. After his reading in Paris, Celine finds him, and they spend part of the day together before Jesse has to again leave for a flight. They are both in relationships now, and Jesse has a son, but as their strong feelings for each other start to return, both confess a longing for more.

Agnès Varda eloquently captures Paris in the sixties with this real-time portrait of a singer set adrift in the city as she awaits test results of a biopsy. A chronicle of the minutes of one woman’s life, Cléo from 5 to 7 is a spirited mix of vivid vérité and melodrama, featuring a score by Michel Legrand and cameos by Jean-Luc Godard and Anna Karina.

Un film de animație ce prezintă o minunată poveste frumoasă de dragoste între două personaje. Lady, o frumoasă cățelușă cocker spaniel auriu, ajunge într-o parte rău famată a orașului unde îl întâlnește pe Trump, un vagabond metis, care o salvează din ghearele unor câini nemiloși. Cățelușa decide să-și părăsească actuala locuință din cauza unei bone ce trebuia să stea cu copilul familiei cât timp părinții sunt plecați din oraș. Femeia încearcă să pună botniță cățelușei și să o scoată la plimbare. Povestea de dragoste se întretaie cu momente de acțiune și suspans, care dau o savoare deosebită filmului. Un desen animat pentru cei mari și cei mici al celebrei case de producție Disney.

Xixo is back again. This time, his children accidentally stow away on a fast-moving poachers' truck, unable to get off, and Xixo sets out to rescue them. Along the way, he encounters a couple of soldiers trying to capture each other and a pilot and passenger of a small plane, who are each having a few problems of their own.

Shamoto runs a small tropical fish shop. When his daughter Mitsuko is caught shoplifting at a grocery store a man named Murata steps in to settle things between the girl and the store manager. Murata also runs a tropical fish shop and he and Shamoto soon become friendly. However Murata hides many dark secrets behind his friendly face.

A woman's dark and absurdist nightmare vision comprising a continuous recitation of the alphabet and bizarre living representations of each letter.

The East High Wildcats are gearing up for big fun as they land the coolest summer jobs imaginable. Troy, Gabriella, Chad, and Taylor have scored sweet gigs at the Lava Springs Country Club owned by Sharpay and Ryan's family. Sharpay's first rule of business: Get Troy. As Troy experiences a life of privilege he's never known, will he give up the Wildcats and Gabriella to rise to the top?

During the U.S.-led occupation of Baghdad in 2003, Chief Warrant Officer Roy Miller and his team of Army inspectors are dispatched to find weapons of mass destruction believed to be stockpiled in the Iraqi desert. Rocketing from one booby-trapped and treacherous site to the next, the men search for deadly chemical agents but stumble instead upon an elaborate cover-up that threatens to invert the purpose of their mission.

După ce te-ai luptat cu un dragon malefic, ai salvat o prințesă frumoasă, dar și regatul socrilor tăi, ce mai poți tu să faci, ca un căpcăun adevărat ce ești? Păi, dacă te cheamă Shrek, ce altceva, decât să ajungi un soț cuminte și devreme acasă. În loc să mai bage în sperieți sătenii, așa cum avea obiceiul s-o facă înainte, Shrek se mulțumește acum să dea autografe pe furcile acestora. Cum de i-a pierit răgetul? Tânjind după zilele în care se simțea ca un căpcăun “adevărat”, Shrek e ademenit să semneze un pact cu șmecherul și alunecosul Rumpelstiltskin. E aruncat, astfel, într-o versiune alternativă și complet cu susul în jos a regatului Far Far Away, unde căpcăunii sunt vânați, Rumpelstiltskin este rege, iar Shrek și Fiona nu s-au întâlnit niciodată. Acum, stă în puterile lui Shrek să întoarcă lucrurile așa cum au fost, ca să-și salveze prietenii, să-și facă lumea înapoi, așa cum era, și să-și recâștige Unica sa Iubire.

A friendly St. Bernard named "Cujo" contracts rabies and conducts a reign of terror on a small American town.

Skeeter Bronson is a down-on-his-luck guy who's always telling bedtime stories to his niece and nephew. But his life is turned upside down when the fantastical stories he makes up for entertainment inexplicably turn into reality. Can a bewildered Skeeter manage his own unruly fantasies now that the outrageous characters and situations from his mind have morphed into actual people and events?

Stuart, un șoarece alb adorabil, încă trăiește fericit cu familia sa adoptivă, Littles, în partea de est a Parcului Central din Manhattan. Mai multe aventuri nebune ale șoarecilor sunt pregătite în timp ce Stuart, fratele său uman, George, și pisica lor răutăcioasă, Snowbell, pornesc să salveze un prieten.

Recent promovată la inspectorul de poliție, Jessica Shepard (Ashley Judd), o femeie cu probleme psihice grave, este pe urmele unui criminal în serie. Ea descoperă, îngrozită, că victimele sunt bărbați cu care a făcut sex. Această împrejurare o face să fie prima suspectă.

A young woman encounters a malevolent supernatural force while searching for her missing sister in Tokyo, a mean high school prank goes horribly wrong, and strange things begin happening in a Chicago apartment building.

Now that Frollo is gone, Quasimodo rings the bell with the help of his new friend and Esmeralda's and Phoebus' little son, Zephyr. But when Quasi stops by a traveling circus owned by evil magician Sarousch, he falls for Madellaine, Sarouch's assistant.

În timp ce familia Little e în vacanță, motanul Snowbell este capturat de o creatură malefică. Stuart și un sconcs pe nume Reeko trebuie să-l salveze.

Ada was settled in her life, she was pleased with it, or thought she was. She was one half of a couple who seemed happy, she'd had a child, was even due to get married, and wham... she met Paul... And this Paul was writer to boot, who lived alone with his grown daughter, had an exceedingly intrusive mother, and had the unfortunate idea of losing his father when this story had hardly got off the ground... Life started to gather speed. It was about time.

Mr. Devereaux is a powerful man. A man who handles billions of dollars every day. A man who controls the economic fate of nations. A man driven by a frenzied and unbridled sexual hunger. A man who dreamed of saving the world and who cannot save himself. A terrified man. A lost man.