A young boy and a girl with a magic crystal must race against pirates and foreign agents in a search for a legendary floating castle.

V novi razburljivi filmski zgodbi Varuhi galaksije je naša najljubša družba neprilagojenih videti nekoliko drugače. Peter Quill, ki še vedno žaluje zaradi izgube Gamore, mora zbrati svojo ekipo za obrambo vesolja in zaščito enega od svojih. Misija, ki bi lahko, če ne bi bila uspešno zaključena, pripeljala do konca Varuhov, kot jih poznamo.

Peter Parker vse težje prenaša breme junaka, saj ga vloga Spider-Mana vedno bolj omejuje. Ljubezen do Mary Jane je vse bolj oddaljena, Petrov prijatelj Harry želi uničiti Spider-Mana, mesto pa terorizira zlobni Doc Ock, nekdaj Petrov vzgled.

Dan Morgan živi mirno predmestno življenje kot predan mož in oče treh otrok ter uspešen prodajalec avtomobilov, a to je le en del zgodbe. Desetletja nazaj je bil Dan elitni vladni morilec, tega pa njegova družina ne ve. Ko ga njegovi stari sovražniki izsledijo, mu ne preostane drugega, kot da pobegne. Odločen, da bo zaščitil svojo družino, jih Dan strpa v mini kombi in jih odpelje na improvizirano potovanje v Las Vegas. Toda ali lahko udejanji svoje dolgo skrite sposobnosti, ne da bi razkril svojo pravo identiteto?

Highly intelligent computer major Zoey Miller is uninterested in romantic love, but her life is turned upside down when Zack, the school's soccer star, gets amnesia and mistakes Zoey for his girlfriend.

A man suffering from anterograde amnesia as a result of a violent attack in the past sets out to avenge his girlfriend's death with the aid of photographs, notes and tattoos all over his body.

A beautiful princess born in a faraway kingdom is destined by a terrible curse to prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into a deep sleep that can only be awakened by true love's first kiss. Determined to protect her, her parents ask three fairies to raise her in hiding. But the evil Maleficent is just as determined to seal the princess's fate.

Podgane! Povsod so... V pekačih za kruh, plešejo po mizah, kradejo pite izpod kuharjevih nosov.... Torej, kaj potrebuje vsako mesto? Dobrega piskača, da jih zvabi stran. Tu nastopi Enkratni Mare, ulični maček spopolno prevaro za služenje denarja. Enkratni Mare je našel čisto svojega piskača in nadlogo podgan, da bi lahkoverne meščane pretental, da mu plačajo veliko denarja. Vse gre dobro, dokler ne prispeta v oddaljeno vasico Bad Blintz, kjer srečata s knjigo obsedeno dekle Malicijo, ki ju prosi za pomoč pri razrešitvi skrivnosti svojega mesta ...

After a deadly earthquake turns Seoul into a lawless badland, a fearless huntsman springs into action to rescue a teenager abducted by a mad doctor.

College freshman Abby tries to distance herself from her dark past while resisting her attraction to bad boy Travis.

Obelix falls for a new arrival in his home village in Gaul, but is heartbroken when her true love arrives to visit her. However, the lovers are kidnapped by Romans; Asterix and Obelix set out to rescue them on a dangerous journey that will involve gladiators, slavers and beauracracy - and a personal encounter with the Emperor himself, Julius Caesar...

Družina Sandford se odpravi na počitnice v razkošno najemniško stanovanje na Long Islandu, kjer njihove sicer idilične počitnice nenadoma zasenči prihod lastnika stanovanja Georgea in njegove hčerke Ruth. Ta dva prinašata pretresljive novice – New York je v celoti brez elektrike in ni jasno, kaj se dogaja. Ko se razmere začnejo poslabševati, se obe družini združita in se skupaj pripravljata na možno katastrofo.

Najmlajša od hčera kralja Tritona in najbolj kljubovalna Ariel hrepeni po tem, da bi izvedela več o svetu onkraj morja in med obiskom površja se zaljubi v drznega princa Erica. Ker je morskim deklicam prepovedano komunicirati z ljudmi, Ariel sklene dogovor z zlobno morsko čarovnico Ursulo, ki ji da priložnost izkusiti življenje na kopnem, vendar s tem ogrozi svoje življenje in očetovo krono.

Ko se miroljubna kolonija na robu galaksije znajde v nevarnosti s strani vojske tiranske vladajoče sile, postane skrivnostna neznanka Kora, ki živi med vaščani, njihovo najboljše upanje za preživetje. Zaupana ji je naloga, da najde borce, ki se bodo z njo združili v nemogočem boju proti zavojevalcem...

The story about Abby Jensen, a girl who's been eager to reach her 16th birthday and has kept a secret wish list since she was a little girl. When the Big Day actually arrives, utter disaster strikes, leaving Abby to think her birthday is ruined. But when a mysterious box of magical birthday candles arrives to turn things around, Abby's 16 Wishes start to come true. Her day gets better and better...until she makes one wish that threatens to change everything.

As a result of a successful conspiracy against Menshikov, Peter II is prematurely recognized as an adult and is in a hurry to be crowned in Moscow. The Dolgoruky brothers gather for this celebration. There were eight of them - all-powerful and influential representatives of the ancient Rurikovich family - and among them the beautiful Ekaterina, the daughter of the huntsman Alexei.

Oilman Paul Sturges' idyllic family vacation turns into a nightmare when they encounter a ferocious megalodon shark that will stop at nothing to protect its territory. Stranded and under constant attack, Paul and his family must somehow find a way to get his family back to shore alive before it strikes again in this epic battle between humans and nature.

Margaret and Ben take a weekend trip with longtime friends Ellie and Thomas and their two young children. Eventually, Ben begins to suspect something supernatural is occurring when the kids behave strangely after disappearing into the woods overnight.

In 1914, sixteen year old Roger returnd home from boarding school during vacation to find his puberty hit hard in a house filled with beautiful women. These women have previous engagements with other men who are away, and during this time, Roger impregnates them all, including his aunt and sister, then devises plans to cuckold those men.

Okrutni Memnon zavlada puščavskim plemenom. Z vojsko neusmiljenih barbarov zavzame gore in ravnine, pobije nasprotnike in zasužnji skoraj vsa ljudstva. Le nekaj uporniških plemen ima toliko poguma, da se mu uprejo. Najamejo izurjenega vojščaka in morilca Mathayusa, da bi ubil Memnona oziroma lepo čarovnico Cassandro, zaradi katere je nepremagljiv.