Jeden z najnapínavejších katastrofických filmov všetkých dôb rozpráva o osude posádky a cestujúcich zaoceánskeho parníka, prevráteného prílivovou vlnou. Dej plný napätia, obohatený osobnými príbehmi obetí, dáva vzniknúť presvedčivej a dychvyrážajúcej dráme.

France asleep in the nineteenth century, governed by steam and Napoleon VI, where scientists vanish mysteriously, a girl, Avril, goes in search of her missing scientist parents.

A WWII pilot, bombardier, and radioman find themselves adrift on a lifeboat without food or water after being forced to ditch their plane during a scouting mission.

Scrat sa tentokrát pri svojej večnej snahe ukryť svoj milovaný oriešok dostane až do vesmíru. Ďalší z radu krátkometrážnych snímok s obľúbenou epizódnou postavičkou slúžiacou ako upútavka na piaty diel Doby ľadovej.

When Kanako, a model daughter and a brilliant student, disappears, her mother asks her ex-husband, a violent former policeman, to find her. As his investigation progresses, his idealized image of Kanako cracks: the girl hides a dark life that her father can not even imagine.

This latest installment of Babylon 5 is in two parts: the first, is about an entity that has possessed a worker. It wants to be exorcised but Col. Lochley prevents the priest & sends it & the host both back to Earth. The second is about Galen trying to dupe President Sheridan into assassinating the future Centauri President to stop him possibly attacking Earth in 30 years time.

Režisér filmu Sejmi eso vás zavede do světa Kevina Stretche, řidiče hollywoodské limuzíny, muže s temnou minulostí. Když se Stretchovi ozve nechvalně proslulý gangster, aby od něj dostal zpět půjčené peníze, Stretch v naději na slušnou odměnu vezme práci, kterou mu nabídne jeho klient – miliardář. Výstřelky výstředního klienta ale brzy vyústí v divokou noc plnou dobrodružství, sexu a nebezpečí, po které je jasné, že s návratem peněz to až tak snadné nebude.

Hunting artifacts attributed to Zenon (an ancient scientist from Atlantis), MacGyver and his old professor end up searching for the lost city.

A vigilante homeless man pulls into a new city and finds himself trapped in urban chaos, a city where crime rules and where the city's crime boss reigns. Seeing an urban landscape filled with armed robbers, corrupt cops, abused prostitutes and even a pedophile Santa, the Hobo goes about bringing justice to the city the best way he knows how - with a 20-gauge shotgun. Mayhem ensues when he tries to make things better for the future generation. Street justice will indeed prevail.

Jonathan is a young man with a strange condition that only his brother understands. But when he begins to yearn for a different life, their unique bond becomes increasingly tested.

Keď vypukne epidémia, Aidan sa zabarikáduje vo svojom byte a začne prideľovať jedlo. Jeho komplex je zamorený nakazenými, a keď sa zo sveta stáva chaos, zostáva Aidan úplne sám v boji o život.

In a future where water is scarce, a farmer defends his land and hopes to rejuvenate his parched soil. However, his daughter's boyfriend schemes to steal the land for himself.

Four losers are thrust into the position of saving the world when they stumble upon a UFO crash site and become genetically equipped to the battle suit on board.

Mal to byť posledný deň ich misie na Marse, lenže potom, čo sa jeden z členov tímu vydá na neschválenú expedíciu, to možno bude aj posledný deň ich života...

Adam (Gabriel Basso) sa prebudí v nejakej chatke a ani za svet si na nič nespomína. Jedinou pomôckou sú mu steny plné nápisov. Musí sa rýchlo zorientovať a prísť na všetko, čo sa tu stalo, aby tak zachránil svoju životnú lásku. A to skôr, ako zničujúci vírus preberie úplnú kontrolu nad jeho telom.

A police officer and a psychologist investigate the deaths of five people who were killed while trying to summon ghosts.

Since her childhood, Jessica has been haunted by recurrent nightmares whose meaning escapes her. This peculiarity has led her to study the psychophysiology of dreams and to follow a therapy with Sean, her mentor and boyfriend, to try and understand the origin of her nightmares. Following the death of her maternal grandmother she hardly knew, Jessica reluctantly returns to the family home. Jessica then begins to wander in a nightmarish world inhabited by twisted versions of her family members. She gradually improves her skills as a lucid dreamer and investigates to solve the mystery that gnaws her and haunts the family home...

Whether you’re a fan of Sydney's iconic genre film festival A Night of Horror, or just a fan of the best and bloodiest in new horror cinema, you can’t afford to miss this fright-filled anthology. Zombies, demonic entities, self-surgery, cannibalism and more await in the dark corners of this terrifying offering from some of the most talented filmmakers working in the genre today.

A series of cryptic phone messages and visions haunt a writer while he struggles to finish a novel. As they increase in intensity, he loses his grip on reality, eventually obsessing over an old mystery that will lead to horrific revelations about both him and his loyal wife.

A hardened mechanic must stay awake and maintain an interstellar ark fleeing the dying planet Earth with a few thousand lucky souls on board... the last of humanity. Unfortunately, humans are not the only passengers. A shapeshifting alien creature has taken residence, its only goal is to kill as many people as possible. The crew must think quickly to stop this menace before it destroys mankind.