Leto 1992, Gruzija. Prebivalci abhaške regije bi se radi odcepili od matične države, zato izbruhne krvava vojna, v katero so močno vpletene tudi sosednje države. Še od časov Stalinovih čistk med gruzijskimi gorami živi estonska manjšina. Večina prebivalcev se je po razpadu Sovjetske zveze vrnila v domovino, v eni od vasi pa sta ostala ostarela Ivo in Margus. Čakata, da dozorijo mandarine, nato bo vsaj Margus odšel za rojaki. Čeprav se ju abhazijsko-gruzijski konflikt ne tiče, spopad, ki poteka blizu njune kmetije, prizadene tudi njiju. Na bojišču namreč obležita dva ranjenca, pripadnika različnih strani. Ivo ju vzame v svojo hišo, neguje in ju reši gotove smrti. Kako se bosta moža odzvala, ko bosta spet pri močeh in bosta znova lahko vihtela puško?

Dolls takes puppeteering as its overriding motif, which relates thematically to the action provided by the live characters. Chief among those tales is the story of Matsumoto and Sawako, a young couple whose relationship is about to be broken apart by the former's parents, who have insisted their son take part in an arranged marriage to his boss' daughter.

Two teenage girls embark on a series of destructive pranks in which they consume and destroy the world around them.

Behind-the-scenes documentary revealing what goes on inside the colourful, privileged, and sometimes stressful Christian Dior fashion house.

Kenichi and his detective uncle, Shunsaku Ban, leave Japan to visit Metropolis, in search of the criminal, Dr. Laughton. However, when they finally find Dr. Laughton, Kenichi and Shunsaku find themselves seperated and plunged into the middle of a larger conspiracy. While Shunsaku searches for his nephew and explanations, Kenichi tries to protect Tima (a mysterious young girl), from Duke Red and his adopted son Rock, both of whom have very different reasons for wanting to find her.

The Narrator tells us how the radio influenced his childhood in the days before TV. In the New York City of the late 1930s to the New Year's Eve 1944, this coming-of-age tale mixes the narrator's experiences with contemporary anecdotes and urban legends of the radio stars.

Ten years after their Upper Sixth, Bruno, Momo, Leon and Alain meet together in the waiting room of a maternity hospital. The father of the awaited baby is Tomasi, their best friend at that time, who died one month before due to an overdose. They remember their teenage, their laughs, their dreams, their stupid pranks... a description of the French youth in the middle of the seventies.

Kurt Gerstein—a member of the Institute for Hygiene of the Waffen-SS—is horrified by what he sees in the death camps. he is then shocked to learn that the process he used to purify water for his troops by using Zyklon-B, is now used to kill people in gas chambers.

Eight women gather to celebrate Christmas in a snowbound cottage, only to find the family patriarch dead with a knife in his back. Trapped in the house, every woman becomes a suspect, each having her own motive and secret.

Sherlock Holmes is as dashing as ever, but with a little secret: Dr. Watson is the brains behind the operation. When Reginald Kincaid, the actor he has hired to play Holmes becomes insufferable, Watson fires him and tries to go out on his own, but finds that he has done too good a job building Holmes up in the public's mind.

Beatrix Potter je samska 30-letnica v času, ko je ženska osnovna naloga gosposka poroka in poznavanje svojega mesta. Nihče, še posebej ne njena družina, ne razume, zakaj ona raje riše in piše kratke zgodbe o živalih.

Johnny is a long-serving MI5 officer. His boss dies suddenly, leaving behind an inexplicable file which threatens the stability of the organisation.

A disenfranchised 16-year-old girl connects to an older man on the internet and after a brief one-sided affair descends into obsession and anorexia.

Everybody has always loved Jeanne. These days, she hates herself. Up to her ears in debt, she has to go to Lisbon and sell her mother’s apartment, who passed away one year ago. At the airport, she runs into Jean, a whimsical and somewhat intrusive former high school classmate.

In 1977 France, tightfisted factory owner Robert Pujol is so shocked when his workers strike for higher wages that he suffers a heart attack. His acquiescent wife, Suzanne, whose father had founded the factory, takes over management duties during Robert's convalescence.

Rachel is a food writer at a New York magazine who meets Washington columnist Mark at a wedding and ends up falling in love with him despite her reservations about marriage. They buy a house, have a daughter, and Rachel thinks they are living happily ever after until she discovers that Mark is having an affair while she is waddling around with a second pregnancy.

Edwardian England. A precocious girl from a poor background with aspirations to being a novelist finds herself swept to fame and fortune when her tasteless romances hit the best seller lists. Her life changes in unexpected ways when she encounters an aristocratic brother and sister, both of whom have cultural ambitions, and both of whom fall in love with her.

It's 1999 and over the course of one 12-hour shift at an Arkansas hospital, a junkie nurse, her scheming cousin and a group of black market organ-trading criminals start a heist that could lead to their collective demise.

Zgodba spremlja tri nekdanje zapornike, ki se poskušajo prilagoditi življenju na prostosti. Za sabo imajo dve končani kazni, in če znova pristanejo v zaporu, bo po zakonu države Kalifornije to do smrti. Nezmožni, da bi živeli običajno življenje, sprejme trojica na videz preprosto nalogo clevelandske mafije - ugrabitev otroka sovražnega mafijca. Ko se ugrabitev obrne v nepričakovano smer, morajo trije storilci bežati, pripravljeni narediti vse, da ne bi spet pristali v zaporu.

An unusually cold winter forces the french government to push the best housed people to accommodate some poor fellow citizens. The decree called "Le Grand Partage" creates some trouble among the residents of a Paris upscale apartment block.