Unemployed Antonio is elated when he finally finds work hanging posters around war-torn Rome. However on his first day, his bicycle—essential to his work—gets stolen. His job is doomed unless he can find the thief. With the help of his son, Antonio combs the city, becoming desperate for justice.

Mystery Inc. is summoned to investigate occurrences in a haunted villa, where a black knight terrorizes anybody who tries to get close to treasure hidden by the former owner of the building.

Brick Pollit (P. Newman) bio je sportska zvijezda na koledžu. Nakon što se ozlijedio, dolazi kući na štakama, sa suprugom Margaret zvanom 'Mačka' (E. Taylor), kako bi s cijelom obitelji proslavio 65. rođendan svoga oca, Harveya Pollitta zvanog 'Veliki tata' (B. Ives). Brick se opija jer je u depresiji i njegov odnos s Maggie nije u najboljoj fazi. 'Veliki tata' stiže kući s pregleda u bolnici gdje su mu zatajili da umire od raka. Maggie moli Bricka da s ocem sredi detalje oko nasljedstva, ali Bricka to ne zanima. Takvo Brickovo ponašanje razljuti njegova oca i on želi znati zbog čega je Brick takav, no ne uspijeva ništa doznati od sina.

Two gangsters seek revenge on the state jail worker who during their stay at a youth prison sexually abused them. A sensational court hearing takes place to charge him for the crimes.

Two men answer the call of the ocean in this romantic fantasy-adventure. Jacques and Enzo are a pair of friends who have been close since childhood, and who share a passion for the dangerous sport of free diving. Professional diver Jacques opted to follow in the footsteps of his father, who died at sea when Jacques was a boy; to the bewilderment of scientists, Jacques harbors a remarkable ability to adjust his heart rate and breathing pattern in the water, so that his vital signs more closely resemble that of dolphins than men. As Enzo persuades a reluctant Jacques to compete against him in a free diving contest -- determining who can dive deeper and longer without scuba gear -- Jacques meets Johana, a beautiful insurance investigator from America, and he finds that he must choose between his love for her and his love of the sea.

U siječnju 1879. Britanci su pokrenuli rat protiv naroda Zulu u Južnoj Africi očekujući da će njihove dobro uvježbane i opremljene trupe lako izaći na kraj s njima. Vojska od nekih 1350 vojnika upustila se u borbu s više od 4000 Zulua kod Isandlwane te su gotovo potpuno bili uništeni. Nakon te pobjede Zulu ratnici krenuli su natrag uz britansku granicu prema maloj opskrbnoj postaji kod Rorke’s Drifta, u kojoj se nalazio veliki dio zaliha te oko 150 britanskih vojnika. Tijekom dana i noći u srijedu 22. siječnja 1879., te kroz iduće jutro, Zului su pokretali jedan napad za drugim na mali garnizon, ali nisu mogli probiti njihovu obranu te su se na kraju povukli u zemlju Zulua.

William Blake, an accountant turned fugitive, is on the run. During his travels, he meets a Native American man called Nobody, who guides him on a journey to the spiritual world.

Cheng Chao-an (B. Lee) mladi je Kinez iz Guangdonga kojemu ujak nađe posao u tvornici leda na Tajlandu gdje radi s brojnim rođacima. Cheng oko vrata nosi majčinu ogrlicu koja ga podsjeća na obećanje da se nikada neće tući. I doista, Cheng izbjegava nasilje i popušta čak i kad je izazvan. Jednom zgodom u tvornici se odlomi veliki komad leda iz kojega ispadne vrećica s bijelim prahom. Dvojicu Chengovih rođaka koji su to pronašli zadrži poslije posla predradnik (C. Chen) i ponudi im, u zamjenu za šutnju, bolji posao. Oni odbiju i kriminalci ih ubiju i zalede. Šef bande - "veliki gazda" - Hsiao Mi (Y. Chieh Han) pokušava zataškati ubojstva, ali Cheng i njegovi preostali rođaci postaju sumnjičavi.

Kurumi’s heart was broken by the sudden death of her boyfriend in a tragic airplane accident. By melding futuristic technology with the binary equivalent of human emotion, a brilliant scientist created an ultra-lifelike robotic surrogate to take Hal’s place – and lure Kurumi from her shroud of solitude.

Špijunski dani stvar su prošlosti za Jacka Ryana, koji je sa ženom (Anne Archer) i kćerkom (Thora Birch) na odmoru u Engleskoj. Pred Buckinghamskom palačom, sasvim slučajno, Jack svjedoči terorističkom napadu na člana kraljevske obitelji. Uspije osjetiti napad na Lorda Holmesa i postane heroj. No Ryanova hrabrost dovest će njegovu obitelji u veliku opasnost. Brat ubijenog teroriste (Sean Bean) željan je osvete i kao mete označio je Jackovu obitelj.

Follow Ariel's adventures before she gave up her fins for true love. When Ariel wasn't singing with her sisters, she spent time with her mother, Queen Athena. Ariel is devastated when Athena is killed by pirates, and after King Triton outlaws all singing. Along with pals Flounder and Sebastian, Ariel sets off in hopes of changing her father's decision to ban music from the kingdom.

As seniors in high school, Troy and Gabriella struggle with the idea of being separated from one another as college approaches. Along with the rest of the Wildcats, they stage a spring musical to address their experiences, hopes and fears about their future.

World War I has left golfer Rannulph Junuh a poker-playing alcoholic, his perfect swing gone. Now, however, he needs to get it back to play in a tournament to save the financially ravaged golf course of a long-ago sweetheart. Help arrives in the form of mysterious caddy Bagger Vance.

The Middle Eastern oil industry is the backdrop of this tense drama, which weaves together numerous story lines. Bennett Holiday is an American lawyer in charge of facilitating a dubious merger of oil companies, while Bryan Woodman, a Switzerland-based energy analyst, experiences both personal tragedy and opportunity during a visit with Arabian royalty. Meanwhile, veteran CIA agent Bob Barnes uncovers an assassination plot with unsettling origins.

Belle, the Beast, Lumiere, Cogsworth and the rest of those zany castle residents use their imaginations to embark on three magical, storybook adventures. This direct-to-video anthology serves as a "sequel" to Disney's animated hit film. In "The Perfect World," Belle and the Beast learn about forgiveness. In "Fifi's Folly," Lumiere's girlfriend is jealous of his bond with Belle. And in "Broken Wing," the Beast learns to be kind to an injured bird.

1 nezgoda. 10 preživjelih. 3.000 milja od civilizacije. Skupina preživjelih od avionske nesreće izgubila se usred pustinje Gobi, bez šanse da se spasi. Njihova jedina nada je postići „nemoguće“: izgraditi novi uređaj s olupinama srušenog aviona kako bi izašli iz pustinje. Sve je počelo kad su pilot teretnog aviona Frank Towns i njegov kopilot AJ poslani u sliv Tan sag u Mongoliji kako bi evakuirali osoblje otkazane operacije istraživanja ugljikovodika. Njih dvoje nemaju pojma da će ova rutinska misija postati borba između života i smrti, potpuno promijenivši sve njihove životne poglede.

Josephine and Iris, sisters with opposite personalities, have their relationship radically transformed while working on a book.

After being buried in quicksand for the past 25 years, Kharis is set free to roam the rural bayous of Louisiana, as is the soul of his beloved Princess Ananka, still housed in the body of Amina Mansouri, who seeks help and protection at a swamp draining project.

Ray, an ex-con and widower, is planning a coin heist with two accomplices to help him to buy his own bakery. However, he doesn't expect his son Timmy, who was living with Ray's sister, to show up at the house right in the middle of planning. Timmy is ignored and Ray and his buddies pull off the heist. Timmy gets his father's attention by stealing the coins and hiding them. To get them back, his father must take him to a number of different places and treat him like he enjoys his presence. They grow fond of each other but Timmy won't stay with his dad unless he gives up the coins.

The back-in-time misadventures of Walter and Ascanio are not finished. The defective time-travel machine will bring them from prehistory all the way to outer space, in a funny, light-hearted trip across the time.