Get ready for one last romp of magical, musical shenanigans because Harry and his pals are back for their senior year at Hogwarts! The gang's in for their biggest adventure yet as they face off against old enemies, new foes and giant snakes! Will they win or will they lose? Either way, this is the end!

After a draining December, Sakuta is quickly nearing the end of his second year of high school. Since Mai is a third-year student, they don't have much time left together before graduation rolls around. Meanwhile, his sister, Kaede, is slowly but steadily venturing outdoors again. Just as she begins to find her footing, she announces her most ambitious goal yet—attending her brother's high school! Sakuta knows better than anyone how difficult this will be for Kaede, and he's ready to support her however he can. He's just not sure if that's what's best for her...or what she really wants...

An alcoholic, abusive ne'er-do-well is shown the error of his ways through a legend that dooms the last person to die on New Year's Eve before the clock strikes twelve to take the reins of Death's chariot and work tirelessly collecting fresh souls for the next year.

Successful movie director John L. Sullivan, convinced he won't be able to film his ambitious masterpiece until he has suffered, dons a hobo disguise and sets off on a journey, aiming to "know trouble" first-hand. When all he finds is a train ride back to Hollywood and a beautiful blonde companion, he redoubles his efforts, managing to land himself in more trouble than he bargained for when he loses his memory and ends up a prisoner on a chain gang.

Sukurta pagal tikro vagies parašytą romaną, juosta pasakoja apie Franką (akt. James Caan), patyrusį brangakmenių vagį, kurį vis dažniau aplanko mintys palikti nusikaltėlių pasaulį ir pradėti taip išsvajotą normalų gyvenimą. Žiūrovams anksti ir aiškiai yra pasakoma, jog Frankas nėra tobulas nei savo darbe, nei realiame gyvenime – vienuolika brangių metų už vagystes jis praleido kalėjime, tačiau kaip ir vėlesnių M. Manno filmų herojai, taip ir Frankas savo užsiėmimą myli per daug, kad būtų pasiryžęs mokytis iš savo klaidų. Ir netgi norai palikti savo blogus darbus už nugaros yra grindžiami ne tuo, kad Frankui jo nelegali veikla (pridengiama nuosavu baru ir automobilių salonu) atsibodo. Ne, Frankas turi aiškų gyvenimo planą. Tokį, kurio niekas net negali bandyti pakeisti.

„Gyvulių ūkis“ - žinomiausia anglų rašytojo Džordžo Orvelo satyrinė tarybinio totalitarizmo alegorija. Filmas atspindi svarbiausius Stalino eros įvykius. Filme pasakojama apie grupelę ūkio gyvulių, kurie maištauja prieš savo ūkininką, tikėdamiesi sukurti visuomenę, kurioje gyvūnai būtų lygūs, laisvi ir laimingi. Galiausiai maištas nenusiseka, o ūkyje situacija tampa tokia pat bloga, kokia buvo anksčiau, valdant kiaulei vardu Napoleonas.

As the Straw Hat Pirates sail through the Grand Line.A line of geysers erupted from under the Going Merry. And the whole crew find themselves flying over the island. Unfortunatly, Chopper fell off the ship and was separated from his friends. Luffy and the others landed on the other side of the island. Chopper meanwhile finds himself being worshiped as the island's new king by the animals. To make matters worse, a trio of human "horn" hunters are on the island. The leader, Count Butler is a violin playing/horn eating human who wants to eat the island's treasure to inherit immense power. Will Luffy & the rest be able to prevent the count from terrorizing the island? And will they be able to convince Momambi that not all pirates are bad?

Middle-aged Ohio secretary Jane Hudson has never found love and has nearly resigned herself to spending the rest of her life alone. But before she does, she uses her savings to finance a summer in romantic Venice, where she finally meets the man of her dreams, the elegant Renato Di Rossi.

Desperate to keep custody of his daughter, a mixed martial arts fighter abandons a big match and races across Berlin to attend her birthday party.

The horrific crime of female genital mutilation is banned in the UK but it is estimated that nearly 20,000 young women a year are still at risk of the procedure. And despite being banned more than 30 years ago, there have been no successful convictions. This harrowing documentary, from reporter Cathy Newman, follows the work of DCI Leanne Pook and her team, who are tackling the crime in Bristol.

Lina Inverse and Naga the White Serpent are back! What begins as a routine bandit-stomping turns into the adventure of a lifetime involving magical golems, an ancient Elven weapon and even someone bent on destroying the world. It's a predicament only Lina and Naga could get themselves in to.

When a domestic counselor's ex-wife attempts to move to the other side of the country with their son and new boyfriend, he decides to do whatever is necessary to keep it from happening.

Filmo Dūris (fiktyvus filmas analogiškas filmui Klyksmas) filmavimo metu prasideda žudynės. Šįkart žudomi ne tik išgyvenę veikėjai iš pirmų dviejų dalių, bet ir jų antrininkai, turėję vaidinti filme Dūris.

Technikos ekspertas Lukas su parneriu Megiu bando sukurti tobulesnį, stipresnį, judresnį ir protingesnį universalų karį. Visi kariai yra valdomi bendra kompiuterine sistema SETH. Kai nusprendžiama nutraukti šios programos plėtrą dėl lėšų stygiaus, sistema pradeda gintis! Ji pradeda vadovauti nepaprastiesiems kariams – įsako žudyti visus, besikėsinančius išjungti sistemą. Lukas taip pat ketina išjungti sistemą, tačiau negali to daryti drastiškais būdais, nes nepaprastieji kariai laiko įkaite jo trylikametę dukrą Hilari. Bet vienintelis Lukas tegali sutramdyti įsisiautėjusį pabaisą...

New York police are bemused by reports of a giant flying lizard that has been spotted around the rooftops of New York, until the lizard starts to eat people. An out-of-work ex-con is the only person who knows the location of the monster's nest and is determined to turn the knowledge to his advantage, but will his gamble pay off or will he end up as lizard food?

A group of five college graduates rent a cabin in the woods and begin to fall victim to a horrifying flesh-eating virus, which attracts the unwanted attention of the homicidal locals.

1987-ųjų rudenį grupę mažo miestelio draugų, tragiška avarija, atvedė prie keistos poros durų. Jie turi išgyventi naktį jų namuose.

A former pro-wrestler is hired to be the bodyguard/nanny for a couple of bratty kids whose inventor father is being stalked by a rival.

The unspeakable evil of the soul-devouring djinn rises again in this fourth electrifying installment of the unstoppable Wishmaster horror legacy! But now, as a host of new victims see their most nightmarish wishes come true, the world faces the ultimate demonic terror: an onslaught of multiple djinns hell-bent on destroying everything in their path!

A giant grizzly bear stalks 8 troubled young adults and a park ranger in a forest reserve called Grizzly Park after making the demise of an escaped serial killer.