Khatera, a 23 year old Afghan woman, is a victim of sexual abuse from her father. She tells her story publicly on national TV, seeking punishment for her perpetrator and shedding light onto the faulty Afghan judicial system.

Malý Ahmed omylom prinesie domov zo školy zošit svojho spolužiaka, ktorému učiteľ pohrozil prísnym trestom, keď opäť príde do školy bez zošita a bez úlohy. Vydáva sa preto hľadať dom svojho priateľa, aby mu zošit včas vrátil, hoci u dospelých spočiatku nenachádza mnoho pochopenia. Prvý film z takzvanej kokerskej trilógie najvýznamnejšieho iránskeho režiséra Abbása Kiarostamího je zasadený do fascinujúceho prostredie tradičnej dediny Koker na severe Iránu a pomocou poézie, mysticizmu a symbolických motívov rozpráva o humanizme a životných hodnotách obyčajných Iráncov.

This fiction-documentary hybrid uses a sensational real-life event—the arrest of a young man on charges that he fraudulently impersonated the well-known filmmaker Mohsen Makhmalbaf—as the basis for a stunning, multilayered investigation into movies, identity, artistic creation, and existence, in which the real people from the case play themselves.

A film where anything can happen - the hero and the heroine changes their faces, age, look, names, and so on. The only same thing: The love between man and woman... in an archetypical love story cut from 500 classics from all around the world.

A gangster gets released from prison and has to cope with the recent shifts of power between the gangs, while taking care of a thrill-seeking young woman, who got in bad company while gambling.

In 1919, Hungarian Communists aid the Bolsheviks' defeat of Czarists, the Whites. Near the Volga, a monastery and a field hospital are held by one side and then the other.

Katya and her 6-year-old son Sanya, who, in 1952, meet a veteran Soviet officer named Tolyan. Katya falls in love with Tolyan, who turns out to be a small time criminal, but who also becomes a father figure to Sanya ...

An account of the many tribulations that Chinese artist Ai Weiwei, known for his subversive art and political activism, endured between 2008 and 2011, from his rise to world fame via the Internet to his highly publicized arrest due to his frequent and daring confrontations with the Chinese authorities.

Anglický spisovateľ James Miller predstavuje preklad svojej novej knihy v Taliansku. Stretáva sa s galeristom, ktorý chce podpísať niekoľko výtlačkov jeho knihy a diskutovať o niekoľkých otázkach, ktoré jeho dielo vyvoláva. Dostanú sa do malebného toskánskeho mestečka San Gimignano. Ich cesta vyvoláva odvekú otázku, ako možno rozlíšiť originál od kópie a skutočnosť od fikcie.

A couple of friends work for a taxi driver to rob his passengers, but they feel like they're getting ripped off. They decide to plan their own robberies, but they are amateurs and things don't go too well. One of the youths, Cordoba, whose girlfriend Sandra is pregnant, just wants to get enough cash so they can leave Argentina and get to Uruguay to start a new life. He and his friends plan one last robbery, but things don't go as planned.

When Phil Corey's band arrives at the Idaho ski resort its pianist Ted Scott is smitten with a Norwegian refugee he has sponsored, Karen Benson. When soloist Vivian Dawn quits, Karen stages an ice show as a substitute.

Man was made to be happy for simple reasons and unhappy for even simpler ones – just as he is born for simple reasons and dies for even simpler ones... Isa and Bahar are two lonely figures dragged through the ever-changing climate of their inner selves in pursuit of a happiness that no longer belongs to them.

Arun is a reclusive and lonely modern art painter. Shai is an American banker who is on a visit to Mumbai. Munna is a washerboy also living near Arun and Yasmin. The movie is about these four characters from different class of society and how the lives of four characters are intertwined.

Returning from an errand to buy bread, a boy finds a menacing dog blocking his way through the alley he must go down to get home. Frightened by the dog's barking, he asks various passers-by for help but no-one pays him any attention, and he must find a solution all by himself: he throws the dog a piece of bread and, while the animal is devouring it, he continues on his way home.

Based on the novel by Ernest Hemingway. Santiago goes out on his usual fishing trip and makes a huge catch, the biggest of his life. Then a shark attacks and tries to steal his catch.

In this black comedy the lives of a timid small-time printer and his young wife are turned inside out by the arrival of a stranger who moves in and takes over their world. Set in a village-like outpost in the heart of Tokyo, this is a wry commentary on Japanese xenophobia. Kiki Sugino heads a spritely ensemble cast.

In 1950s Los Angeles, a special crime squad of the LAPD investigates the murder of a young woman.

When a clever, carefree gangster is recruited to help an overseas crime lord take down a rival, he is caught off guard by the moral dilemmas that follow.

Karen sings and plays the trumpet in a vigorous rock band in Brasilia, but no one there is interested in it. At 27, she has lost hope in the city her grandfather helped to build. She follows in the footsteps of her ex-partner in the band, Artur, and tries her luck in Berlin.

After 50 years working the wooden dolls, things begin to fall apart for Barry Shepherd, drinking and cursing his way unrepentantly onwards, he continues with the show that threatens to take his soul.