Lost cinema. Lost culture. Lost country. Lost people. How to recreate the past with nothing? Cinema of the impossible. The silent past is a horror film. The smell of nitrate in the morning. How many ghosts can the cinema contain? 75 films. 22 years. What is the numerological significance? Too late. Never too late.

Experts set out to prove that female great white sharks rule the ocean.

The film starts by displaying an antic of Keshavan (Thilakan) who is an inmate of the Kakkanad Mental Hospital. Two other inmates are Benny (Mukesh) and Krishnankutty (Jagathy Sreekumar), along with the female inmate Philomena. By profession Benny is an artist, Krishnankutty is a mechanic and Keshavan had retired from military service. The late Hakeem Rawther too plays as an inmate in a cameo role. The trio chance to come across a newspaper report that Amitabh Bachchan is visiting Ernakulam City for film shooting, near the place they stay. They are soon joined by Venu (Siddique), as the brother of Balan (N.N.Balakrishnan) who takes him to the mental hospital. Venu is a good singer but has a compulsive obsession to singing. Driven by a desire to see Amitabh Bachchan the four of them manage to escape from the mental hospital that night by ripping off the cell warden Ameen (Mala Aravindan). They reach Ernakulam city in a bus, and hilarity starts

Un jeune prince souffre du foie. Un étrange docteur lui conseille d’aller puiser chaque jour un verre d’eau à la source des singes. Mais cette source est à mille lieues du palais, et le prince doit s’y rendre à pied, faute de quoi, son effet magique disparaîtra…

A film about three children at odds with themselves and the world around them, at a time when more and more are being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Victor is seven. He hates ADHD, believing it’s something to do with his club feet. Martine is quick to become withdrawn, and struggles with uncontrollable rage when things do not go her way. For the most part, Marino keeps to himself, but easily becomes aggressive. Victor, Martine and Marino are in a special class in a normal school in Denmark. The class teachers and the children’s parents decide to take part in an alternative treatment project focusing on the individual child’s challenges and possibilities, rather than relying on medical diagnosis and medication. The film follows the whole process, and shows how the children make great strides over the course of a year, as the adults around them start to see each individual child in a new light

Récit de la vie et de l'œuvre du cinéaste français Claude Chabrol (1930-2010), bouddha sybarite, anarchiste furtif, insolent amoureux de la vie.

Canadian scientist, Dr Geoff Burton takes up a position at a new institute in wintry Dresden in order to contribute to their most important project—a human regeneration gene—that also has the potential to make something miraculous out of a personal tragedy that has haunted him for years.

Based on characters from Shakespeare's play: When Juliet's father refuses to let Romeo see her, Romeo resorts to extreme measures.

Cinq sketchs comiques courts, tout sans rapport l'un à l'autre, sauf qu'ils ont tous les expressions d'humour sexuel italien. Dans un sketch, Marty Feldman joue un garde du corps, embauché par son père pour observer une jeune femme; il l'observe un peu de trop près. Dans un autre, tandis que le mari de Barbara Bouchet est à l'extérieur de la ville pour affaires, un étranger offre ses vingt millions de lires en échange du sexe. Trois fois qu'il offre, trois fois elle protestent et consentent ensuite, seulement découvrir à la fin que tant l'homme que ses soixante millions de lires sont - oh, mais cela gâterait la fin

Hayseed Egghead arrive dans la grande ville de Bagdad et gagne rapidement une lampe magique lors d'un jeu de grue à pièces du carnaval. Le personnage louche qui jouait le jeu avant lui convoite la lampe et tente de la voler. La tête d'oeuf voit une affiche : Le sultan organise un concours pour la main de sa fille. Avec sa lampe, Tête d'oeuf pense être une valeur sûre ; il invente un tapis magique, et il s'en va. Après quelques mauvais numéros de vaudeville, c'est au tour d'Egghead, mais entre-temps, le méchant a échangé la lampe contre une cafetière. Egghead est jeté dehors, puis il voit le méchant utiliser la lampe ; Egghead entre par effraction, vole la lampe et la fille, et s'envole. Mais elle utilise la lampe elle-même pour faire apparaître un vrai beau gosse pour remplacer le geek Egghead.

A gang of penniless friends devise a plan to get some quick cash.

Considerations on the theme of origin, emerging from a few reels of Super 8: interiors of a house and a Sicilian landscape, emptied of its inhabitants by the act of editing.

The web documentary Reza Urbana is an audiovisual section of the routine of some rezadeiras found in Salvador, and shows how important the propagation of the craft performed by them is for regional culture. This work aims to present the importance of prayers for popular culture and contribute to a discussion about the risk of the extinction of this craft in the capital of Bahia.